do you think 3.1 is having the same effect on hacking as 3.0 had? do you feel like hacking had slowed down? and if you're a hacker have you slowed your productivity awaiting the release of 3.1 and it's OOP'y goodness?
I am not slowing down at all. I killed my site waiting for vB3, and I am not going to repeat that by killing my hacks waiting for 3.1. No point in it.
yea just wait if anything a month to convert most of your site to 3.1 before you kill a working waiting for it. i'll dl the new rls but wont install it live for a couple days so i can play with the new toys
I figure its no use trying to wait. I think that wherever possible, if you can code it so it works independantly for the most part it shouldn't be a problem to get it working with any updates even if it does need some tweaks later on to take advantage of anything new.
That is probably not really true Reeve. The next version (not talking about security updates) will probably be complete different and haks probably won't work anymore.
But it will take ages before everybody switch to a new major version.
That is probably not really true Reeve. The next version (not talking about security updates) will probably be complete different and haks probably won't work anymore.
But it will take ages before everybody switch to a new major version.
It has been more or less confirmed that any vB 3.0.x hacks won't work on 3.x.0 without modification. Now, the extent of said modifications is still not known. I'm sure it won't be a 10 minute job, though.
It has been more or less confirmed that any vB 3.0.x hacks won't work on 3.x.0 without modification. Now, the extent of said modifications is still not known. I'm sure it won't be a 10 minute job, though.
hopefully it will be a ten minute job, i know their rewriting stuff like the way $userinfo and $bbuerinfo work so i'm dreading that
every hack I install I Keep in a folder now, cause of when I upgraded before I had forgotten what hacks I had installed, so now I just re add them all again