Pimpery, not all of us have extreme experience in SQL or php or the works. From the example you show, I can assume two things :
1. The problems is that anyone can see the admin's warnings.
2. The slash at the end may allow hackers to insert code (for this I am not sure, but having spend some time reading articles I got containing the "SQL injection" phrase here, that's what I assume.
I am going to spend some more time today, figuring out this whole issue, but what I fail to understand is the function you provided.
So, please, instead of just posting a warning thread, saying VERY BIG HOLE WOLF, WOLF, you could spend some minutes helping me out understand how to close the hole and how to use that code. As I said, not all of us were born with that knowledge.
pimpery did post an explanation on how to patch it. goto the first post blindy :nervous:
and how did he say WOLF WOLF....just because you cant code doesnt mean you have to take it out on him. He did explain why there's a big hole in the first post as well.
Input isnt escaped before being put into the sql query. Seriously, what the ****. A premium modification that doesn't even check the input
Please recreate a simmilar warning system with more features than this one and then i'm sure the majority of the users here will consider reading what you posted
sirbutts, thank you for backing me up. and, nubster, not everyone has a ++++load of time. and amount of time you spend on something, doesn't make you a better coder. he could suck but have a lot of time to do this kind of stuff.
sirbutts, thank you for backing me up. and, nubster, not everyone has a ++++load of time. and amount of time you spend on something, doesn't make you a better coder. he could suck but have a lot of time to do this kind of stuff.
Sirbutts and pimpery,
I may be speaking to the expert programmers on php and vBulletin, so apologies if my hack was not up to your level. As far as I remember, in the original hack's thread, I clearly said that I am no expert (like you two). Has it occured to you that this thread was the first time I heard the expression "SQL Injection"?
And in my answer to Pimpery, I asked specific questions. Pimpery provided a function, with no instructions on how to use it. Am I suppose to guess or to take the advise of experts? He did posted this thread, and I asked a question. He didn't bother answering, instead Soup jumped in and provided some explanation. Shall I consider Pimpery's attitude as "the arrogance of the experts"?
And yes Pimpery, I have a ****load of time in my hands. With two sites to maintain, two 3 year old kids to take care of, and a family of 5. You are right, the amount of time you invest in something doesn't make you a better coder, as much as the amount of time you live on this earth doesn't make you a better person, but some times it polishes your skills. I sincerely hope you are very very young.
In any case, the hole is closed, so that's history.