I first ran PimpRig via MyPHPNuke and then switched over to vbulletin a year later and used it in conjuction with vbportal until our website traffic got pretty high and vbportal wasn't good at handling the load.
After 3 years and an owned license I can honestly say that I couldn't run the site without vbulletin. It rules the world of forums. Period. We now use a custom CMS developed by an in house PHP guru that integrates seamlessly with VB. All article comments, site news (and comments) are all powered by VB. The forums has some hacks applied to it including the following:
The original vb colors were close to what I needed so I only needed to tweak some gradient images and css colors as well as replace buttons and icons... The members seem to really like it.
Any and all feedback and/or suggestions are welcome.
You portal is staggeringly nice. Very lovely. I love the tribal designs scattered here and there. And your little trendy PR logo is sweet. I say trendy in a nice way, cause you are taking advantage of some trends, and it looks great.
However, your forum looks only halfway integrated with your site. The default icons blare at me begging to be changed to some sort of tribal design or possibly even your logo. Some sites benefit from simplicity, but yours needs more bling. Get some animation in there.
Style is still looking good. I would move all the whats going on stuff to the bottom though. Make it easier for users to get to your forum list and not create a scroll.
Style is still looking good. I would move all the whats going on stuff to the bottom though. Make it easier for users to get to your forum list and not create a scroll.
I tried that and alot of members wanted it back at the top so they can see who;s online easier.