I really hope that this is the end of it now.. I don't know why you had it in for me personally, but I tried clearing the air and you didn't want to know. I won't go in to the thick of things publicly, but if you wish - feel free to send me a PM.
v3arcade is coming back with a better script later this year (hopefully), I've had a small chat with John and if all goes according to plan - I'll be helping him with support and other such things once again.
v3arcade is coming back with a better script later this year(hopefully), I've had a small chat with John and if all goes accordingto plan - I'll be helping him with support and other such things onceagain.
Knight.....never had it in for you.......as you now know per our private conversation...and anyone thinking someone has it in for someone is talk you dont need........it's all water under the bridge........looking forward to networking and coding when i get some free time...........