Version: 1.01, by boozehound
Developer Last Online: Sep 2007
Version: 3.0.3
Released: 02-17-2005
Last Update: 02-25-2005
Installs: 29
DB Changes
No support by the author.
This hack will place post reports into modcp, and enable moderators to give feedback to users via a page that users can see which includes all of their own post reports.
Post reports have three possible statuses: open, pending or closed.
When a post report is made, the report is put into a page in modcp called 'outstanding reports', and has a status of 'open'. There is a new option in admincp which governs whether or not the post report emails are sent to moderators; so if this is switched on, the emails are still sent.
Moderators can then see who reported the post and the time at which it was reported, and the comment given by the user. There are also links to the post itself, the thread the post is on, the forum the thread is in, the user who posted the post and the user who reported the post.
The user page can be linked anywhere you choose; I have included instructions for linking it on the quicklinks menu.
This system can be switched on or off from admincp. When off, the behaviour of post reports is as normal.
I've also included an optional scheduled task which will remove post reports from the system than are older than an age specified in days in admincp.
Moderators can then update the status of the report, and add a comment. The user who reported the post can then see these changes reflected in their page - it will show the name of the moderator dealing with the report, the comment (if any) left by the moderator, and the time at which the report was last updated.
When a moderator sets the status of a report to 'closed', it is moved to another page in modcp called 'closed post reports'. Post reports that are in the pending state are still kept in the 'outstanding post reports' page.
This hack has been tested on 3.0.3, 3.0.4, 3.0.5 and 3.0.6, and can be seen in action on The Student Room where it has been up and running since 18th January 2005.
1) What the user sees
2) A closed report in modcp
3) The admincp settings
4) An open report and the modcp menu items
Updated 26th Feb 2005: installer now calls build_language so there is no need to rebuild the phrase cache manually.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Ok, the problems with the TABLE_PREFIXes... I've updated the files in the zip to work correctly with table prefixes, and also switched the SQL queries for an installer. The installer should add the correct table prefix to the new table.
There is a possibility that if you just ran the queries as they were, on a system that uses table prefixes, you could still have a problem. But you should be able to fix that by removing " . TABLE_PREFIX . " from the FROM clause of the queries.
yeag that seems to be solved now thanks for fixing that
Sorry for any problems you had! Neither the forum it's been installed on for a while nor my test forum use table prefixes, so it was never tested in that way (til now). And there I was thinking gratuitous use of " . TABLE_PREFIX . " would make it ok
One question or suggestion: Can there be that when a mod looks @ the postreport pages, that he sees al reports, and not the ones from himself? Or somewhere a counter so they can easy see there are open post reports waiting.
ok dumb question but i'm gonna ask anyhow i logged in with my normal user account i use for testing stuff like this and i reported a post.I receive an e-mail with stuff "post reported" but that table remains empty ? also in /modcp/ there's nothing there it says no posts have been reported :s what am i doing here