Originally Posted by Karthick
If you need a script URGENTLY that will read your database and mail out using alternate methods, then contact me on karths@gmail.com and I'll write one up for you.
Though it would be smart to figure out whats wrong with your sendmail / vB mail script. Who is your webhost anyway?
Okay thanks

I guess others would like that script also, ( combined with vBulletin or not ) But i will contact you on your mail.
My webhost is a norwegian webhost ( servetheworld.net ) , they are absolutely okey when it comes to otehr types of solutions, but they are extremely slow on support issues. Don't even have a support phone, so I have to wait for days until I get a reply from them. I'm thinking of changing to ev1servers.net later on :-/ , I just wanted to test out the local suppliers before I went overseas.