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4images Gallery 1.7 + vB 3.0.x (update Oct 30) Details »»
4images Gallery 1.7 + vB 3.0.x (update Oct 30)
Version: 1.00, by mtha mtha is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2016 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.9 Rating:
Released: 06-19-2004 Last Update: 10-29-2004 Installs: 217
No support by the author.

Since Matrixgl didnt give much update over his post, so I make this release, with all the changes:
Original copyright go to 4images owner Jan Sorgalla

Integration 4images 1.7 / vBulletin 3.0.x
Copyright: (C) 2002 Jan Sorgalla
Integration to vBulletin 2.x by Jan
Integration to vBulletin 3.0.1 by mtha
Matrixgl for re-organize the hack
d1635d for adding the fix for 3.0.1
all others for comments and suggestions

Hack version:
Compatible vB version: 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3. other versions might need minor modifications

FOR integration with vB 3.5.0, check this thread:


- Use vBulletin's user table instead of 4images.
- Forum's members can access and upload pictures (depends on permissions)
- Forum's admin can administrate the album (unless you do the EXTRA part)
- Display Who is browsing album, in the Forum's WhoisOnline list

Changes and modifications
4images template to change: 1 (user_loginform.html)
4images file to replace: 1 (sessions.php)
4images file to edit: 3
vBulletin file to edit: 2
Query to run: 0
If you do EXTRA part, there're few queries to run, depends on what you want to do.
- vBulletin 3.0.x installed and working
- 4images 1.7 fresh installed and working
4images and vBulletin are installed to use the SAME database
- The "Remember username/password?" options only remember sessions for forum. (FIXED 06/22/04 - see update)

- This hack use default usergroup for album level, there're only4levels of Guest, User awaiting, User, Admin. See Extra section attheend for solution
- I didnt look at the "cooke path" and "cookie domain" yet, so it will use the default

Screenshot (thanks to MatrixGL):

Demo (thanks to MatrixGL):

You may want to edit your template, in order to have the forum's look and feel .

Previous discussions:

Dont forget to click

Update 03/24/2005
If you get error loging out of album:
in page_header.php, line 110

PHP Code:
"url_logout" => (!empty($url_logout)) ? $site_sess->url($url_logout) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."logout.php"), 
PHP Code:
"url_logout" =>(!empty($url_logout))?$site_sess->url($url_logout):$site_sess->url($url_app."login.php?do=logout&u=$user_info[user_id]"), 

Update 10/30/2004
Since meny people have problem with vB usergroup, I've add Usergroups arrays,
Now you can set multiple custom user groups to be USER, USER_WAITING, or ADMIN
By default:
$waitinggroups = array(3, 4); // vB Group should be waiting for moderate. seperate each group by comma
$usergroups = array(2, 7); // Groups that are USERS in album. seperate each group by comma
$admingroups = array(6); // vB groups that are ADMINS in album. seperate each group by comma
Update 10/20/2004
Sincemeny people ignore to config the "VB_TABLE_PREFIX" inconfiguration,I've pull all the prefix into one place, and make STRONGrequest tocheck this one.
If your album works fine, you dont have to update your files.
If you do want to apply the changes, here's where you can check:

define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX',''); // your vb tableprefix. vB default is blank
define('SESSIONS_TABLE', VB_TABLE_PREFIX.'session');
define('USERS_TABLE', VB_TABLE_PREFIX.'user');


define('VB_TEMPLATE_TABLE', VB_TABLE_PREFIX.'template');

Update 06/25/2004
Clean up some codes, add some more instructions. Adding constants for Cookie prefix, cookie timeout, album folder ...
If your album works fine, you dont have to update your files.
If you do want to ... work again, just follow all the steps

Update 06/22/04
IF you have "Remember username/password?" problem with album (Album session dont remember your logged in if you go directly to album - installed before 06/22/04)

Edit the attached sessions.php, and replace the VBLICENCE_NUMBER, and upload to your album/include/sessions.php


Manually edit:

In 4images sessions.php

Look for
PHP Code:
 if ($this->read_cookie_data("bbpassword")==$this->user_info['user_password']&&$this->user_info['user_level'] > USER_AWAITING) { 
replace by

PHP Code:
 if ($this->read_cookie_data("bbpassword")==md5($this->user_info['user_password']. 'XXXXXX')&&$this->user_info['user_level'] != USER_AWAITING) { 
CHANGE XXXXXX with your Licence Number, located on top of any of your vB file

NOTE: for those runing into table doesnt exist problem, check your VB_TABLE_PREFIX variable

Table '4images.template' doesn't exist
DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT sessionhash FROM session
Table '4images.session' doesn't exist

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-21-2004, 11:50 AM
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hey man, remember me ? ^^
great work ~

long time no see, I've noiticed that you have been here for a long time, and it looks like you are a good hacker
well mtha, I want to have some advise from you about choosing a good ablum. I'm thinking between 4image and vgallery (www.vietphp.info). I was testing vgallery but unfortunately it's only integrated with vb2 and I'm running vb3 so of course I can't use that one. My board still doesn't have an album because I cannot use 4images, as my expierence 4images takes alot of database storage (I've backupped 4images once and it's about 40MB in a fresh install T__T ).
So I'm seeking for the best album that fits my board (using sharing server). If you have enough spare time, I hope you can make vgallery to work well with vb3 (instead of vb2) and I also want to hear your opinions about 4images or any other simple photo galleries that can be used for vb3.
thanks in advance, mtha
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Old 06-21-2004, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by deathemperor
well mtha, I want to have some advise from you about choosing a good ablum. I'm thinking between 4image and vgallery (www.vietphp.info). I was testing vgallery but unfortunately it's only integrated with vb2 and I'm running vb3 so of course I can't use that one.
vgallery is a very nice gallery, I like that interface. However, I dont use this gallery. just had the lite version for testing, so I have no idea how to manage the code.

It it works with vB2, why dont you try to test on vb3 and see if it works? or send a request to that guy who wrote the hacl?

My board still doesn't have an album because I cannot use 4images, as my expierence 4images takes alot of database storage (I've backupped 4images once and it's about 40MB in a fresh install T__T ).
are you kidding? it's only more than 1MB on a fresh install only. You may have something extra?

I also want to hear your opinions about 4images or any other simple photo galleries that can be used for vb3.
4images is the best that i've known of so far. it's as good, or even better than photopost , very easy to customize.
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Old 06-21-2004, 04:05 PM
lovevn lovevn is offline
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thankx mtha . It's a good hack . But now I want my gallery the same with your gallery (http://www.randomforum.com/forums/gallery/ ) Can U tell me how to do this ?
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Old 06-21-2004, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by lovevn
thankx mtha . It's a good hack . But now I want my gallery the same with your gallery (http://www.randomforum.com/forums/gallery/ ) Can U tell me how to do this ?
That's not MY gallery, I think that's MatrixGL's

How to do?
You just need to edit your template, change the header, footer, and all the related ones.

As I said, that is not my gallery, so I cant tell you how exactly.
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Old 06-21-2004, 11:59 PM
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Hi all,
just a question about memory usage with 4images and vBulletin in one database.
I just downloaded 4images today and then found this thread to integrate in vB. thanks to all developers working on that Hack !
Can somebody give me a "feeling" about growing of the database when 4images is installed in the same db ?
Like 100 picture about xyz MB or 500 pictures about abc MB

My opinion is that having both in one db should explode the memory usage.

I have to upgrade a domain with actual 250MB vB2 database and about 1.000 pictures in a phpgallery to a vB3 with 4images.
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Old 06-22-2004, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Onkel_Tom
Hi all,
just a question about memory usage with 4images and vBulletin in one database.
I just downloaded 4images today and then found this thread to integrate in vB. thanks to all developers working on that Hack !
Can somebody give me a "feeling" about growing of the database when 4images is installed in the same db ?
Like 100 picture about xyz MB or 500 pictures about abc MB

My opinion is that having both in one db should explode the memory usage.

I have to upgrade a domain with actual 250MB vB2 database and about 1.000 pictures in a phpgallery to a vB3 with 4images.
Talking about 4images

- 4images save pictures as files in data folder, not in database.
How much space it takes, depends on your image files. If you have big files (images), it takes more, if you have small files, it takes less.

Says I have 9500 pictures, taking about 1.4 Gb of webspace (images + thumbnails) and 3.8Mb of database.

Good luck

- memory, webspace, and database are three different things.
- domain and website are different too
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Old 06-22-2004, 01:11 AM
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thanks for your quick reply mtha !

Oops, I think the images were saved also in the database...

thanks for the information
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Old 06-22-2004, 03:45 AM
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- The "Remember username/password?" options only remember sessions for forum. You dont have to login to forum again, when you go to album from forum, you dont have to login again, but if you go directly to your album, you still have to login. Cookie problem!
Ok I believe I have discovered why this limitation is occuring. Assuming you have installed the hack to integrate the 4images gallery and it works fine except for this limitation, here is the problem:

When you visit the 4images gallery the first thing that happens is the sessions.php script is run. First it looks to see if an existing session is found. If no session is found, it returns false. The exact function calls are as follows:

$site_sess = new Session();
The session is initiated

The session tried to grab existing session info

In demand_session() the above code is first run. The class searches for a cookie "sessionhash" which won't be found the first time you visit the gallery, so this function fails.

if (!$this->load_session_info()) {
Next, the code loads all session info, based upon the value set in $this->get_session_id ... since that function failed the rest of the session script fails. No session is found.


The basic problem:

First the function "get_session_id()" is called. Currently the function first checks for an existing cookie "sessionhash." Again, when you visit the gallery the very first time, no existing session will be there (sessions are deleted when you close your browser). Next the function checks to see if "sessionhash" exists in the query string (HTTP_GET_VARS) or from a submitted form (HTTP_POST_VARS). Again, on your very first visit to the gallery, neither of these will exist. Finally the function returns "false" which in essence says there is no session so the user is not logged in.

The basic fix:

We need to edit "get_session_id()" to include some code that will, after not finding an existing session, check to see if the user has cookies on their computer that identify them as a valid forum user. If the user's cookies (userid and password) match the info in the vbulletin user database table, then the user should be automatically logged in - we need to create the seession for them here.


I am not super familiar with vB session code. I would have to sit down and spend some time to determine how the vB sessions are handled. If anyone is more familiar with this you can expand on the following basic pseudocode and make this fix so the discussed limitation is fixed. THE FOLLOWING IS NOT A FIX, BUT IS PSEUDOCODE FOR WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN.

// in the Session class, get_session_id() function
// after the check for a cookie, HTTP_POST_VARS
// or HTTP_GET_VARS named "sessionhash" fails...

if (COOKIE[userid] AND COOKIE[password]) {
  { select the password from vb user table for COOKIE[userid] }
  if (password == COOKIE[password]) {
    { user is valid, create new sessionhash now }
That is just the basic idea. If someone can code this up and make it work, that would be great! I'll try to figure out the coding for this myself, but it may take awhile.
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Old 06-22-2004, 07:54 AM
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- The "Remember username/password?" options only remember sessions for forum. You dont have to login to forum again, when you go to album from forum, you dont have to login again, but if you go directly to your album, you still have to login. Cookie problem!
FIXED - Update 06/22/04

In 4images sessions.php

Look for
PHP Code:
 if ($this->read_cookie_data("bbpassword") == $this->user_info['user_password'] && $this->user_info['user_level'] > USER_AWAITING) { 
replace by

PHP Code:
 if ($this->read_cookie_data("bbpassword") == md5($this->user_info['user_password']. 'XXXXXXXX') && $this->user_info['user_level'] > USER_AWAITING) { 
CHANGE XXXXXX with your Licence Number, located on top of any vB file

Make sure that you have the correct password field in the file
"user_password" => "password",

The new sessions.php file in the first post was updated.

Thank CreedFeed for pushing me to fix this Try it and let me know if it works
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Old 06-22-2004, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by mtha
vgallery is a very nice gallery, I like that interface. However, I dont use this gallery. just had the lite version for testing, so I have no idea how to manage the code.

It it works with vB2, why dont you try to test on vb3 and see if it works? or send a request to that guy who wrote the hacl?

are you kidding? it's only more than 1MB on a fresh install only. You may have something extra?

4images is the best that i've known of so far. it's as good, or even better than photopost , very easy to customize.
of course I've tried it with vb3 and the result was as I expected and I did send a request to Deathy Smile the coder but have received no response, it's ok since I understand how busy he is.
I know it's insance saying that it took 40MB of my database, but that was true and that's the reason why I don't use 4images. Anyways I'll be installing it once more to make sure ^^ and have a chance to install your hack, mtha
by the way, is this the hack GVN is running or the one in GVN is BM's private work ? now I know the reason why you are an admin of GVN tho you have never posted anything. And do you know any places that share free 4images skins ?.

P.s: do you still online in YIM ? can we chat ? ^^
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