The other thread was closed because it was going around in circles, is there a need to do it all again in a new thread? Come on guys give it a break! Jelsoft will make an announcement when the issue has been sorted out.
yeah agree traffix but how long is this all gonna take its fine saying lets wait to they sort it but closing other thread wont of changed peoples minds and people need to know what is exactly going on.Jelsoft could take months on this at rate they going.
Reckon we have beta decision Rc1 first then another debate on it till we get to decision Gold
The other thread was closed because it was going around in circles, is there a need to do it all again in a new thread? Come on guys give it a break! Jelsoft will make an announcement when the issue has been sorted out.
There isn't going to be any further announcements on this topic. The decision has been made, although Jelsoft are apparently checking their licensing agreement with lawyers to ensure it covers desired usage restrictions. If the latter isn't covered, you go figure what will follow in due course without any special announcement.
Yeah, i'll close it now, as trafix and Logician already said, this would lead to nothing.
Also please remember this is a Jelsoft descission, not done by the Staff, so it wouldn't help to ask us about that, the only ones who know more about the situation are Jelsoft employees on