04 Jan 2004, 0500hrs (GMT+8)
Fixed: When editing signature with WYSIWYG editor, changing the
selected signature does not update the WYSIWYG with the
04 Jan 2004, 1200hrs (GMT+8)
Fixed: Miscellanous typo in this document.
Fixed: Empty signature shown in post/PM after user removed signature.
Fixed: Disallow user from selecting an empty signature.
Fixed: Removed hardcoded 'No' with $vbphrase[no].
Changed:Editing a post that has a empty signature now automatically
remove the signature.
New: Now remember user's last edited signature.
04 Jan 2004, 1630hrs (GMT+8)
Fixed: Signature showing up only once per thread.
New: Random Signatures.
New: User may choose the default signature type (random/last edited)
for new posts and private messages.
05 Jan 2004, 1400hrs (GMT+8)
Changed:Order of installation to allow updates of default values.
Changed:Loop instead of if/else statements for new default signature.
Changed:Use $vbphrase[none] instead of $vbphrase[no].
Changed:Use of $vbphrase[sigopt_*] for template conditionals to allow
changes to be made to the option titles without having to
re-edit the templates.
New: Use of signature titles instead of numbers.
06 Jan 2004, 1130hrs (GMT+8)
Fixed: More typos:
$vbphrase[signopt_none] to $vbphrase[sigopt_none]
'Random Signature' in pm_newpm to $vbphrase[sigopt_random]
Changed:Renamed $vbphrase[none] --> $vbphrase[sig_none]
Changed:Renamed $vbphrase[sigrand] --> $vbphrase[sig_random]
Changed:User Profile Options to use a dropdown box
Changed:Comments to delimits code changes in changed php files.
New: Signature editor open with last edited signature.
New: Phrase $vbphrase[sigopt_first]
New: Now with option to allow user to use his/her first signature as
the default signature.
New: Tested with vB3 RC2
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Not sure if you realize it, but there is typo in your instructions
################################################## #####################
# AdminCP: Under Style & Template, Search In Template, Search for text: cp_signature, Search In Title Only: No
################################################## #####################
shouldn't it be cb_signature? Thre me off for a while untill i changed it
Paratek smacks the *install* My Users are loving this...Nice Hack
Maybe in the drop down to pick the sig you could have the fist so many characters show up so we can chnage to another sig if we want to. It can still stay random, just gives us an idea of what sig will display. Does that make any sense?
MindTrix: Yes, this was written because people asked for it in the Modification requests forum.
idwf: Modification in what way? Random sig is not practical at the moment.
urm....in the sense that theres an option in the dropdown that selects a random one of your saved sigs. So, that you dunno what one will be added. I like this idea cos ive created many sig images, and dont want to waste them all