yeah, the home page is ungodly covered in queries, but our server doesnt really care, they give us tons of free stuff as it is. however it used to be 128 at one point, and then it was recently 89, so 68 is much better, and loads in 6 seconds as opposed to 30 ^_^ i still wonder what causes it though, as ive optimized as much as i could, and from my count there should only be like 40 queries....
as for the pictures missing O.o i could have sworn i fixed them all the other day *shrugs* oh well, an admins work is never done, thats why the usergroup 'admin' even exists right?
um, i said i didnt want to hear anything about the popups or the ads :-p why? because when you ARE LOGGED INTO FFGON (aka, registered) the popups go away, along with the ad at the top. Just dont tell our server, the ad is required and as far as i know, they dont know i removed it for registered members :-p
....*cringes* FERAN followed me here? great, and are you the only one who doesnt like Hybrid?
But maybe fit the online user parts and shoutbox onto the side panel aswell somehow? It just looks out of place WAY at the bottom and makes things look awkward.
Looks like hard works gone into it though. Nice one
um, i said i didnt want to hear anything about the popups or the ads :-p why? because when you ARE LOGGED INTO FFGON (aka, registered) the popups go away, along with the ad at the top. Just dont tell our server, the ad is required and as far as i know, they dont know i removed it for registered members :-p
....*cringes* FERAN followed me here? great, and are you the only one who doesnt like Hybrid?
actually, theyve been quite lax with the enforcing of it :-p they just handed it to us and said to put it up, weve yet to hear anything about it since ^_^ and it even took us like 3 months to put it up after they gave it to us, we didnt hear a thing
actually, theyve been quite lax with the enforcing of it :-p they just handed it to us and said to put it up, weve yet to hear anything about it since ^_^ and it even took us like 3 months to put it up after they gave it to us, we didnt hear a thing