Version: 1.00, by 007
Developer Last Online: Apr 2020
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 05-30-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 12
No support by the author.
User-Selectable Optional Language Replacement Censor by 006
What this hack does:
This will give your users the option whether or not they want to have certain words censored or not. Also instead of the standard *** for censored words, this lets you substitute different words that will be used to replace words.
For example, if the user has language filter turned on, and the word "dog" is censored, and you have chosen to have the word "cat" be used as a replacement, then this user will see the word "cat" in every post where the word "dog" is used. If the user does not choose to enable censoring, they will see the word "dog."
(No use censoring that word lol, it's just for the example)
Benefits of this hack:
People will no longer try to cheat to get their words in by typing "[b][/b]" in the middle of certain censored words to fool the word filter. If they want to see all words, they choose to not use the censor and are happy. If they are offended by certain words, they can use the censor and be happy. Everybody wins. irate:
User-Selectable Optional Language Replacement Censor
by 006
About 20 - 30 minutes. (6 steps, 4 file edits, 3 template edits, and 1 query)
It has been tested and works fine in 2.2.9
Any questions? Feel free to ask in this thread.
If you use this hack, please click "INSTALL." Thanks
Updated install file to .php so it doesn't parse replacements.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
// User-Selectable Optional Language Replacement Censor by 006
if ($bbuserinfo[usecensor]!=0 or $bbuserinfo[userid]==0) {
$bbcode=eregi_replace("wordtocensor","replacewith", $bbcode);
$bbcode=eregi_replace("wordtocensor","replacewith", $bbcode);
// User-Selectable Optional Language Replacement Censor by 006
I have a few suggestions for the next version if I may?
Today at 02:17 PM hellsatan said this in Post #11 I have a few suggestions for the next version if I may?...
As much as I hate to hardcode variables it was my only choice because I don't know any other way to do it. If you want to do that feel free and PM me and I will update the install file.
Today at 08:28 PM 006 said this in Post #15 As much as I hate to hardcode variables it was my only choice because I don't know any other way to do it. If you want to do that feel free and PM me and I will update the install file.
You'd get credit of course.
Ok sure I'll have a tamper around and see what I can come up with
Today at 02:49 PM hellsatan said this in Post #19 Maybe thread titles could do with it as well
I see what you mean.. Which file are thread titles censored? I' sure there is a way to make this also work with the standard censoring feature to, but for now you just have to turn it off...