Version: , by X-Fan
Developer Last Online: Apr 2005
Version: Unknown
Released: 10-23-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
G'day all,
I'm needing help with tracking down an httpd process that is regularly chewing up over 90% of the CPU of the server my vBulletin forums reside on. I'm no UNIX/SQL/PHP expert, so whilst I can see and kill the troublesome process, I've no idea how to track down what is causing it!
I'm running vBulletin v2.2.8 with vbPortal v3.0 Upgrade pr8.1 for vBulletin 2.2.4 and 4images v1.7 with vBulletin v2.x Integration, and can provide a full list of the hacks I've installed so as to help track down the problem.
I'm really needing help with this. My site was down for all but 30 minutes today, and it's killing us! :speechless:
Please help!!!
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Originally posted by X-Fan Do either vBHome or vBIndex provide such functionality?
Yes, they can. In fact, you can do it WITHOUT a portal system, with 2 hacks found here. I'll PM you my forums site so you can see how I run a "portal" page on my forums index.php with NO portal system (after being a user of vBPortal for a while).
And how on earth would I uninstall vbPortal, since it's so integrated into vBulletin?
Easy - just delete the files, and remove 2 lines from index.php and global.php. You can just look at the text file on that tells you how to manually install it, so you can uninstall it.
I can't check the current server load/stats or users online as that rogue httpd process is preventing me from loading up the site or logging into the admin (being on 56k doesn't help either!), but usually the server load is around 4-5 and there's usually 100+ users online at any given time.
100+ users with a server load of 4-5 is too high for a dedicated server.
I have about the same as you, up to 250 at once, and my server load is never above 3. Remember, 4-5 server load means that your CPU is overloaded by 4 to 5 times or 400-500% - 0.1 means 10% of your CPU being used. 1 means 100% of your CPU being used.
And from what I can see, vbPortal is prevalent in more than just those two files, especially as I use topics (and would like to retain that functionality as well). Then there's the matter of getting vbPortal out of the SQL database, too. (I'm a real newbie at the tech stuff if you can't guess!)
Also, I'm not seeing any option in the vbPortal admin to turn debug mode on.
What the- you're right! It's gone! I could have sworn that there was an option to turn debug on for your server in the vB Admin CP - it may have been removed in the more recent versions. Mmm... you may have to switch it on in your server's config.