Originally posted by Logician By the way, AFAIK computer should respond as "my number is below/above your guess" in guessing game, shouldnt it? Replying the user as "Incorrect Guess" is neither helpful nor gives any hint to the user to make a second better guess.
Yeah, this thing seems very stupid - there are billions of billions of possibilities. Even with numbers, it's obvious how many possibilities there are.
The only way I can think of actually winning is to write my own PHP script with uses a brute force cracker to keep guessing until it gets it right...
Stupid? No. Billions and billions of possibilites? I highly doubt it. But that is the way it is supposed to be. It's a guessing game. Just like hangman in the old days.
Originally posted by Marc Hanlon
Yeah, this thing seems very stupid - there are billions of billions of possibilities. Even with numbers, it's obvious how many possibilities there are.
The only way I can think of actually winning is to write my own PHP script with uses a brute force cracker to keep guessing until it gets it right...
This is only a word version, which you tell which words are chosen...
Logican - The number version has the feature to tell you whether you are guessing too high or too low, but the word version cant do that for obvious reasons - a Word cannot increase or decrease in a numerical value...
@Boofo - Really? That is extraordinary...On my test forum it appeared to work...I shall test that further...I never stopped past one guess on the live forums...
@Hot Dogg - I am not sure I understand the question??
@Marc - It doesnt make up random numbers...I made it so that it doesnt...
The number version (released after I sort out a silly little bug I keep getting), will be programable with as many numbers as you want to be able to guess...
All you have to do is edit the $num array, by adding more words to it (in the word version), and the $number array by adding more numbers to it (in the soon to be released number version)...
And before you say that you could guess the numbers you input each time, dont try it The more numbers you put in, the less chance you actually have of getting it right - It chooses a word or number at random every time you guess (depending on which version you have), so it is very unlikely that with 50 words, you will guess it straight away simply because you know the words you put in...
The next version, 1.3, will have a "Clue" feature, which, if all goes well, will be able to be input from the admin cp That should help guessers get to the guessable word more easily...
Originally posted by Boofo Stupid? No. Billions and billions of possibilites? I highly doubt it. But that is the way it is supposed to be. It's a guessing game. Just like hangman in the old days.
Okay, when I open this page - I see a blank box with a space to fill in my guess - I see no clues. This text can supposedly be any length at all, therefore billions and billions is a possibility (if you don't understand probability then you won't follow that).
Also, with hangman (at least the version I play) - you know three facts: 1) how many letters are in it and 2) what the subject of the word is (i.e. film) 3) everytime you guess, you guess a letter, if that letter doesn't appear in the text you are told.
I haven't bothered to read the code, I'm going on what I see at the demo.
Why not use the function similar_text() to calculate the similarity percentage between the guess and the word, and have the word stay static for their guess, it's not likely to make the game easy but at least gives them some indication as to how close their getting.
Edit: If you wanted to go even further, you could use the soundex() function to further improve this.
Like I said - It cant bring in a number that you havent coded into it...
It comes with 5 numbers as standard, and the guessword with 5 words...There are no clues for the guessword, cos simply you cant tell people if they are too high or too low for a word!
On the number version, there is that function...
I was trying to figure out how to make it static...Maybe I shall experiment and get 1.3 out with a Static version, until they guess correctly...