Originally posted by FireFly Lesane, Chris - the script doesn't have to work for you, there is an option to generate a text file and then you will get instructions.
as i mentioned above, in the first post, vbHacker can generate text pages with instructions. however, i prefer the classic way of installations. what i see so far is the fact that [high]people are used to .txt files[/high] and they find difficult to upload a file just to transform it into a text file, then review it. let me know if i'm correct.
Doesn't really help me out too much. Especially since it's highly modified not too many lines are the same and I still prefer the good old hard core way. I do like the generating text file feature but it still means I have to upload the file into there and launch another browser to read the text file.
Originally I voted no, but I wish I could retract my vote to yes. Here's why: I probably won't use the install feature, just because I enjoy being able to a)monitor my hacks and b)comment them out accordingly (makes updating to a new version much easier) HOWEVER, the text file generation is helpful because it is uniform. So every hack released has the same style of text file, which is nice. So yes, it is helpful in a way.