Version: , by itxmec
Developer Last Online: Jul 2002
Version: Unknown
Released: 03-19-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
Free vBulletin Buttons..
I made these in like an hour (purple default 101) and I will continue to design more "Free" vBulletin buttons. If you Like this set of buttons or would want to see these in different colors, just e-mail me and I will design these in the color of your choice. Just because I'm a Nice Guy
They look nice to me - I would like them for my own website but I just finished my custom set (too me about 3 hours because people would not stop calling me ).
If you wish though, send them to, I would love to have them in our database (as long as you are releasing them free of course).
I've been looking for something to brighten up my board a bit, if it's not too much trouble I'd like to have some in orange to match the carrot in my logo. My site is at
No hurry. And if you don't have time that's fine. I do like the buttons I have now but these are really nice.
They aren't the same as your button set. Though the similarity is visible, they are actually markedly different. It does disgust me to see you, and the general population, at, to use the colloquial term, "anal" about similarities in other people's graphical work. It would behoove you to have respect for other people's work and not resort to such defamation and finger pointing at every chance you receive. I think the buttons are very nice and better than your button set.
c-prompts little board there has turned into a collection of 15 year olds whining about every site on the net having stolen their graphics and kissing c-prompts ass.'re embarrsing yourself with your constant whing, moaning and complaining. You were told to stuff it by jelsoft, I suggest you make it stick.
People don't like doing business with unprofessionals, and if you continue to perpetuate this immature attitude, no one will bother doing business with you, regardless of how "great" they think your design skills are.
c-prompts little board there has turned into a collection of 15 year olds whining about every site on the net having stolen their graphics and kissing c-prompts ass.'re embarrsing yourself with your constant whing, moaning and complaining. You were told to stuff it by jelsoft, I suggest you make it stick.
People don't like doing business with unprofessionals, and if you continue to perpetuate this immature attitude, no one will bother doing business with you, regardless of how "great" they think your design skills are.
Glad i'm not alone on this view. Haha, you registered just to post that. Nice.
LOL whats the problem. I think C-prompts website kicks ass, although i did notice whilst looking through the site people moaning if the buttons look even remotely similar then they will moan. Or if you use orange and blue together that is it to them that is a down right copy which is just stupid. I mean dont get me wrong I think your site is by far the best I have seen the layout and graphics is just amazing, I would love to be able to create things like that, but even on someone created some grey buttons and everyone moaned that they look like yours, and as he said how many ways can you make a grey button.
Anyways back to topic, the buttons look great, I would love a set like that.
I actually resigned from further participation at because of this.
There are some really good designs there, but the nagging about non-existant rips just got too much.
Sorry C... Too many immature little naggers on your board.