Version: 2.4, by MarkFL
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Category: Moderators Functions -
Version: 4.2.x
Released: 05-10-2015
Last Update: 03-17-2016
Installs: 31
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
This product will allow those with the ability to issue warnings/infractions to see a user's user notes and infraction history on the infraction form for easy reference. A new data block is displayed below the "User Infraction" block containg the user's relevant history.
On the forum I help administrate, we have devised a system where if a user breaks a forum rule for the first time, we simply send a friendly PM advisory of the rule rather than going to the infraction system. Many users, especially new users, are taken aback to receive a formal warning or infraction for breaking a rule they likely didn't realize is in place. Let's face it, the vast majority of users just don't read the rules.
So, when we see that a user has broken a rule, we need to check to see if a PM advisory has previously been sent, and we record this information in the usernotes. Then if we find that an advisory has been sent, we have to check that user's infraction history to see if they have been formally warned or given an infraction so that we know the most appropriate action to take for this new violation.
With this product, you can simply click the "Add Infraction" button on the postbit, and have all the needed history available on the generated form so that you can decide what action is most appropriate. If you find that no relevant usernote data exists, there is a button below the data block element that will take you to that user's usernote page.
I wish to extend a special thanks to BrettC Frontier for many great suggestions and error reporting that has really helped make this add-on much better.
Update: version 1.1
Option to display user history in postbits.
Option to set which usergroups will have their history displayed in postbits. Both data include links to the relevant pages.
Option to set which usergroups will see the user history in postbits.
Update: version 2.0
Shortened product title so it won't be truncated in AdminCP ► Plugins & Products ► Manage Products.
Fixed text color on usergroup checkbox elements in product settings to be dark.
If usernote title is empty, displays "N/A" within user history block on infraction form.
Fixed infraction reason to either use chosen or custom reason, whichever applies.
Infractions show date/time of expiry.
Infractions show link to post that caused warning/infraction to be issued, using thread title.
Infractions are shown in descending order, sorted by time issued.
Background color of user history block fixed to white.
If no "Administrative Note" is given for an infraction, then "N/A" is displayed.
Execution order of postbit plugin increased to help ensure it gets run.
Usernames of usernote authors and infraction issuers link to user profiles.
Update: version 2.1
Fixed bug regarding infraction not being associated with a post and causing and SQL
Changed usergroup selection from checkboxes to select elements.
Update: version 2.2
Added the display of active infraction points on infraction form.
Added the ability to customize the color of the active points based on value.
Update: version 2.3
Added the display of active infraction points on user postbits, where the number is colored as defined.
Update: version 2.4
Corrected typo preventing templates from being cached.
Without a link to your site, I can't be of much help. Legacy format means down the left side not across the top, which is what I use on my dev and live sites as well.
1.) Are you in a usergroup you have defined as being able to view the history information in postbits and is the user whose post you are viewing in a usergroup who has been defined to show the history in the postbit?
2.) In the postbit template you are using, see if the hook labeled "postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts" exists.
1.) Are you in a usergroup you have defined as being able to view the history information in postbits and is the user whose post you are viewing in a usergroup who has been defined to show the history in the postbit?
2.) In the postbit template you are using, see if the hook labeled "postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts" exists.
It appears you are now using a legacy postbit style...since you say the hook is not present in your postbit template (I assume it has been removed), try going to your "postbit_legacy" template, and locate the code: