Version: 1.2, by DevilNetwork
Developer Last Online: Jun 2013
Category: Admin CP Style -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 01-13-2012
Last Update: 01-30-2012
Installs: 27
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
A smooth rounded style for the admincp. With a dark smokey feel and
easy on the eyeballs. If you liked this style and you're using it, please
support DevNet and mark as installed.
Unpack DevNet_RS(version).zip
Upload selected DevNet_RS to your forums/cpstyles/
Set preferred style in Administrator Permissions
*** Release Info
v1.2 (1/30/12) - Added support for Internet Explorer 9
v1.1 (1/16/12) - Fixed border around login box & background colors
v1.0 (1/13/12) - Initial Release
installed to cpstyles went to Administrator Permissions and could not figure out how to change the style from there. any help? ill post a list of what i had on my screen if i cant get help from here.
installed to cpstyles went to Administrator Permissions and could not figure out how to change the style from there. any help? ill post a list of what i had on my screen if i cant get help from here.
Make sure you're uploading just the style folder and not the whole extraction.
If it's showing /forumroot/cpstyles/DevNet_RS/cpstyles/DevNet_RS/ it's wrong.
Make sure you're only uploading the DevNet_RS folder *IN* the cpstyles folder in the
archive. Also the name must not be changed, it's case sensitive, just in case you changed it.
You should be able to see the style under the admin permissions -> edit user, then it's a combo selection box at the bottom for "AdminCP Style"
Nice work. Just one problem, in 'Edit Template' when in the style manager, the background and the font are both black... Can't see anything unless you click, otherwise it looks neat
Yes, thank you for pointing that out I will post an update along with some other fixes when I post up the new styles I made. Check back later today/tomorrow and I'll have it all up!
One problem though, after doing a Search in Templates the returned results in the style manager are extremely hard to see. Example in the attachment below.
Sorry for the tardiness, there's been a lot personal going on. I will give updates asap.
Originally Posted by flash84
Hi this is the best looking skin ever!
One problem though, after doing a Search in Templates the returned results in the style manager are extremely hard to see. Example in the attachment below.
Yeah, I had seen that as well. Will have it in the update
Originally Posted by davidg
waiting to see a full vbulletin style not only admincp
looks very nice
Almost done with the style, still getting used to the xml stuff. Also, thanks!