What is worse is that they also posted the password dump online and some people started to crack it already. Some of the findings are pretty bad, like the password used by MySQL’s Director of Product Management, it is only 4 numbers long. Multiple admin passwords for blogs.mysql.com were also posted.
Cant wait for the world to be cloud computing. Password stealing is going to seem like a waste of time compared to getting your hands on everyones full data storage.
I believe the passwords are encrypted - the same applies to their RoboForm2Go version.
My concern is, if there was a way to store passwords to be uncrackable, websites would just use that to store their passwords to begin with, no? Why would one have better encryption than the other?
Cant wait for the world to be cloud computing. Password stealing is going to seem like a waste of time compared to getting your hands on everyones full data storage.
Cloud computing will only make things worse. Then almost everything will be stored online for hackers to try and get access to.
Thanks... checking out LastPass now too. I currently use http://pwsafe.org/ - it's free and open source but pretty basic.
I use Keefox (free) and syncronize the encrypted data file over dropbox. For FF i use the Keefox extension. Advantage: I use it for all kinds of client side passwords, too (serials, passwords for online banking etc.). The auto insertion works not only for browsers.