open template memberinfo_block_albums and replace it with this
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/stepcarousel.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> stepcarousel.setup({ galleryid: 'mygallery', //id of carousel DIV beltclass: 'belt', //class of inner "belt" DIV containing all the panel DIVs panelclass: 'panel', //class of panel DIVs each holding content autostep: {enable:true, moveby:1, pause:3000}, panelbehavior: {speed:500, wraparound:false, persist:true}, defaultbuttons: {enable: true, moveby: 1, leftnav: ['images/arrow2.gif', -5, 80], rightnav: ['images/arrow1.gif', -20, 80]}, statusvars: ['statusA', 'statusB', 'statusC'], //register 3 variables that contain current panel (start), current panel (last), and total panels contenttype: ['inline'] //content setting ['inline'] or ['ajax', 'path_to_external_file'] }) </script> <if condition="$block_data['albumbits']"> <div align="center"> <div id="mygallery" class="stepcarousel"> <div class="belt"> $block_data[albumbits] </div></div></div> <div class="alt2 smallfont block_row block_footer" align="$stylevar[right]"> <a href="album.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[show_all_albums]</a> </div> <else /> <div class="alt1 smallfont block_row">$vbphrase[you_have_not_created_any_albums]</div> <div class="alt2 smallfont block_row block_footer" align="$stylevar[right]"> <a href="album.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addalbum">$vbphrase[add_album]</a> </div> </if>
3- open template (memberinfo_css) add after
PHP Code:
<style type="text/css" id="memberinfo_css">
the text memberinfo_css.txt
to customise the width and height of the block follow these instructions
open memberinfo_css
for W&H of Main Block arrows
PHP Code:
.stepcarousel{ position: relative; /*dont change this*/ overflow: scroll;/*dont change this*/ width: 230px; /*change this to the width you has set into your profile albums*/ height: 140px; /*change this to the hight you has set into your profile albums*/ }
for W&H of albums thumb
edit this
PHP Code:
.stepcarousel .panel{ width: 207px; /*change this to the same width set into ur forums album*/ overflow: hidden; /*dont change this*/ }
thats all
i test it on Explorer 7 and Firfox worked fine
please if you install it and works with you dont forget to mark as install and rate the mod
Perfect update. Thanks for the addition of the text "View all albums"!
Just one question: How to translate "Back 1 albums" and "Forward 1 albums"? is it possible to use phrases as we use more than one language on my forum? BTW it should be "Back 1 album" and "Forward 1 album" without the "s".
Perfect update. Thanks for the addition of the text "View all albums"!
Just one question: How to translate "Back 1 albums" and "Forward 1 albums"? is it possible to use phrases as we use more than one language on my forum? BTW it should be "Back 1 album" and "Forward 1 album" without the "s".
Thanks, I was more talking about the vbulletin phrasing system like: $vbphrase[go_back] since I use more than one language, but at least, I know where to change it.
I wish we could have something like that (meaning a slideshow) when displaying the pictures too inside an album. This is a very nice effect.
Thanks, I was more talking about the vbulletin phrasing system like: $vbphrase[go_back] since I use more than one language, but at least, I know where to change it.
I wish we could have something like that (meaning a slideshow) when displaying the pictures too inside an album. This is a very nice effect.
i did one like this befor i made that check it at this link
Yeah, something like that would be very nice if implemented in vbulletin. But, on your example, I can see the arrows in order to move for the next or previous pictures only. If a slideshow of all pictures looping on an infinite way would be displayed, this would be better according to me.
How to do something like that for vbulletin pictures albums is another story but the person who will do it, for sure, would have a great success with the hack.
I think that we would have more stuff like this implemented within vbulletin, because multimedia is the way to go. Same applies for videos, like integrated players, etc instead of having all those BB codes or Multimedia players hacks playing files on the server or somewhere else and links to all these onlines video providers.