Version: 1.02, by djbaxter
Developer Last Online: Aug 2021
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.8.4
Released: 09-26-2009
Last Update: 07-07-2011
Installs: 27
No support by the author.
This is modified from a suggestion by Feldon23 at dated August 15, 2009. It is especially useful for vBulletin forums requiring Admin validation of new accounts.
Go to Admin CP | Languages & Phrases | Search in Phrases
Find: Varname $vbphrase[newuser], Text "There is a new user, $username at $vboptions[bbtitle]"
Click on Edit this phrase
Translation for 3.8.x and 4.x prior to 4.1.4:
There is a new user, $username at $vboptions[bbtitle]
View Profile: $vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$userid
Check IP location in Melissa:$ipaddress
Check for Spam (email):$email
Check for Spam (name):$username
Check for Spam (IP):$ipaddress
Delete this User: $vboptions[bburl]/admincp/user.php?do=remove&u=$userid
Ban this user: $vboptions[bburl]/modcp/banning.php?do=banuser&u=$userid
Email Address : $email
Birthday : $birthday
Referrer: $referrer
IP Address: $ipaddress
Version for 4.1.4 and up
There is a new user, $username at $vboptions[bbtitle]
View member profile: $memberlink
Check IP location in Melissa:$ipaddress
Check for Spam (email):$email
Check for Spam (name):$username
Check for Spam (IP):$ipaddress
Delete this User: $vboptions[bburl]/admincp/user.php?do=remove&u=$userid
Ban this user: $vboptions[bburl]/modcp/banning.php?do=banuser&u=$userid
Email Address : $email
Birthday : $birthday
Referrer: $referrer
IP Address: $ipaddress
Click on Save
v1.01 Added option to ban user if desired, instead of deleting. Tested on 3.8.4 PL1. Works for me.
v1.02 Added links for IP check. Tested up to 4.1.4
instead of using and remove user, why not ban it ? In my opinion it would be better to include it in your ban list and not simply remove it. Otherwise Spammer will be able to try to register again.
Originally Posted by djbaxter
Try adding this line to the notification translation:
Ban this user: $vboptions[bburl]/modcp/banning.php?do=banuser&u=$userid
I haven't tried it yet but I think it should work.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Now tested on 3.84 PL1. The ban option works as expected.
Original post modified as v1.01 to include the addition of the Delete option.
I have another mod that works better than Stop Forum spam that I use as well. Its nice to have the link to check as I always check anyway. I also check Project Honeypot, the Stop Forum Spam Mod you refer too gives too many false positives for my liking. I believe it involves the function to reject a registration when connection to Stop Forum Spam times out.