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-:[GAME]:- London Chase Details »»
-:[GAME]:- London Chase
Version: 1.0, by Coroner Coroner is offline
Developer Last Online: Dec 2011 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.8.x Rating:
Released: 05-31-2009 Last Update: 06-01-2009 Installs: 32
DB Changes Uses Plugins
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No support by the author.

What is this ?
Don't ask ... you know it. This game is similar the same as "Scotland Yard". There were a sequel in USA called: NewYork Chase.
This game is 3 year old and written in 2006.

See in game.

Try to catch Mister Y (not Mister X). Mister Y is the computer player and before you ask: no, there is no chance to play him.

This game needs a minimum of 3 human players, but ... you can play it with 2 and a maxmimum of 5 players.

Yes of course, but click installed

[edit: 06.01.2009] forget the userrights

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Old 06-01-2009, 02:30 PM
Coroner Coroner is offline
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Ok, your last userid in the computers range.

If your userid is higher than 50.000 do the following things:
open lc_global.php and search for:
$minkiid =  500000;
$maxkiid = 1000000;
and in londonchase_admin.php for:
$maxkiid =  500000;
Mister Y lies in the range of 50.000 - 99.999
over 100.000 are the userids for all players they play a double game (2 player game).

so, you can change minkiid into 100000 and maxkiid into 120000.

I think that will help
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Old 06-01-2009, 02:32 PM
Coroner Coroner is offline
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If you have also "4 Pins" installed, better change
into this values:

$minkiid = 150000;
$maxkiid = 170000;

The range for the computers userid is at 120000 in "4 Pins"
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:48 PM
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Gah! You got me again!

This should be interesting. Let's see if the minimum two players will get some of members to spend a little more time interacting. They have a tendency to visit the forum at off time.
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:53 PM
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Oh, I forgot to mention. In the rules window, the text doesn't wrap, so you can't read the end of some sentences: http://www.cogonline.net/forums/lc.p...ow_modulerules

Also, that button should read: Main Menu.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:16 PM
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K, not sure whats up here but I can't get it to work at all. It installs fine, just like every other addon I've installed. But when I went to try it out I get a wall of code and at the bottom a sql error. :-(

GPC['preview'] == 'show') { $mc = count ($module_menue['menueoption']); for ($x = 0; $x < $mc; $x++) { $preview = 'preview' . $x; if ($module_menue['menuejavascript'][$x]) { if ($_GET[$preview]) { $sc = count ($module_menue['menueoptiontext'][$x][6]); $key = $_GET[$preview] - 1; for ($y = 0; $y < $sc; $y++) { $module_menue['menueoptiontext'][$x][6][$y] = 0; if ($y == $key) { $module_menue['menueoptiontext'][$x][6][$y] = 1; $theselectedpreviewkey = $key; } } } } } } /* start to init the module */ /* getting the max gameid */ $result = $db->query_first ("SELECT max(" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . ") AS maxid FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $gamedb . "`"); $lastgameid = $result['maxid']; /* check, if the user is in a game */ $menue_showmain = 0; $result = $db->query_first ("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . $userdb . " WHERE `userid`='" . $$playersid . "'"); if (!$result[$module_menue['gameidentry']]) { $menue_showmain = 1; $check = running_game (); $showthismenue = 1; if (count ($check) > 0) { if ($module_menue['maxgames'] > 1) { $gogameselect = create_gogames ($check, $module_menue['maxgames'], 1); } else { $showthismenue = 0; $gogameselect = create_gogames ($check, $module_menue['maxgames'], 0); $mytestmoduletemplate = template_menue_gogame (); } } if ($vbulletin->GPC['menueaction'] == 'gogame') { /* check if the game is avaible and if it's not complete */ $gameid = intval ($vbulletin->GPC['goingame']); $ingame = $db->query_first ("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` WHERE `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $gameid . "'"); if (!$ingame['gameid']) { header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } else { $compl = 1; $maxpla = $ingame['maxplayer']; for ($x = 1; $x < $maxpla + 1; $x++) { $mplayer = $module_menue['playerenty'] . $x; if (!$ingame[$mplayer]) { $insplayer = $mplayer; $compl = 0; break; } } if ($compl) { header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } $db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` SET `" . $insplayer . "`='" . $$module_menue['playersid'] . "' WHERE `gameid`='" . $gameid . "'"); $db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "` SET `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $lastgameid . "', `username`='" . addslashes ($$playersname) . "' WHERE `userid`='" . $$module_menue['playersid'] . "'"); header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } } if ($showthismenue) { $selm = 1; if ($vbulletin->GPC['menueaction'] == 'startgame') { if (!$lastgameid) { $lastgameid = 1; } else { $lastgameid++; } $check = running_game (); if (count ($check) >= $module_menue['maxgames']) { header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } if ($vbulletin->GPC['goingame']) { $ggameid = intval ($vbulletin->GPC['goingame']); $ingame = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` WHERE `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $ggameid . "'"); if (!$ingame['gameid']) { header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } else { $compl = 1; $maxpla = $ingame['maxplayer']; for ($x = 1; $x < $maxpla + 1; $x++) { $mplayer = $module_menue['playerenty'] . $x; if (!$ingame[$mplayer]) { $insplayer = $mplayer; $compl = 0; break; } } if ($compl) { header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } $db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` SET `" . $insplayer . "`='" . $$module_menue['playersid'] . "' WHERE `gameid`='" . $ggameid . "'"); $db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "` SET `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $lastgameid . "', `username`='" . addslashes ($$playersname) . "' WHERE `userid`='" . $$module_menue['playersid'] . "'"); // $showthismenue = $selm = $menue_showmain = 0; header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } } if ($selm) { foreach ($module_menue['menueoption'] AS $key => $val) { if ($vbulletin->GPC[$val]) { $$val = $vbulletin->GPC[$val]; if ($module_menue['menueiski'][$key]) { $query = ''; insert_menueki ($$module_menue['menueoption'][$key], $$module_menue['maxplayerentry'], $lastgameid, $module_menue['kirandon']); } else { $query = "INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` ("; $entries = $module_menue['menueentries'][$key]; foreach ($entries AS $x => $y) { $query .= "`" . $y . "`, "; } $query = substr ($query, 0, strlen ($query) - 2); $query .= ") VALUES ("; $entryvals = $module_menue['menueentryvals'][$key]; foreach ($entryvals AS $key => $val) { $query .= "'" . $$val . "', "; } $query = substr ($query, 0, strlen ($query) - 2) . ")"; $db->query ($query); $db->query ("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "` SET `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $lastgameid . "', `username`='" . addslashes ($$playersname) . "' WHERE `userid`='" . $$module_menue['playersid'] . "'"); $menue_showmain = 0; } } } } } if ($selm) { $selectmenue = generate_select (); // generate the selectmenue $mytestmoduletemplate = template_menue (); } } } if (!$menue_showmain) { /* if we're in a game - so check out if the game is complete */ $gameid = $result[$module_menue['gameidentry']]; $mygame = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` WHERE `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $gameid . "'"); $ingameplayer = 0; $menue_gamecomplete = 1; $maxplayer = $mygame['maxplayer']; for ($x = 1; $x < $maxplayer + 1;$x++) { $mplayer = $module_menue['playerenty'] . $x; if (!$mygame[$mplayer]) { $menue_gamecomplete = 0; } else { $ingameplayer++; } } $menue_showmain = 0; if ($vbulletin->GPC['menueaction'] == 'breakgame') { if (!$menue_gamecomplete) { /* game is incomplete, so we have to search if there is any human player */ $humans = 0; for ($x = 1; $x < $maxplayer + 1;$x++) { $mplayer = $module_menue['playerenty'] . $x; if ($mygame[$mplayer] AND $mygame[$mplayer] < $minkiid AND $mygame[$mplayer] != $$module_menue['playersid']) $humans++; if ($mygame[$mplayer] AND $mygame[$mplayer] == $$module_menue['playersid']) $mypos = $mplayer; } if ($humans) { // there are other humans in that game $db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "` SET `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='0' WHERE `userid`='" . $mygame[$mypos] . "'"); $db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` SET `" . $mypos . "`='0' WHERE `gameid`='" . $gameid . "'"); } else { for ($x = 1; $x < $maxplayer + 1;$x++) { $mplayer = $module_menue['playerenty'] . $x; if ($mygame[$mplayer] >= $minkiid) { $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "` WHERE `userid`='" . $mygame[$mplayer] . "'"); } else { $db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "` SET `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='0' WHERE `userid`='" . $mygame[$mplayer] . "'"); } } $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` WHERE `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $gameid . "'"); } $db->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "`"); $db->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "`"); header ("location: " . $modulemain . $session['sessionhash'], TRUE); exit (); } } if (!$menue_gamecomplete) { // $iswaiting = 1; $menue_showmain = 1; $missing = $maxplayer - $ingameplayer; $mytestmoduletemplate = template_menuewait ($missing); } } function generate_buttons () { global $module_menue, $vbphrase, $session; $menuebuttons = ''; foreach ($module_menue['menuebuttons'] AS $key => $val) { $buttonname = $val['button']; if ($val['islang']) { $buttonname = $vbphrase[$val['button']]; } if (!$val['islink']) { $menuebuttons .= "" . $buttonname . "   "; } else { $menuebuttons .= "   "; } } $menuebuttons = substr ($menuebuttons, 0, strlen ($menuebuttons) - 18); return $menuebuttons; } function create_gogames ($check, $maxgames, $startempty) { global $vbphrase, $db, $module_menue, $module_version, $mod_tableb; $si = 0; $selectoption = ''; if ($startempty) $selectoption .= "----------\r\n"; foreach ($check AS $key => $val) { if ($si < $maxgames) { $result = $db->query_first ("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . " WHERE " . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "='" . $val . "'"); $text = $module_menue['menuetitles']['gogametext'][0]; if ($module_menue['menuetitles']['gogametext'][1]) { $text = $vbphrase[$module_menue['menuetitles']['gogametext'][0]]; } $gamers = 0; $mplayer = $module_menue['playerenty']; for ($x = 1; $x < $result['maxplayer'] + 1; $x++) { $aplayer = $mplayer . $x; if ($result[$aplayer]) $gamers++; } $missing = $result['maxplayer'] - $gamers; $creator = $val; $text = str_replace ("%1", $creator, $text); $text = str_replace ("%2", $missing, $text); $selectoption .= "" . $text . "\r\n"; } $si++; } $gogameselect = "\r\n"; $gogameselect .= "\r\n"; $gogameselect .= "\r\n"; $gogameselect .= $selectoption . "\r\n"; $gogameselect .= "\r\n"; $gogameselect .= "\r\n"; $gogameselect .= "\r\n"; return $gogameselect; } function running_game () { global $db, $module_menue; $check = array (); $result = $db->query ("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` ORDER BY `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "` ASC"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array ($result)) { $end = 0; $maxplayer = $row['maxplayer']; for ($x = 1; $x < $maxplayer + 1; $x++) { $mplayer = $module_menue['playerenty'] . $x; if (!$row[$mplayer]) $end = 1; } if ($end) $check[] = $row[$module_menue['gameidentry']]; } return $check; } function insert_menueki ($kiplay, $maxpla, $gameid, $random) { global $db, $module_menue, $minkiid; $mkiplayer = $module_menue['playerenty']; $result = $db->query ("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb']); while($row = $db->fetch_array ($result)) { for ($x = 1; $x < $maxpla + 1; $x++) { $player = $mkiplayer . $x; if ($row[$player] >= $minkiid) { if ($row[$player] >= $minkiid) $maxki = $row[$player] + 10; } } } $result = $db->query_first ("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` WHERE `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $gameid . "'"); for ($x = 1; $x < $maxpla + 1; $x++) { $player = $mkiplayer; $player .= $x; if ($result[$player] != 0) break; } $start = $x + 1; // which player is an AI if ($kiplay >= $maxpla) { $end = $maxpla - $start + 1; } else { $end = $kiplay; } include_once (DIR . '/lc_modules/lc_module_ainames.php'); $ai_names = array (); $ki = 1; $kip = $start; $mk = $kiplay; if ($mk == 0) $mk = 1; srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000); $names = array_rand ($ainames, $mk); for ($i = 0; $i < $end; $i++) { $player = $mkiplayer . $kip; if ($random == 0) { $kiname = $module_menue['kinames'][$i]; } else { if ($mk == 1) { $kiname = $ainames[$names]; } else { $kiname = $ainames[$names[$i]]; } } $db->query ("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['gamedb'] . "` SET " . $player . "='" . $maxki . "' WHERE `" . $module_menue['gameidentry'] . "`='" . $gameid . "'"); $db->query ("INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_PREFIX . $module_menue['userdb'] . "` (`gameid`, `userid`, `username`) VALUES ('" . $gameid . "', '" . $maxki . "', '" . addslashes ($kiname) . "')"); $kip++; $maxki++; } } function generate_select () { global $module_menue, $vbphrase, $previewselected; $selectmenue = ''; foreach ($module_menue['menueoption'] AS $key => $val) { $optionvals = $module_menue['menueoptiontext'][$key]; if ($optionvals[0]) { $javascript = ''; $formname = $val; if ($module_menue['menuejavascript'][$key]) $javascript = $module_menue['menuejavascript'][$key]; $selecttext = $optionvals[1]; if ($optionvals[2]) { $selecttext = $vbphrase[$optionvals[1]]; } $selectoption = ''; $seltext = $optionvals[4]; if ($optionvals[5]) { $seltext = $vbphrase[$optionvals[4]]; } $minmax = explode ('-', $optionvals[3]); $min = $minmax[0]; $max = $minmax[1]; for ($x = $min; $x < $max + 1; $x++) { $select = ''; $d = $x; foreach ($optionvals[6] AS $e => $f) { if ($e == $d AND $f == 1) $select = " selected=\"selected\""; } $selectoption .= "
And the sql error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:

			UPDATE londonchase_games SET 
			WHERE gameid=0;

MySQL Error   : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE gameid=0' at line 6
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Friday, June 5th 2009 @ 06:11:32 PM
Error Date    : Friday, June 5th 2009 @ 06:11:32 PM
Script        : lc.php
Referrer      : 
IP Address    : 
Username      : Calystos
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67
Any ideas?
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Old 08-04-2009, 06:41 PM
xyzmary2001 xyzmary2001 is offline
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In my case there are no errors, thanks.
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Old 11-20-2009, 03:31 AM
blake247 blake247 is offline
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Thanks! Installed.
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Old 11-22-2009, 07:56 AM
tsengvn08 tsengvn08 is offline
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can this mod interact with other point system like vbplaza/vbbux ?
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Old 11-26-2009, 12:27 PM
segwayon segwayon is offline
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Any chance of making a one-player game?
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Old 09-29-2010, 01:11 PM
ObiLAN ObiLAN is offline
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Update for vB 4.x plz.

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