This product will add an account manager box under (or everywhere you want) your forums list, in your forum home. This will work both for registered users and for guests; if logged in will be displayed the account manager box, if not will be displayed a simple welcome message to improve registrations. Please check the attached screenshots.
Download the attached product and import it using your AdminCp.
(AdminCp -> Plugin & Products -> Manage Products -> Import Product -> Browse Forumhome - Account Manager (product).xml and press Import)
Open your FORUMHOME template and add this variable everywhere you want to display the box:
For example, if you want to display it where it is displayed in the screenshots, you would add it under this line in your FORUMHOME template:
<!-- /main -->
Now upload these two images in your forum directory/images/misc folder: forumhome_options.png, forumhome_account.png.
Whatever, thank goodness that I rarely need support and if is to levels of development or database issue and therefore I ask directly to official support.
But I higly doubt that the site you are appointed to offer serious "Technical" support, without to remove humanly anything to the founder and all the staff members, are certainly good people.
I'm speaking about what I see every so often, but I see more technical terms will be newcomers (
Surely I am wrong, and I apologize for this action because I don't think this is the appropriate place and maybe to put it in some embarrassment, but I wanted to say what I think and I replied to your Highlighting.
Is there a way to only show this to the users that our signed in? I don't want to have it show for guest?
You can do this by going in your AdminCp -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Templates -> Forum Home Templates -> forumhome_accountmanager -> Edit.
Search this code:
<if condition="$show['guest']">
<tr align="center">
<td class="alt2" width="35" valign="top"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/forumhome_account.png" alt="" border="0" /></td>
<td class="alt1Active" align="left">
<div style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt">Hey Guest!</div>
<div class="smallfont"><br />Hello guest, do you know what is this? This is a site manager panel from where you can edit and manage your account!<br />
Before you can view it, you need to signup on our forums.
<ul><li class="smallfont">post new threads</li>
<li class="smallfont">reply to others</li>
<li class="smallfont">edit your profile</li>
<li class="smallfont">etc..</li></ul>
Are you still waiting!? <strong><a href="register.php">Signup now for free</a></strong>!
<else />