I thought about setting mine to Bodies by Dead Pool but not sure I want the checker thinking I am a sociopath or something. Of course I love playing that song in the background when playing a game that involves a lot of fast paced killing. Its my scrapper's theme song in "City of Heroes". I also play it when PvPing with my druid in "World of Warcraft".
Its really bad. I just laugh, especially when others are around me. Its sung by Dope, title is Die ************. lol. I am sure you can guess how that would sound.
Whoa! I checked out their site...just a tad too hardcore for me.
Mine is supergrass - alright. But I always have my phone on vibrate only anyway. Mainly because I forget to turn it on silent when I'm at work, so this way I never have that problem
I don't have one right now, but I usually do. I switched providers recently and at the moment I don't have much extra money to be spending so I'm conserving. I've been trying to figure out what to use though.