Version: 1.00, by Zoints
Developer Last Online: Apr 2009
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.6.1
Released: 09-27-2006
Last Update: 09-28-2006
Installs: 67
No support by the author.
This is a vBadvanced CMPS tag cloud module for the Zoints Thread Tags System. In the words of the author who didn't want credit:
Originally Posted by super secret squirrel
The template is will work in either the center column or in the left / right sidebars. There is a conditional in the template that detects which column the module is in and if in the center column then the search box will will be the same width as the Zoints default screen (40 characters) but if it's in a sidebar then it'll be 20 characters and the 'Submit' button will be on the next line so that the sidebar template will fit into the 175px default width of a CMPS sidebar.
Just import the module (ACP => vBa CMPS => Download / Upload Module) and change your settings as desired. Don't forget that your /{forums}/modules folder needs to be writable in order for module uploads to work.
Attached are screen shots of it in the center and side columns.
I got it working. If anyone else needs to do this. Upload the module from this post to the forum then create a new module from a file and set it up like the other one using the identifier zoints_tag_cloud then delete the autogenerated module and you're done.
I'm guess that there is a difference is in the .module format between 2.2 and 2.1 versions of cmps.
Is there a way that the mod will show just 10 tags for example , and not the amount that classified in admin cp at "Number of popular tags to show per page".
Is there a way that the mod will show just 10 tags for example , and not the amount that classified in admin cp at "Number of popular tags to show per page".
Yep - look in the code for the module and find this section:
$_tags = $db->query_read("
SELECT zoints_tag.tag, COUNT(*) count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "zoints_tag zoints_tag
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread thread ON(zoints_tag.threadid = thread.threadid)
WHERE thread.forumid IN(" . implode(',', $visible) . ")
GROUP BY zoints_tag.tag
LIMIT " . $vbulletin->options['zointstags_showtags'] . "
Just change the LIMIT section to however many you want:
I don't know who else is having conflicts with this and vbseo, but on my forum, it seams that the thread views don't work with this installed. Instead of going through this line-by-line to find the problem, I've modified the created file called: zoints_main_cloud.php as follows:
Throw this at the top of the file:
function zoints_cloud ()
global $vbulletin, $db, $vbphrase;
This just throws the whole thing into a function to keep from messing things up. I tried to make this a module, but it kept rejecting it ... but, then again, i've never looked up what the restrictions are.