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User post count from current forum
Version: 1.0.0, by calorie calorie is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.3 Rating:
Released: 01-15-2006 Last Update: 01-19-2006 Installs: 14
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.

This mod makes it so you can display the number of posts a user has from the current forum. Said another way, when you view a thread, that thread is in a forum, so this mod shows the number of posts a user has in that forum. See screenshot.
  • 1 product
    • 3 plugins
    • 1 phrase
  • 2 queries in showthread
  • 1 query in showpost
  • 1 postbit(_legacy) edit
It has been reported that one of the queries used in showthread takes too much time on a big board, so if you have a big board, you've been warned. :ermm:

18 Jan 2006: updated to use two queries in showthread
20 Jan 2006: instance of $postids var replaced with $ids

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 01-17-2006, 11:52 AM
lazytown lazytown is offline
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WARNING: Although I really love the idea of this mod, I cannot recommend anyone installing it unless you have TONS of server load to spare or a very small forum.

It adds 1 query PER post on a thread.. So if you have 10 posts per thread, it will add 10 queries per thread. And these are not small queries. It basically DOUBLED the load time per thread. This can really kill a server.

The only way I think this type of mod could be efficiently implemented would be to create a separate table that tracks posts per forum for each user. That would be really nice, but it would be a lot more work than this mod.

(clicks uninstall)

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Old 01-17-2006, 07:53 PM
calorie calorie is offline
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Thanks for the warning, but on my board this mod does not substantially increase server load or page display time (see attached screenshots) and that is probably true for some others also. While it wouldn't be hard for me to utilize a separate table and add a left join in the post query, the total overhead on my board is negligible either way, so the mod was created using separate count queries.

Something to remember is that my mods get tested on my board. It's rather off-putting to be spanked when it's not possible for me to test on your board, his board, her board. If you would have said something like, "Neat mod but would it be possible to do X instead of Y because Z happens?" I'd have been more inclined to redo the mod to help out, even though I don't need such a redo on my board.
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Old 01-17-2006, 10:02 PM
lazytown lazytown is offline
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Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude in any way at all. Didn't mean to "spank you" at all. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and I was really looking for something like this. In fact I really love this mod. I just wanted to be honest to the rest of the users. I think it's very important that we examine that aspect of each mod on large forums. This one just happened to place the largest load I've ever seen out of over 50 mods I've tried/installed. I thought the warning was warranted. I don't make a habit out of it.

I wouldn't be presumptuous to tell you how you need to modify it in order to make it work "properly." Right now it does seem to work properly -- and on small forums with load to spare, I think it's fine.

I actually didn't think it would be that easy to change the mod to create a separate table. It would be a much larger hack. I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing. In order to make it truly efficient, a permanent table would have to be added to the database that gets updated with every post a user makes (very slight load increase for posting). This table would then be used by the mod and create almost no load upon viewing threads. There would have to be an initial post scan upon install to create the counts for each user (and possibly something that could be run separately in the future). That would be a very long query (scanning all posts for all users), but only run one time at install. As a bonus, something like that could make it easy to show how many posts a user has in each forum anywhere on the site (like in member profile, etc). If you did that, I would definitely use it and give you huge props.

How many total posts do you have in your forum? That will make an enormous difference on the server load this plugin adds. The load placed by the mod will grow as the posts grow.

My forum has about 1M posts and 11K members. On that size of a forum, this did double the time per page and I tested it several times when there was almost no one on the board. Since it scans the entire posts table for each and every post (10X per page) , it's easy to see how that load is placed.


Originally Posted by calorie
Thanks for the warning, but on my board this mod does not substantially increase server load or page display time (see attached screenshots) and that is probably true for some others also. While it wouldn't be hard for me to utilize a separate table and add a left join in the post query, the total overhead on my board is negligible either way, so the mod was created using separate count queries.

Something to remember is that my mods get tested on my board. It's rather off-putting to be spanked when it's not possible for me to test on your board, his board, her board. If you would have said something like, "Neat mod but would it be possible to do X instead of Y because Z happens?" I'd have been more inclined to redo the mod to help out, even though I don't need such a redo on my board.
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Old 01-17-2006, 10:20 PM
lazytown lazytown is offline
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Another reason creating a separate table would not be so easy (though worth it in terms of server load) is that it would have to have hooks/be updated each time a post or thread is moved, deleted, etc. That would have to work through the ajax system, mod panel and admin panel. It would also have to be updated to include new forums if they are added/etc.

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Old 01-18-2006, 06:15 AM
calorie calorie is offline
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I'm all for honesty, but that post, maybe I just took it wrong, so I apologize too. Personally I think the utilization of a separate table wouldn't be hard, for me or anyone really, though I do agree that it'd be tedious to find all the spots for updates. That tedium, and the part about inserting the initial counts on a board of your size, got me to thinking. What I came up with is two queries in showthread, one should be negligible on any board, and for the other, I simply don't know how it'd be on a board with a 1M posts and 11K members. I believed you when you initially said that your load time doubled; I just don't have a board of that size for tests. If you saw a ten percent load time increase per post, maybe now you'll see a ten percent load time increase overall, but I really can't say for sure. Maybe you'll let me know?
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Old 01-18-2006, 04:48 PM
silurius silurius is offline
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Minor request for input: Since I have many forums, if I were to use "Forum posts" my users might interpret that to mean total board posts. Anyone have ideas how to clarify that succinctly, in about as many words? ("Total posts in this forum" would just be too long). Sorry for the non-technical question, I guess I'm suffering from writer's block.
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Old 01-18-2006, 05:43 PM
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The Chief The Chief is offline
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works great, thank you

[high]* The Chief clicks install

this is great for posting competitions
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Old 01-18-2006, 06:28 PM
sellbuydomain sellbuydomain is offline
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i found a problem that, the post is not correct, same user name, has different number of forum post in different thread, it should be all the same post court , right? how to fix this bug
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Old 01-18-2006, 07:24 PM
calorie calorie is offline
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Are the threads in the same forum? Did the user make another post in between viewing threads?
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Old 01-19-2006, 06:29 AM
sellbuydomain sellbuydomain is offline
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i am confused, entire forum ? or jsut a section of forum?
i found that the forum post is different number in each forum section,
is this only court the section forum instead of entire forum?
if so, how can i make it court as entire forum post total .make them same number court in any section
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