Features include global settings, advertisements allowing template conditionals, ad sharing and ad revenue sharing, timed advertisements, preset popular ad locations and functions such as sponsors, additional custom ad locations, random and static advertisements and its all very easy to use. You can use it for ordinary ads like adsense, banner rotations, or any content at all as well as using it to manage ads outside your forum too.
If you are using autoinsertion and were using vB Ad Management before version 4.00, you will need to remove your old template edits or advertisements will appear multiple times. Just reverse the old instructions below.
* Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
* Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
* Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
* Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
* Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
* Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
* Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Your install instructions ask that we modify multiple files. If we don't plan on having banners appear in certain sections of our site, do we need to modify those respective files?
Also, your "screen shots" show left column and right column banner ads with Bart Simpson... your install doesn't create these columns, does it?
I just want to make sure before I import this plugin as I don't wish to have a left or right column with my forum.
just paid for branding free for my 2 sites... great product
Message received, thank you very much indeed! Please PM me with the URLs of the 2 forums and an email address for each so I can send future updates direct.
Originally Posted by cfdev
Your install instructions ask that we modify multiple files. If we don't plan on having banners appear in certain sections of our site, do we need to modify those respective files?
No, you don't need to edit any templates you don't want to add adverts to.
Originally Posted by cfdev
Also, your "screen shots" show left column and right column banner ads with Bart Simpson... your install doesn't create these columns, does it?
I just want to make sure before I import this plugin as I don't wish to have a left or right column with my forum.
It does create the columns by itself, but like every other ad section you can turn them on or off in the AdminCP. All are off by default.
One last question... if I already have a right column on my home page, will your plugin overwrite the files I have already modified? This is for another one of my forums. I just don't want any changes overwritten. See link below...
Can you give an example or screenshot of how this is supposed to look:
Forumbit random advertisement code
If you want to use random rotations, enter your ad codes here separated by commas. You can put each set of code on a new line to organise them better as long as each line (except the last!) has a comma at the end.
Is it smart enough not to include the comma as part of the code?
Followed all instructions, it is working on the footer, when displaying all threads in a specific forum, but not in the threads themselves. Only step I could not follow was header_advertisement because there is no in our custom header which has an ad.
Any idea where I can start looking to find why it is not displaying when viewing threads?