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RPG Integration Hack /w Battle (BETA)
Version: 1.00, by Bitsys Bitsys is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 12-05-2002 Last Update: Never Installs: 278
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

RPG Integration Hack BETA by Bitsys
(vBulletin versions 2.2.6?, 2.2.7, 2.2.8, 2.2.9, and 2.3.0)

This hack combines several RPG hacks into one and adds a battle hack. The hacks included in this hack are:

In addition to re-releasing thse hacks, I have added features to all of them (or else there would be no point in re-releasing).
  • The RPG hacks are now all editable via the admin control panel.
  • The itemshop has been somewhat optimized and some fixes are included that reduce queries in showthread.php and itemshop.php . Also, Lesane's Store Hack has been integrated with the Itemshop. This can be toggled in the admin cp.

This means that the RPG hacks are database driven and have been partially integrated with the Itemshop. This was necessary in order to make a battle hack, which is also included.

Since most people are familiar with the RPG and Itemshop hacks, I will give a brief description of the Battle hack. If you want more information about either of the other two hacks, then refer to their original posts or download the .zip file and read the "readme.txt". If you are a visual learner, then you can scroll down to the second post in this thread, which contains the pictures of all of these hacks.

Battle Features:
  • The battle format is turn-based.
  • HP, AP, PP, and MA are automatically deducted based on what action a user takes, the damage dealt to an opponent, etc.
  • Opponents in battle can use spells, one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, shields, potions, or their fists.
  • A battle is over when a combatant dies, retreats, or there is a draw. Battles can also be ended via the admin control panel.
  • A wager can be set on a battle. Whoever wins the battle recieves the amount of money as specified in the wager. Outside bets are not supported yet.
  • Battles can be either public or private, as determined by the admin control panel. If private, battles require a password and battles can not be browsed. If public, then any user can view any battle, but only the original combatants can fight.
  • The results of a battle can be posted into a designated "Battle" forum, as specified in the admin control panel.
  • Inactive battles can be pruned.

Getting started with the battle hack:
  • In order to get items to disply in the item shop, you must select which items go with which RPG Type in the "Edit Item Type" Menu of the admin cp.
  • In order to assign which weapon categories do what kind of damage in battle, you must go to the "Edit Category" link located in the "Edit Items" menu of the admin cp. Select a Battle type for the category and save changes.
  • In order to do damage to your opponent when in battle, you must assign the amount of damage each weapon does in the "Edit Items" menu of the admin cp. The default damage is set to 0. The same principle goes for armor, potions, spells, shields, etc.
Please refer to the screenshots or "readme.txt" for more information.

Why is this a BETA hack?

I have tested the installation of this hack on vBulletin versions 2.2.7, 2.2.8, 2.2.9, and 2.3.0. However, because of the scale of this hack, there is plenty of room for errors. Therefore I am making the following disclaimer while this hack is in the BETA stage:

  • Do not install this hack on a production board. Please keep this hack, while in the BETA stage, to a test board. The reason for not installing this on a production board is that I cannot provide upgrade instructions for going from one version of the beta hack to the next version of the beta hack. Also, this hack does not have an un-install script yet. So please remember, if you decide to install this on a production board, you are doing so at your own risk.
  • Do not apply this hack if you already have ANY of the included hacks installed. Please refer to the list at the top to see if you have any of the conflicting hacks installed. Since I am asking that you install this on a test board right now, this should not be a problem since you can re-install a fresh copy of vBulletin in under 5 minutes, as a test board of course.
  • There is currently no upgrade script for installing this over any of the included hacks. I will make one when this beta is completed.
  • If you choose to install the postbit features, then an additional query will be added to showthread.php. This query is a SELECT COUNT(*) query and adds around .001 seconds to the page generation. If you don't like the idea of adding an additional query to showthread.php, then you have the option of not installing that part of the hack. See the install file for more information.


The beta of this hack is free. The full/final release will also be free.

All installation instructions and credits are included in the attachment. If you find a bug or have problems, feel free to post them here and I will try to fix them. Please read the included readme file if you have questions. If you can't find the answer, then post your question here and I will answer it.

All hacks included in this hack have been re-released with permission of their original creators.

Screenshots are in the second post of this thread.


Installation instructions are included in the .zip file.


If you are having trouble and need some help, please refer to the help documentation included in the .zip file. It is located in the "extra" directory.

If you need help and you have already installed the hack, make sure you check the RPG Manual link in the admin cp. Also, make sure you read the FAQ included with the manual.

See if you are experiencing one of the following symptoms:
  • All of my users are being labeled as "Guest" in the postbit template.
  • No posts are showing up.
  • None of the RPG variables will display in the postbit. The element/gender/class images are broken.
  • I get database errors when I go to showthread.php

If you are experiencing one or more of the above problems, then your showthread.php file was not edited correctly by the installer. This problem usually occurs on boards with other hacks installed that modify the queries in showthread.php. Please go to https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=2261 and follow the instructions there.

The following add-ons are not included in the default installation. You must apply these add-ons after you have installed the hack successfully.

Member profile add-on
This add-on let's you display the user's RPG Stats in their member profile. See the .zip file for the add-on. It is located in the "Member Profile Add-on" directory.

Auto-update stats after posting
This add-on automatically updates the user's stats after they make a post, instead of having to click on the update stats button in the user cp. This add-on involves 2 file edits. The add-on is located at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...452#post356452

Donation Queue by Darkwaltz4
Moderate all Donations. See Who is Donating to Who. All Donations go through Admins or Mods. The add-on is located at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...652#post408652

Battle Background Midi System by Darkwaltz4
Full control over the music that plays during your battles! The add-on is located at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...530#post410530

Randomized First Turn Addon by Moreliator
"The following code gives the challenger a 33% chance to start the battle and the challenged person a 66% chance. Works quite well. I also included instructions on how to display "Determining..." on the battle.php browse page, that way people won't decline a challenge if they see they aren't going first. ". The add-on is located at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...614#post410614

Lock RPG Options at a Specified Level Addon by Moreliator
This addon allows you to lock all users' RPG options in their USER CP when they reach a certain level. This add-on is located at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...111#post411111

Personal Shop Items Have Battle Bonuses by Triade
The original personal shop, allows to have an item the don't do nothing in battle. With this add-on, you can build items with bonus in battle (the bonus is in the attack now). This add-on is located at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...328#post426328

Challengable Option by Darkwaltz4
Allows users to set themselves against recieving battle challenges. This add-on can be found at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...143#post411143

Contact Info:
Email: bitsys AT mail DOT com
PM me for a faster response. I prefer PMs.

Update 09/04/03 @ 1:46pm

Battle debug messages were accidentally left on.
Minor shield bug was fixed in battlefight.php (Thanks Telchar).

Re-upload battleupdate.php and battlefight.php.

The new .zip file is located at the bottom of this post.

Finally, here is the .zip file (v0.68c):

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-16-2003, 09:36 PM
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for simple direct linking to that person's itemshop, apply this link anywhere


i recall saying that on like page 80 :-D
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Old 06-16-2003, 10:33 PM
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Yesterday at 10:24 PM Darkwaltz4 said this in Post #1837
as for a monster arena....maybe i could *probably* od something which feeds monster data through the battlefight.php hing, and i dont think ill need pics, lmao, just some game sprites ^_^ lol....
Couldn't hurt to try, right? Here are a couple of pages with a great deal of sprites:


Something else you might consider (as long as you're doing so well ) is a new column in the memberlist which displays the member's current level. This will make it easier for members to find opponents of similiar statistics.
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Old 06-17-2003, 02:35 AM
Moreliator Moreliator is offline
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Alright Bitsy, I'm really close to finishing this thing out. I have ALL my items input now, but when I tested it out as admin, some of the items were appearing in the Type they were not assigned to.

Anyway, should I run the DB fix? I have 16 item categories. It turns out that for every category there seems to be another ID listed in it that shouldn't be. Theres about 8 items per category, so it ends up being about 16 items showing in one category when only 8 should show.

The only other thing I can think of that may have caused the problem is that I originally had the default category named "Normal" ... if I'm correct, any RPG Type can buy moves from this default category which I called "Normal". When I realized this, I renamed it to "All" and made a new Item Category called Normal. I'm wondering if maybe this COULD have caused a glitch? I did rename the Normal category before creating a new one though, so I really don't think that is the problem, but I thought I'd list it anyway just in case.

So should I run the DB fix? Maybe I could do some stuff in PHP My Admin to see if its really deselecting?


***EDIT*** Alright, further investigation shows that it is a similar problem to what happened before, with the whole "mimicing" thing. Although this time it doesn't show in the check boxes, in PHP My Admin, I checked IDs and the Item Categories seem to be getting confused. For example, the items specifically for Category/RPG Type ID 4 could be found in 14 along with the ones in 14, and vice versa. It appears this way for all items. This is almost the exact problem I had before back in the v .61 days...only way back then the checkboxes would show the error too. Oh, and is my Default ID supposed to be 1 or 0?

Another example: My default RPG type is currently ID 0. In the Itemshop, all my ID 10 type items are being treated as if they were default. I'm sure if I moved the default ID to 1, all the items for Type ID 11 would appear as default ites for any types use. I'm almost 100% sure now that the ID miz up is the problem now. Hopefully there is an easy fix as this is the last thing before i can launch the rpg for general use =/

BTW Bitsy, just another quick question. Do the "+ to def" and "+ to attack" options work? I tried them out and the opponents move never hit when I had a "+ to def" item equipped... the move either reflected and said it damaged the oppoenent, which it didn't, or the wordlet said "Opponent dealt points of damage" without a number, dealing me no harm. I'm searching the thread but I can't seem to find if you had said these two categories don't work. If not, does the armor category work? Thanks.
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Old 06-17-2003, 02:36 AM
lioncool1589 lioncool1589 is offline
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how do i fix every time my members posts his hp go down
this is kinda stupid anyway to fix it
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Old 06-17-2003, 12:13 PM
RPGHost RPGHost is offline
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I just tested a battle and it seemed to go through great... My question/problem is - how do I get the battle output to post into a forum. I saw on someone elses site there was a forum that had battle results that anyone could visit/view. But now that my battle is done it doesn't show up anywhere except when you go to the battle area and view the specific battle.

Is there some setting I'm missing? A hack that was done?

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Old 06-17-2003, 02:29 PM
Moreliator Moreliator is offline
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Today at 02:13 PM RPGHost said this in Post #1845
I just tested a battle and it seemed to go through great... My question/problem is - how do I get the battle output to post into a forum. I saw on someone elses site there was a forum that had battle results that anyone could visit/view. But now that my battle is done it doesn't show up anywhere except when you go to the battle area and view the specific battle.

Is there some setting I'm missing? A hack that was done?


Yes, under battle options there is an option to select "yes" and pick which forum you want it posted in.
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Old 06-17-2003, 02:41 PM
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Yesterday at 12:24 PM TheVoidz said this in Post #1832
I tried this hack long ago back when it first came out and I remeber exp(strength) being calculated on the ammout of posts the person had, same with money. This caused people to spam the ++++ out of my boards to be the best and it pretty much destroyed the server, will this happen again? Or is there a new way of dealing with money and exp?
Exp can be gained by winning battles now also.

Yesterday at 04:03 PM vdinh said this in Post #1836
Hi Bitsys,
I am still currently at version 0.61. Would you please let me know the right way to get to version 0.67 ? Thanks .
I think you can just use UPGRADE.TXT to get to the current version.

Yesterday at 10:35 PM Moreliator said this in Post #1842
Alright Bitsy, I'm really close to finishing this thing out. I have ALL my items input now, but when I tested it out as admin, some of the items were appearing in the Type they were not assigned to.

Anyway, should I run the DB fix? I have 16 item categories. It turns out that for every category there seems to be another ID listed in it that shouldn't be. Theres about 8 items per category, so it ends up being about 16 items showing in one category when only 8 should show.

The only other thing I can think of that may have caused the problem is that I originally had the default category named "Normal" ... if I'm correct, any RPG Type can buy moves from this default category which I called "Normal". When I realized this, I renamed it to "All" and made a new Item Category called Normal. I'm wondering if maybe this COULD have caused a glitch? I did rename the Normal category before creating a new one though, so I really don't think that is the problem, but I thought I'd list it anyway just in case.

So should I run the DB fix? Maybe I could do some stuff in PHP My Admin to see if its really deselecting?


***EDIT*** Alright, further investigation shows that it is a similar problem to what happened before, with the whole "mimicing" thing. Although this time it doesn't show in the check boxes, in PHP My Admin, I checked IDs and the Item Categories seem to be getting confused. For example, the items specifically for Category/RPG Type ID 4 could be found in 14 along with the ones in 14, and vice versa. It appears this way for all items. This is almost the exact problem I had before back in the v .61 days...only way back then the checkboxes would show the error too. Oh, and is my Default ID supposed to be 1 or 0?

Another example: My default RPG type is currently ID 0. In the Itemshop, all my ID 10 type items are being treated as if they were default. I'm sure if I moved the default ID to 1, all the items for Type ID 11 would appear as default ites for any types use. I'm almost 100% sure now that the ID miz up is the problem now. Hopefully there is an easy fix as this is the last thing before i can launch the rpg for general use =/
In itemshop.php, find:
PHP Code:
$pos strpos($row[type], $itemtype);
$pos === false
and REPLACE it with
PHP Code:
if(!in_array($itemtypeexplode(' '$row[type]))) 
Let me know if that fixes the problem. This is definately a bug.

Yesterday at 10:36 PM lioncool1589 said this in Post #1843
how do i fix every time my members posts his hp go down
this is kinda stupid anyway to fix it
Every time they post their HP goes down? That isn't supposed to be happening. Do you have the auto-update stats add-on installed?

Today at 04:11 AM Me! said this in Post #1844
Hmm I'm having the same problem too, my members are complaining their hp is going down. I'm not sure why, I never notice these things. It frustrates me because I think my forum members take this battle too seriously instead of just having fun with it

EDIT: Also on my forum battle arena I have a midi playing and yes it does reload everytime the page reloads. You can remedy this by creating a link to a popup window where the user can choose a battle midi should they want one. (My members requested this)

Do you have the Auto-Update stats add-on installed?

Today at 08:13 AM RPGHost said this in Post #1845
I just tested a battle and it seemed to go through great... My question/problem is - how do I get the battle output to post into a forum. I saw on someone elses site there was a forum that had battle results that anyone could visit/view. But now that my battle is done it doesn't show up anywhere except when you go to the battle area and view the specific battle.

Is there some setting I'm missing? A hack that was done?


Admin CP -> Battle Options -> Forum to post the battle results
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Old 06-17-2003, 02:56 PM
Moreliator Moreliator is offline
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THANK YOU SO MUCH BITSY!!! That solved the problem right away!

Now, just another quick question . Do the "+ to def" and "+ to attack" options work? I tried them out and the opponents move never hit when I had a "+ to def" item equipped... the move either reflected and said it damaged the oppoenent, which it didn't, or the wordlet said "Opponent dealt points of damage" without a number, dealing me no harm. I'm searching the thread but I can't seem to find if you had said these two categories don't work. If not, does the armor category work? Thanks.
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Old 06-17-2003, 06:35 PM
lioncool1589 lioncool1589 is offline
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yah i installed Auto-Update stats add-on

Today at 04:41 PM Bitsys said this in Post #1847

Every time they post their HP goes down? That isn't supposed to be happening. Do you have the auto-update stats add-on installed?

Do you have the Auto-Update stats add-on installed?

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Old 06-17-2003, 08:13 PM
PixelFx PixelFx is offline
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I was thinking for the battle scene having it setup a pop up window, and or linking it to flash file, or converting the mini to mp3, then putting it in a flash file that you can turn on and off :P this would make some really small files, and also stream the sound to those in dialup even faster..

also if you refresh the page it won't stop the music :P

for those of you that play ultima online, we have about 500 midi songs on the game disc, including battle music

I'm working on two addons, 1) a graphics addon for weapons, armor, spells, and potions etc. and some 3d / fantasy battle scenes..

2) a intergrated chat system, which for the most part I have working, just reworking the code for how the plugin installs. Links to irc server as well.

I'd love to see an addon for PvM, the art for the sprites above for FF looks good. I was going to toy with making custom art but it's all good if we can have permission to use the art with the battle system.

to bitsys and others, great job with working out bugs and making the system, looks awesome so far.
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