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Event Attendance 2.0 Details »»
Event Attendance 2.0
Version: 2.00, by arpy arpy is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2014 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.0 RC2 Rating:
Released: 08-06-2005 Last Update: Never Installs: 427
DB Changes Uses Plugins
No support by the author.

This is an update version of the vB 3.0x "Event Attendance" hack found HERE. Thanks to Kentaurus for allowing redistribution.

I have rebuild/rewritten the hack for vB 3.5 - now it is no longer a hack but a plugin. No template modifications and no code modifications required.

This plugin allows users to enroll for events. When a new event is created, the user can decide if this feature is available for this event.

This plugin includes (from the 3.0x Version and Thread):

  • Links to userprofile (by buro9)
  • Counter for enrolled users (by Sanni)
  • and most (all?) fixes from old version
  • no additional queries! (for reading, if you enroll/cancel there is one additional query)

It does not include (from the old thread):
  • Fix for reoccuring events (complete redesign needed)
  • Addon for guest-count (I don't need this, feel free to re-add)

Additional Features:
  • Event Attendance can be deactivated for reoccuring events (see Options in AdminCP)
  • Enroll/Cancel can be deactivated for events that are already started (AdminCP)
  • Sorting of enrolled people can be switched via AdminCP
  • All text is now in phrases

  • Go to ACP/ Plugin System/ Manage Products.
  • Click Add/Import Product, select the product XML File you downloaded here and click Import.
  • Thats all - Have fun!

Known Problems:
  • calendar_roll and calendar_rollbit templates are not cached. I've not found a way to do this by using a plugin. But this is not really an issue.
  • Aug. 24th: Bug found by endquote in post#36: Typo in var name, this will cause Event enrollment to be disable at the wrong time (depending on time zome). Will be fixed in next release.

If you upgrade from 3.0x:
  • This plugin is fully database compatible to the old hack, if you upgrade no data will be lost.
  • You need to revert your calendar templates: calendar_showeventsbit, calendar_roll and calendar_rollbit.
  • If you do not want to revert your calendar_weekly_event and calendar_monthly_event please use "Mark enrolled in month/weekly view"=NO in Event Attendance Options to avoid event to be marked twice ("*").
Feature Requests:
I list the feature requests here - this does not mean that I will code it. If you are a coder feel free to code it and release it as addon or allow me to include it here.

  • Change text after event is over. (Post #21) (very likely)
  • "It would be better if the plugin wouldn't let you add yourself after it's ended rather than started." (Post #35) (very likely)
  • "Another suggestion would be to have an admin option to just set all events to have the attendance functionality, rather than providing an option when posting." (Post #35) (very likely)
  • List of attended events in User Profile (Post #11) (maybe later)
  • CVS-Export of attending users (Post #8) (unlikely)
Aug. 15th: Beta-Tag removed, no code changes.

Please click INSTALL if you like this plugin.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 05-05-2006, 05:54 AM
TomasDR TomasDR is offline
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Ok here goes. This is what I did, it works for me in 3.5.4

I had to disable the Plugin: (hence the broken part)
"redirect links to individual events to their threads instead"
Hook Location : calendar_getday_start
Installed by: vB Event Forums

I decided to disable the Plugin: (and make a new one)
"Display Event Details on Thread Page"
Hook Location : showthread_complete
Installed by: vB Event Forums

I made a new Plugin:
"Event Attendance - Forum Combined"
Hook Location : showthread_complete
I tied it to vB Event Forums for the Product, not sure if that really does anything.

In the code I combined these 2 plugins.
"Display Event Details on Thread Page" (Hook Location : showthread_complete - vB Event Forums)
"Event Attendance - show/enroll" (Hook Location : calendar_getday_event - Event Attendance) (note: I had to leave this Plugin active!)

The Code: show/enroll remarked in caps and bolded
// we need to initialise this variable here, otherwise on non Event Threads, the var will show as text
$lv_vb_eventforums_eventdetails = "";
//Check time till event 
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['dstonoff']) 
//echo $time_until_event."   "; 
$show['enroll']=(($time_until_event>0) || ($vbulletin->options['lateenroll'])) ? true : false; 

// is this a VB event forum?
$lv_vb_eventforums_eventForum = false;
$lv_vb_eventforums_map = preg_split('/[\n:]/', trim($vbulletin->options['lv_vb_eventforums_map']));
for($lv_vb_eventforums_i = 0; $lv_vb_eventforums_i<count($lv_vb_eventforums_map); $lv_vb_eventforums_i+=2)
    if(intval($lv_vb_eventforums_map[$lv_vb_eventforums_i+1]) == $foruminfo['forumid'])
        $lv_vb_eventforums_eventForum = true;
$lv_vb_eventforums_eventid = $threadinfo['lv_vb_eventforums_eventid'];
if($lv_vb_eventforums_eventForum && ($lv_vb_eventforums_eventid > 0) && (!empty($lv_vb_eventforums_eventid)))
  require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_calendar.php');
  require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php');
  require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_newpost.php');
  require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions.php');
  require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_user.php');
  require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
  $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list(), true);
  // get the event
  $lv_vb_eventforums_event = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
            SELECT *
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "event
            WHERE eventid = " . intval($lv_vb_eventforums_eventid) . "
  $lv_vb_eventforums_event = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($lv_vb_eventforums_event);
  $eventinfo = $lv_vb_eventforums_event;
  // reset the thread title, so the page title is correct.
  // we need todo this, otherwise all the html we added will show up in the browser title bar
  $threadinfo['title'] = $eventinfo['title'];
  // get the user info
  $lv_vb_eventforums_user = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
            SELECT *
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
            WHERE userid = " . intval($eventinfo['userid']) . "
  $lv_vb_eventforums_user = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($lv_vb_eventforums_user);
  // get the calendar info
  $lv_vb_eventforums_calendar = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
            SELECT *
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "calendar
            WHERE calendarid = " . intval($eventinfo['calendarid']) . "
  $lv_vb_eventforums_calendar = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($lv_vb_eventforums_calendar);
  $calendarinfo = $lv_vb_eventforums_calendar;
  $calendarinfo['title'] = '<a href="calendar.php?c=' . $eventinfo['calendarid'] . '">' . $calendarinfo['title'] . '</a>';
  // query the event reminder table
  $lv_vb_eventforums_eventReminder = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
            SELECT subscribeeventid
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribeevent
            WHERE eventid = " . intval($lv_vb_eventforums_eventid) . " AND userid = " . intval($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) . "
  $lv_vb_eventforums_eventReminderRows = $vbulletin->db->num_rows($lv_vb_eventforums_eventReminder);
  // parse membergroupids and make sql code to insert into where clause
  if(trim($vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']) != '')
    $membergroupids = preg_split('/[,]/', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']));
  // get permissions
  $lv_vb_eventforums_permissions = array();
  $membergroupsql = '';
  if(isset($membergroupids) && (count($membergroupids) > 0))
    foreach($membergroupids as $key => $value)
   if($value != '')
     $membergroupsql .= ' OR usergroupid = ' . $value;
  // get permissions for the user's usergroups
  $lv_vb_eventforums_permissionsQuery = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
   SELECT usergroupid, calendarpermissions 
   FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup
   WHERE usergroupid = " . intval($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid']) . "
   " . $membergroupsql . "
  //$lv_vb_eventforums_usergroupPermissionsQuery = mysql_fetch_array($lv_vb_eventforums_usergroupPermissionsQuery, MYSQL_ASSOC); 
  while($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($lv_vb_eventforums_permissionsQuery, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    $lv_vb_eventforums_permissions[$row['usergroupid']] = $row['calendarpermissions'];
  // format the sql for the next query
  if(count($membergroupids) > 0)
    $membergroupsql = ' AND (usergroupid = ' . $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] . $membergroupsql . ')';
  // get any permissions overwritten in the AdminCP for the calendar
  $lv_vb_eventforums_permissionsQuery = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
   SELECT usergroupid, calendarpermissions
   FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "calendarpermission
   WHERE calendarid = " . intval($eventinfo['calendarid']) . "
   " . $membergroupsql . "
  while($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($lv_vb_eventforums_permissionsQuery, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    $lv_vb_eventforums_permissions[$row['usergroupid']] = $row['calendarpermissions'];
  // work out offsets etc
  $offset = $lv_vb_eventforums_event['utc'] ? $vbulletin->userinfo['timezoneoffset'] : ($vbulletin->userinfo['timezoneoffset'] ? $vbulletin->userinfo['tzoffset'] : $vbulletin->userinfo['timezoneoffset']);
  $from = $eventinfo['dateline_from'] + $offset * 3600;
  $to = $eventinfo['dateline_to'] + $offset * 3600; 
  if($lv_vb_eventforums_event['dateline_to'] == 0)
    $from = $lv_vb_eventforums_event['dateline_from'];
  $date1 = trim(vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'],  $from, false, true, false, true));
  $date2 = trim(vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'],  $to, false, true, false, true));
  $time1 = trim(vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'],  $from, false, true, false, true));
  $time2 = trim(vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'],  $to, false, true, false, true));
  // phrases
  $vbphrase['date_x_to_y'] = fetch_phrase("date_x_to_y", 5);
  $vbphrase['time_x_to_y'] = fetch_phrase("time_x_to_y", 5);
  $vbphrase['delete_reminder_for_this_event'] = fetch_phrase("delete_reminder_for_this_event", 5);
  $vbphrase['request_reminder_for_this_event'] = fetch_phrase("request_reminder_for_this_event", 5);
  $vbphrase['event_options'] = fetch_phrase("event_options", 5);
  $vbphrase['edit_event'] = fetch_phrase("edit_event", 5);
  $vbphrase['delete_event'] = fetch_phrase("delete_event", 5);
  $vbphrase['move_event'] = fetch_phrase("move_event", 5);
  $vbphrase['lv_vb_eventforums_phrase_noReplies'] = fetch_phrase("lv_vb_eventforums_phrase_noReplies", 5);
  // Initialise all the variables we need to set for the template
  $show['canmoveevent'] = false;
  $show['caneditevent'] = false;
  $show['candeleteevent'] = false;
  $show['postedby'] = true;
  $show['subscribed'] = false;
  $show['subscribelink'] = true;
  $show['recuroption'] = false;
  $show['adjustedday'] = false;
  $show['holiday'] = false;
  $show['singleday'] = false;
  $show['daterange'] = false;
  $show['customfields'] = false;
  $show['customoption'] = false;
  $show['eventoptions'] = false;
  // can the user move or delete this event?
  $show['canmoveevent'] = can_moderate_calendar($calendarinfo['calendarid'], 'canmoveevents');
  $show['candeleteevent'] = can_moderate_calendar($calendarinfo['calendarid'], 'candeleteevents');
  $show['caneditevent'] = can_moderate_calendar($calendarinfo['calendarid'], 'caneditevents');
    // check each usergroup
    foreach($lv_vb_eventforums_permissions as $key => $value)
      // can this user edit the event?
        if($eventinfo['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
          if(($value & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_calendarpermissions['caneditevent']))
         $show['caneditevent'] = true;
 //-- for some reason the vb guys decided that user deleting their own posts
 //-- can only do it from the edit menu. its a bug i think.
    // can this user delete the event?
      if($eventinfo['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
        if(($value & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_calendarpermissions['candeleteevent']))
       $show['candeleteevent'] = true;
if ($_REQUEST['ea'] == "attend" || $_REQUEST['ea'] == "unattend" AND ($time_until_event>0 OR $vbulletin->options['lateenroll']) ) 
            if (!$eventinfo['roll']) 
                    $roll = array(); 
                    $roll = @unserialize($eventinfo['roll']); 
        if ($_REQUEST['ea'] == "attend") 
            if ($vbulletin->userinfo[userid]) 
                $roll[$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']] = $vbulletin->userinfo['username'];         
            if ($vbulletin->userinfo[userid]) 
            $eventinfo['roll'] = serialize($roll); 
        $db->query_write("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."event SET roll='".addslashes($eventinfo['roll'])."' WHERE eventid='".$eventinfo['eventid']."'"); 
        $_REQUEST['do'] = "getinfo"; 
//show enrolled people 
                if ($eventinfo['useroll']) 
                    // Roll for this event 
                    $show['userattending'] = false; 
                    if (($roll = @unserialize($eventinfo['roll'])) && is_array($roll)) 
                if ($vbulletin->options['roll_sort']) 
                    uasort($roll, "strnatcasecmp"); 
                            if (array_key_exists($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], $roll)) 
                    while ($rollusername = current($roll)) 
                $rolluserid = key($roll); 
                eval('$rollbits .= "' . fetch_template('calendar_rollbit') . '";'); 
                            $eventinfo['roll'] = ""; 
                        eval ('$eventinfo[roll] = "' . fetch_template('calendar_roll') . '";'); 
                    // End Roll 
                    $eventinfo['roll'] = ""; 
  // show the options box?
  if(($show['candeleteevent'] OR $show['canmoveevent'] OR $show['caneditevent']) AND !$show['holiday'])
    $show['eventoptions'] = true;
  // construct the user info for the event poster
  $eventinfo['musername'] = $lv_vb_eventforums_user['username'] . '</a>';
  // user title
  $usertitle = $lv_vb_eventforums_user['usertitle'];
  if($usertitle != '')
    $eventinfo['musername'] .= '<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:3px;">' . $usertitle . '</div>';
  // user avatar
  //$avatarurl = fetch_avatar_url($lv_vb_eventforums_user['userid']);
  //if($avatarurl[0] != '')
  //  $eventinfo['musername'] .= '<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:3px;">&nbsp;<br><a href="member.php?u=' . $lv_vb_eventforums_user['userid'] . '"><img title="" src="' . $avatarurl[0] .'" alt="" border="0"></a></div>';
  $eventinfo['musername'] .= '<a>'; // this is required to validate the tag we skipped
  // does the current user have a reminder for this event?
  if($lv_vb_eventforums_eventReminderRows != 0)
    $show['subscribed'] = true;
  if($eventinfo['dateline_to'] == 0)
    $show['singleday'] = true;
  if(strcmp($date1, $date2) != 0)
    $show['daterange'] = true;
  if(!$show['daterange'] || $show['singleday'])
    $eventdate = $date1;
  // get the title of the custom fields
  $lv_vb_eventforums_calendarFields = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
            SELECT *
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "calendarcustomfield
            WHERE calendarid = " . intval($lv_vb_eventforums_event['calendarid']) . "
   ORDER BY calendarcustomfieldid 
  // Custom Fields
  $lv_vb_eventforums_customfieldvals = unserialize($lv_vb_eventforums_event['customfields']);
  $lv_vb_eventforums_customfieldarray = array();
    while($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($lv_vb_eventforums_calendarFields, MYSQL_ASSOC))
   $lv_vb_eventforums_customfieldarray[$row['title']] = $lv_vb_eventforums_customfieldvals[$row['calendarcustomfieldid']];
  // custom fields
  if(count($lv_vb_eventforums_customfieldarray) > 0)
    $show['customfields'] = true;
 $show['customoption'] = true;
    $lv_vb_eventforums_customfields = '';
    foreach($lv_vb_eventforums_customfieldarray as $key => $value) 
   $value = trim($value);
     $customtitle = $key;
     $customoption = convert_url_to_bbcode(unhtmlspecialchars($value));
     $customoption = $bbcode_parser->parse($customoption, 0, true);
     eval('$lv_vb_eventforums_customfields .= "' . fetch_template('calendar_showeventsbit_customfield') . '";');
 $customfields = $lv_vb_eventforums_customfields;
  //$eventinfo['event'] = /*convert_url_to_bbcode(*/unhtmlspecialchars($eventinfo['event'])/*)*/;
  $eventinfo['event'] = $bbcode_parser->parse($eventinfo['event'], $foruminfo['forumid'], true); 
  eval('$spacertable1 = "' . fetch_template('spacer_close') . '";');
  eval('$spacertable2 = "' . fetch_template('spacer_open') . '";');
  //eval('$spacertable1 = "' . fetch_template('spacer_open') . '";');
  //eval('$spacertable2 = "' . fetch_template('spacer_close') . '";');
  //eval('$lv_vb_eventforums_eventblock = $spacertable1;');
  eval('$lv_vb_eventforums_eventblock = "' . fetch_template('calendar_showeventsbit') . '";');
  //eval('$lv_vb_eventforums_eventblock .= $spacertable2;');
    $lv_vb_eventforums_eventdetails = $lv_vb_eventforums_eventblock;
    $navbar .= $spacertable1 . $lv_vb_eventforums_eventblock . $spacertable2;
    //eval('$navbar =  . $navbar . $lv_vb_eventforums_eventblock;');
  // if thread is only showing first post, and is an event thread
  // discount the options and make sure quick reply is available without forcing an initial
  // click on a post.
  // This is because there is no quick reply button on the event, and the first post is hidden
  if($totalposts == 1) // only first post
 require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_editor.php');
    $istyles_js = construct_editor_styles_js();
    $qrpostid = $threadinfo['firstpostid'];
    $show['qr_require_click'] = 0;
 $editorid = construct_edit_toolbar('', 0, $foruminfo['forumid'], ($foruminfo['allowsmilies'] ? 1 : 0), 1, false, 'qr');
 $messagearea = "
  <script type=\"text/javascript\">
   var threaded_mode = $threadedmode;
   var require_click = " . '0' . ";
   var is_last_page = " . '0' . ";
   var ajax_last_post = " . intval($effective_lastpost) . ";
  // -->
 // this isn't a great way todo this, but the lack of hooks makes this the only way I can see
 // its a bodge, but it works for now...
 $messagearea = preg_replace('/disabled="disabled"/', '', $messagearea);
 $messagearea = preg_replace('/' . fetch_phrase("click_quick_reply_icon", 41) . '/', '', $messagearea);
 //$noposts = '<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">';
 //$noposts .= '<tbody><tr>';
 //$noposts .= '<td class="alt1">There are no replies to show</td>';
    //$noposts .= '</tr></tbody>';
 //$noposts .= '</table>';
 //$noposts .= '<br/>';
 eval('$noposts = "' . fetch_template('lv_vb_eventforums_noPostSpacer') . '";');
 //eval('$postbits = $noposts . $postbits . ;');
 $postbits = $noposts . $postbits;
  } // is first post
The only other issues I found was a slight display issue with a couple extra lines thrown in with the showthread view & my username is not color coded. Again minor issues imho. (see attachments, accurately named)
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Old 05-05-2006, 04:48 PM
Mighty Mojo Mighty Mojo is offline
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Ok I'm begging now-

How do I get data from specific profile fields to show up next to the username?

I want to be able to take the username, put my custom profile field, say... city next to it, i.e:

$username, $field10

Christopher, San Diego
Violet, San Diego
Bo-Jackson, Missisipi
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Old 05-05-2006, 08:46 PM
ricker ricker is offline
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Originally Posted by quasan
here are some feature suggestions:
user limit for an event
eventstarter has the right to remove an attendee from the event
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Old 05-06-2006, 12:42 PM
TomasDR TomasDR is offline
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Originally Posted by jerx

I think you should post your solution in this thread and the other thread, because the limitation you are talking of is very little. I think everyone can live with it. Moreover other coders might be able to solve the redirection problem when attending/unattending.
Anyone try my hack?
Any issues besides the ones I reported?
Anyone figure out how to fix the two display issues? (I doubt the showthread redirect will ever work without a major rewrite.)
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Old 05-07-2006, 02:10 AM
Neo_obs Neo_obs is offline
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i havent tried it as im not even sure what to do LOL im a lil newb here
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Old 05-07-2006, 04:31 AM
kurtbarker kurtbarker is offline
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I tried your edit mate, I couldn't see how they were compatible
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Old 05-08-2006, 06:58 AM
sickboy6ths sickboy6ths is offline
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Originally Posted by TomasDR
Anyone try my hack?
Any issues besides the ones I reported?
Anyone figure out how to fix the two display issues? (I doubt the showthread redirect will ever work without a major rewrite.)
Great job on it m8! It's working the way as advertised! Thanks for your time and effort.

I only hope we can soon bring the features back together so that both products fully function Im missing a bit that you dont get the threadview when clicking on the event I'll see if I can help anywhere, but my PHP isn't good at all

EDIT It looked as if it was working perfect, but now I get the following inside my showthread event (so if I check the replies, I see this on the below end of the event-post:


[<a href="calendar.php?do=getinfo&amp;ea=attend&amp;e=31"></a>]
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Old 05-08-2006, 03:26 PM
TomasDR TomasDR is offline
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Originally Posted by sickboy6ths
Im missing a bit that you dont get the threadview when clicking on the event I'll see if I can help anywhere, but my PHP isn't good at all
That part has to be disabled, I couldn't see a work around at all.

Originally Posted by TomasDR
I had to disable the Plugin: (hence the broken part)
"redirect links to individual events to their threads instead"
Hook Location : calendar_getday_start
Installed by: vB Event Forums
As for the link and html being attached to the bottom of the showthread, I didn't change any templates what so ever, exisiting or new ones added by the two products. Could you have another hack that changed any related templates?
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Old 05-09-2006, 07:01 AM
sickboy6ths sickboy6ths is offline
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Originally Posted by TomasDR
That part has to be disabled, I couldn't see a work around at all. As for the link and html being attached to the bottom of the showthread, I didn't change any templates what so ever, exisiting or new ones added by the two products. Could you have another hack that changed any related templates?
Phoe... not by head, but I will look into it!
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Old 05-11-2006, 09:05 AM
sickboy6ths sickboy6ths is offline
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Originally Posted by TomasDR
As for the link and html being attached to the bottom of the showthread, I didn't change any templates what so ever, exisiting or new ones added by the two products. Could you have another hack that changed any related templates?
OK I tried disabling all plugins related to showthread (except the event ones) and still the same problem, tried it with a default style (everything reverted) still no luck... WEIRD Maybe you can export your combined products as vbEventForums Attendance or sth like that and attach it? Maybe if I then uninstall mine and reinstall that one it could work?
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  • Memory Usage 2,350KB
  • Queries Executed 25 (?)
More Information
Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
  • (1)ad_footer_start
  • (1)ad_header_end
  • (1)ad_header_logo
  • (1)ad_navbar_below
  • (1)ad_showthread_beforeqr
  • (2)bbcode_code
  • (7)bbcode_quote
  • (1)footer
  • (1)forumjump
  • (1)forumrules
  • (1)gobutton
  • (1)header
  • (1)headinclude
  • (1)modsystem_post
  • (1)navbar
  • (6)navbar_link
  • (120)option
  • (1)pagenav
  • (1)pagenav_curpage
  • (4)pagenav_pagelink
  • (2)pagenav_pagelinkrel
  • (11)post_thanks_box
  • (11)post_thanks_button
  • (1)post_thanks_javascript
  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (11)post_thanks_postbit_info
  • (10)postbit
  • (11)postbit_onlinestatus
  • (11)postbit_wrapper
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open
  • (1)tagbit_wrapper 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • inlinemod
  • postbit
  • posting
  • reputationlevel
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./showthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php
  • ./includes/class_postbit.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_reputation.php
  • ./includes/functions_post_thanks.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • showthread_start
  • showthread_getinfo
  • forumjump
  • showthread_post_start
  • showthread_query_postids
  • showthread_query
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • showthread_postbit_create
  • postbit_factory
  • postbit_display_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_start
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_end
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_start
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_end
  • fetch_musername
  • postbit_imicons
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • postbit_display_complete
  • post_thanks_function_can_thank_this_post_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • tag_fetchbit_complete
  • forumrules
  • navbits
  • navbits_complete
  • showthread_complete