This new hack gives you the function of grouping all your attachments in one single list, divided into pages and with the option of viewing files by category, eg Video Clips, Archives and Excecutables etc.
All installation instructions are provided in the install file, and modification details are in the php file included in the zip. All images used for some files are also attached.
Any problems, queries or errors, please report here or PM me so I can sort them out as soon as possible, to ensure this hack is to your standards.
Current key functions:
Lists all attachments and spans over pages. You can specifiy the amount of attachments per page.
Specify usergroups who you do not wish to view the attachments.
Set out the same as attachments in posts, with icon, size and views.
Categories, so you can quickly view one type of file.
Display username.
Sort by username or filename.
If enabled, images category shows thumbnails.
Table row colours altered to make it easier to read username.
I have modified the templates a bit and I was wondering if there was anyway to limit the attatchments to only get them from one forum? The forumid that I would like to pull them from is "26" if anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
I have attached a screen shot of what I have right now, I would like to remove the "Forum:" box if at all possible
From what I am guessing to remove the forum box you would have to edit something in the 'attachment_view_bits' template as this is what I understand determines the layout of your output. Post 'attachment_view_bits' template here maybe? No gurantees I will be able to do it but worth a shot.
Also I think I would need to some how limit the attachments where the attachments are coming from, any ideas anyone?
Well, I can get it to only display the attachments from a certain forum, but it doesn't count right. It will only take out the ones that's not in that forum and display what it has left out of the number that was already pulled. I can't seem to get the counting to work with a specific forum
Well, I can get it to only display the attachments from a certain forum, but it doesn't count right. It will only take out the ones that's not in that forum and display what it has left out of the number that was already pulled. I can't seem to get the counting to work with a specific forum
What did you do to get it to only show certain files from a certain forum? Have you made it so you can select multiple forums?
You can block what it displays, but the numbering and all will be messed up the way that I did it, it counts how many attatchments it's going to display first and splits up the pages by that count. I can't figure out how to make it only count from a specific forum, mainly because the attachments doesn't store what forum they are from and I don't know much about PHP and SQL and stuff.