Are there any changes that could be made to the hack to make it more palatable for Jelsoft?
For example, what if only existing moderators had access to add/modify subforums? That would require the admin to manage his/her moderating staff and would take out an element of the moderation.
I think the majority agrees that the elements of this hack that allow mods to modify their subforums is extremely valuable. So, is it possible to modify the hack to include those options, or is Jelsoft against the entire idea?
You are missing the most important point here. There is no battle because we have no one we could "fight" against. They have removed the thread, and end. There is no official statement except what Wayne has written, saying we may get an official statement in about a week. Which is a week to much. Until then we can't do anything, and I fear until then we will be completely powered out (may this be Jelsofts strategy?).
For example, what if only existing moderators had access to add/modify subforums? That would require the admin to manage his/her moderating staff and would take out an element of the moderation.
I think the majority agrees that the elements of this hack that allow mods to modify their subforums is extremely valuable. So, is it possible to modify the hack to include those options, or is Jelsoft against the entire idea?
Technically it would be possible, but it would not make it better for our point of view and for Jelsofts one. You can simply remove the administrators and give moderators access to the HostingCP. Many sites that do forum hosting do it that way. However this would mean that every moderator of a forum can modify its forums, and I don't want that everyone can do this. The other thing is that it would not reduce the problem Jelsoft has with the hack - if you call them administrator or moderator does not change what the system does.
Technically it would be possible, but it would not make it better for our point of view and for Jelsofts one. You can simply remove the administrators and give moderators access to the HostingCP. Many sites that do forum hosting do it that way. However this would mean that every moderator of a forum can modify its forums, and I don't want that everyone can do this. The other thing is that it would not reduce the problem Jelsoft has with the hack - if you call them administrator or moderator does not change what the system does.
I think the question was more towards a simple: if usergroupid = moderator or great then show vbhosting.php else you don't have permission to view this page.
This would prevent normal users from trying to ask for a forum...only your moderators could do so.
vBHosting is a system that allows normal users to create forums. What you say would be a complete destruction of the system. This would be as if you take the Welcome Panel hack and say, it may be delivered and may do everything it does, it just may not output a welcome panel...
It also would not make sense. You can archieve the same result by creating an administrator with low permissions.
vBHosting is a system that allows normal users to create forums. What you say would be a complete destruction of the system. This would be as if you take the Welcome Panel hack and say, it may be delivered and may do everything it does, it just may not output a welcome panel...
It also would not make sense. You can archieve the same result by creating an administrator with low permissions.
I think the most important thing to realize here, GameCrash, is that if we expect Jelsoft to be flexible on this matter, than perhaps we as the users should meet them halfway.
While from a legal standpoint I cannot condone the banning of a code modification, I do understand their concern about providing an automated system where ANY user can simply signup and create their own forum. Logistically speaking, this could pose problems for many users that simply aren't experienced in running sites.
I think we need to review the great capabilities of this hack, and decide where we can make comprimises to appease the Jelsoft team. An outright ban of the hack is VERY bad, but saying that they will work with us would be a step in the right direction.
I think we need to review the great capabilities of this hack, and decide where we can make comprimises to appease the Jelsoft team. An outright ban of the hack is VERY bad, but saying that they will work with us would be a step in the right direction.
They are not saying they will work with us. They are not saying anything. And until then it would be a great mistake to make any compromises like that.
Originally Posted by The vBulletin License Agreement
You may not rent, lease, sublicence, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Software in any form...
This one line causes the vBHosting hack to break the license agreement.
Even if you don't think it breaks the letter of license agreement, it is certainly contrary to the spirit of the license agreement, which is one license for one board.