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Version: , by (Guest)
Developer Last Online: Jan 1970 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 09-05-2001 Last Update: Never Installs: 29
No support by the author.

Update : Sept 6
-- Thanks to wajones who pointed out a couple of things, I updated the files.
-- 1. The icons in the top right corner, one of them was suppose to point to the user help file but it was renamed and I forgot to update the code.
-- 2. There was a header error in the admin panel, which was corrected by wajones... if future problems happens please tell me.

------end update.

Well everyone, I decided tonight to release this and just see what happens from there on. I got caught up in working on my multi-page profile for my site, and kind of forgot about this. Sorry I do that a lot, in which I am sure everyone does.

First off... please read all of the files that I have included in this, the Installation.txt file is something I slapped together at the last minute and probably needs proof read... but who cares. The Readme.txt file explains what all the files are, and has some other tidbit information.

The only things you will really need to upload is: upload.php, userhelp.html, vbuploadinstall.php and the images and image folder.

I tried to explain the best way to have it... is putting those three files in the root of your vb folder, then just upload the images folder, which will create a sub folder inside that for the two image icons. Then you will have to create another folder like I suggested named "uploaded" meaning uploaded pictures. Then you will have to chmodd that to 777 and go from there. Then you will have to go through the upload.php file and change the variable preferences to fit your site. I tried to do the best possible explanation of how to do it through my comments throughout the files. So pay attention to those, also feel free to customize the userhelp file to fit your site and everything.

One thing I kind of fell short on.. was a cool profile page.. I mean I included a getinfo template that I used when I first made this, which was on vb2.0.1 and now that added like ignore and stuff so.. you might just want to create your own template up in your favorite web page builder or in notepad.. whatever. And go from there with the variables that I include.

Just pretty much go through the installation files and everything and follow the steps and you should not have any problems.. not saying you won't but... hopefully the F.A.Q. file will help with that.

Some might hate it, some might like it... if you hate it.. don't download it.. or install it.

To uninstall, follow the steps you took to install it and reverse them

ALWAYS BACKUP Before doing hacks... installations, changes, etc!

**Warning** Install at your own risk!

and... there is no place like home! Just remember that!

P.S. search these forums.. for screen shots and there is no demo as of right now... well there was but I Took it down

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-28-2001, 02:20 PM
SirSteve SirSteve is offline
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No problem... I am still trying to figure out why I cannot pull up the pic in the getinfo template.

This hack really needs to be re-done, especially making it use vb headers and footers.
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Old 11-28-2001, 11:47 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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This hack took a lot of time for Brad to make up, and he did it the way he wanted to... he took a lot of suggestions from the get go from me and others like wajones. The end result he decided not to use headers and footers for his own reasons, and if you want them.. I am sure you can add them... then if you find it takes a long time to figure it out, then you might know what he went through.. hehe

it was his first script, so it was roughly coded, and done in a fashion to if it works, leave it alone. lol

btw.. I have seen his latest version, which he has not released cause he is not done with.... and it does have a lot more features, and will work a lot better.

I do believe this has been brought up a few times.. and I think when he gets his v2.0 done it might have headers and footers or an option for it. But he has been working on a lot of other things and has not really made it back to fixing this.

But I was told last night that he is atleast working with the old version and updating it completely to work with vb2.2+ so we will see.
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Old 11-28-2001, 11:55 PM
grumpy grumpy is offline
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While we may have had a few problems tweaking it to work for us, it's a great hack, and I greatly appreciate his time to make it I'm happy with what it does for now, and will look forward to seeing his update whenever he shares it with us.

Thank you for keeping us updated on his progress and for helping sort things out
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Old 11-29-2001, 12:25 AM
SirSteve SirSteve is offline
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Originally posted by grumpy
While we may have had a few problems tweaking it to work for us, it's a great hack, and I greatly appreciate his time to make it I'm happy with what it does for now, and will look forward to seeing his update whenever he shares it with us.

Thank you for keeping us updated on his progress and for helping sort things out
I could not have said it better...
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Old 12-03-2001, 08:30 PM
derfelix derfelix is offline
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Great Hack..
just one little question.. in your install file you write
"If you have previously installed vB Photo Ranking, there will be no need to make any database changes, so you ......."

I habe been making queries all over the place for the last few days....
Where do i get: vB Photo Ranking

that would be exactly what i need !!!!

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Old 12-04-2001, 12:25 AM
grumpy grumpy is offline
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I'd like to make a suggestion, in case anyone can help with this. In the Admin CP, the option to view/edit photos will load a list of every member on one page, regardless of whether they have a photo uploaded. I have over 15,000 members and it zapped my browser trying to load it all. So if there is a way to load a certain number at a time, or even allow a search for specific members, that would be a great addition to this script.

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Old 12-04-2001, 02:51 AM
SirSteve SirSteve is offline
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Originally posted by grumpy
I'd like to make a suggestion, in case anyone can help with this. In the Admin CP, the option to view/edit photos will load a list of every member on one page, regardless of whether they have a photo uploaded. I have over 15,000 members and it zapped my browser trying to load it all. So if there is a way to load a certain number at a time, or even allow a search for specific members, that would be a great addition to this script.

I agree totally...
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Old 12-04-2001, 04:09 AM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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I asked Brad about that... I think he forgot to change his internal script .. lol. He has photo ranking, and has been working on it for a long time. Photo upload was one part of it and he decided to release it to everyone after he got so far with it... so he pulled it out of a bigger script and released it, so luckily there was no real big mess ups..

Second SirSteve and grumpy.. Brad has updated that .. a few times, just never got around to releasing it..

find this code.. in the (admin/user.php) file:

PHP Code:
$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT user.userid,username,email,picture_name,photodesc,ipaddress,userfield.* FROM user,userfield WHERE $condition AND userfield.userid=user.userid ORDER BY $orderby $direction LIMIT $limitstart,$limitnumber"); 
and change it to this:

PHP Code:
$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT user.userid,username,email,picture_name,photodesc,ipaddress,userfield.* FROM user,userfield WHERE $condition AND userfield.userid=user.userid AND picture_name<>'' ORDER BY $orderby $direction LIMIT $limitstart,$limitnumber"); 
what was added was a WHERE clause (picture_name<>'') meaning where the picture_name field is not empty.

So it will only display the users that have uploaded a photo.

Does this help..
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Old 12-04-2001, 05:47 AM
derfelix derfelix is offline
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Thanks... will i it be long before release? (even commercial)?
anyway i'il work on an addon for this one... in memberlist.. a button to display only members with photos in profile
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Old 12-04-2001, 06:01 PM
SirSteve SirSteve is offline
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Thanks! Works great! I still cannot get the pic to show up on the Profile page. It shows up in the postbit addon though.... no errors or anything, just no pic. The description however DOES show....
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