Features include global settings, advertisements allowing template conditionals, ad sharing and ad revenue sharing, timed advertisements, preset popular ad locations and functions such as sponsors, additional custom ad locations, random and static advertisements and its all very easy to use. You can use it for ordinary ads like adsense, banner rotations, or any content at all as well as using it to manage ads outside your forum too.
If you are using autoinsertion and were using vB Ad Management before version 4.00, you will need to remove your old template edits or advertisements will appear multiple times. Just reverse the old instructions below.
* Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
* Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
* Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
* Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
* Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
* Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
* Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
BTW any way to reduce the gap between side column and table of the forum ?
Edit the leftcolumn/rightcolumn_advertisement and alter style="padding-left/right:12px;" to your taste.
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
I paid for one just like this, and now im thinking this one is even better lol
nice work.
Thank you very much!
Originally Posted by Ronak
superb hack installed added 5 starz
Thank you also, finally 5 stars on the thread list!
Originally Posted by chkdgate
RedTyger, I upgraded to 3.6.4 so I'll be installing this version soon. My question is that in this current version, did you also apply the custom mods that you made for me? I'll upload my custom version so you can see it again.
Open the custom version in a plain text editor, find all instances (except for the very first, <product productid="adintegrate_rt" active="1"> which should NOT change) of...
and after them add
... and it should work on 3.6. Might want to change the...
RedTyger... I just thought of a feature that might be useful for future versions of this plugin.
My advertisers pay me to run banner ads for certain time periods. Usually, monthly, quarterly or yearly. It would be great if we could place a start date and an end date for when these ads run.
That way, I could manage my banner ad program with all of my advertisers easier.
RedTyger... yes, per banner would probably be the best case scenario.
For example, say I have 10 advertisers. For simplicity, 10 rotating banner advertisements are displayed at the top of my forum. Throughout the year, the advertisers decide to advertise with me at different times. One may sign on quarterly from 10/1 - 12/31/2006. Another may sign on monthly from 10/1 - 10/31/2006. Finally, one may sign on yearly from 10/1/2006 - 9/30/2007. (I offer discounted rates the longer they decide to advertise with me.)
I have to manually keep a log of when they start advertising and when they end advertising with me. (In case they don't renew, I don't want them to get free advertising.)
Make sense? If I could automate this, so that there was a date check before the banner was displayed, that would be great.
RedTyger... yes, per banner would probably be the best case scenario.
For example, say I have 10 advertisers. For simplicity, 10 rotating banner advertisements are displayed at the top of my forum. Throughout the year, the advertisers decide to advertise with me at different times. One may sign on quarterly from 10/1 - 12/31/2006. Another may sign on monthly from 10/1 - 10/31/2006. Finally, one may sign on yearly from 10/1/2006 - 9/30/2007. (I offer discounted rates the longer they decide to advertise with me.)
I have to manually keep a log of when they start advertising and when they end advertising with me. (In case they don't renew, I don't want them to get free advertising.)
Make sense? If I could automate this, so that there was a date check before the banner was displayed, that would be great.
I may well add this for the static banner code sections but for the random banners that's quite a major task I'm not looking to do at this stage, which I appreciate is primarily what it's for but if it's very important to you and you don't mind a required payment there's a mod by The Geek called GAB which does it per banner I believe.
RedTyger... that makes perfect sense. Even if it were just "static" banners, that would be great. I'm all about product usability... and I think this would be a great feature to implement.