Easily create forms with no HTML or PHP knowledge. Questions can be made compulsory and are checked before the form is submitted. Forms can be previewed. (You can create multiple forms)
Hey buddy, this is definitely a great add-on, and I have installed it on my vb3, one of the large boards. All Admins and Mods love this add-on. Would you be considering to add reCaptcha option to your plugin in the future release for vb3 series?
May be, question _content_ macro ? That's not absilutely necessary, but convenient: no needs to duplicate text in template, and no needs to syncronise template when you clarify question text.
Will be:
{qn_1}: {q1}
{qn_2}: {q2}
No ideas about macro name. Just an example.
None of this works....
If you put {q_1} in the email body, it gets changed to $[q_1] and does not show the answer to question 1. Ditto for {q1} - shows nothing when the email gets sent.
{qn_1} in the email body does nothing, displays nothing when the email gets sent.
$qn[8] to show question 1 eg. Age
$q[8] $qo[8] to show question 1 answer eg. 45
And make sure you are using the # of the question eg. 8 not 2(see screenshot)
I can't for the life of me figure out how to output the question and the answer in the custom email output for a radio button.
I have tried:
$q[1] {a_1}
I can't for the life of me figure out how to output the question and the answer in the custom email output for a radio button.
I have tried:
$q[1] {a_1}
None of this works.
Never mind. I figured it out. I was using {q_1} becuase it was the first question in that particular form.
It was question #16 though of ALL questions of ALL forms.
Once I changed the "{q_1}" to "{q_16}", everything worked.
I'm using Easy Forms 3.7 on a 3.8.5 VB install. I've had Easy Forms running for a while ands it's been great, but my forms were/are very basic.
The form(s) create a new thread in a forum when they are submitted. At the moment I ask people to fill in their Username, path to their public profile and even do some simple maths (like field 3 = Field 1 - Field2)
Is there a way I can get Easy Forms to populate some of those fields/questions for me instead of asking the User to fill it in ? I imagine {userrname} and something like
for the username and public transport, but I can't work out how I can make the form return these values and add it to the post created by the form submission.
Is there a simple way to do it that I can't see, or is it going to require some PHP coding ?
I keep being impressed by Easy Forms. Thanks bananalive and Simon for the pointer on pulling DB fields out. I even took a leap of faith and found I could get more complicated results. here's my current effort for grabbing the Gender but displaying just for the first letter.
I'm sure someone could cut that down to 1 line but I'm not fussed.
One question I have is the custom layout. What this particular form does is grab information from a user that an admin will use to add to a table we have on the site. It's a bit manual at the moment but if I could some how format the output like this:
Actually, what would be perfect is to use the default layout and then tack the above example at the bottom so the admin just needs to copy and then paste and it's all done.
I can't find any examples of custom templates that I can start to hack away with so if anyone knows how to do the above, or could point me to some examples, that would be great.