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Old 12-23-2005, 03:24 PM
KimmiKat KimmiKat is offline
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I agree. This month's HotM should be stricken, and a fresh start in Janurary. Or pull v3Arcade from the poll and let the other 3 be voted on and have special poll just for the arcade hacks.

Originally Posted by nexialys
i'm with rjordan with that...

i think that this flaming have gone too far, and this HotM thing is now out because there is now a serious lack of support/answers from the staff...

i really think that the vb.org guys need to interact a lot more when some decisions like that are taken... that would be a simple proof of Real Public Relations...

EDIT: oh, and i think of this... if vb.org guys are too occupied or absent for the season, maybe a GOOD announcement is welcome here... because i think they deserve their vacations, but actually we're not aware of any, so a lot of other guys will continue arguying with no echoes.
Old 12-23-2005, 06:10 PM
Brad Brad is offline
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Originally Posted by KimmiKat
I agree. This month's HotM should be stricken, and a fresh start in Janurary. Or pull v3Arcade from the poll and let the other 3 be voted on and have special poll just for the arcade hacks.
This would not be fair to the author of v3arcade.

I need to also point out that my use of the phrase "Unwritten rule" was not correct. The rule does exist and has been viewable by the public for a long time now:


1.3 No "Spamming": Please do not double post or cross-post the same message in multiple forums. You will not mass-PM or mass-email multiple members of this site the same message. You will not post for the sake of increasing your post count or hack count.
The actions that would be taken (removal from the HOTM poll) was not something the public was aware of. As I've said before we will make sure everyone is aware of that next month.

Yes other hack authors have been removed from the poll (some before it was even posted) due to the same thing. Again we don't pick on certain people while letting others slide for the same thing.
Old 12-23-2005, 06:38 PM
Regs Regs is offline
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You will not mass-PM or mass-email multiple members of this site the same message.
You should remove the ability to PM more than one user then on this site. The whole feature is to send the same message to more than one member

In any event, you still apparently refuse to apologise to the coder in question for shooting first and asking questions later. He's explained several times whom the PMs were sent to.
Old 12-23-2005, 06:40 PM
Brad Brad is offline
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I am aware of the authors actions and I am speaking to him in private.
Old 12-23-2005, 06:44 PM
GoTTi GoTTi is offline
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Old 12-23-2005, 07:41 PM
Jenta Jenta is offline
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You will not mass-PM or mass-email multiple members of this site the same message
There's a setting in your admincp under usergroups to set a maximum number of recipients you know. Why even have that rule?
Old 12-23-2005, 07:45 PM
pspcrazy pspcrazy is offline
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Originally Posted by GoTTi
Look brad, seriously . This hotm is corrupted. If my hack was in here i personally wouldnt want to win. It would be a i won because the better hack got removed, or i won in a totally unfair vote. Literally ibproarcade was unwarned. From what i have experienced on my forums, when you want to kick some one or warn him you either warn him using infernos hack OR you pm him a warning to stop. Now youll say: but what if he has already pmed it to all his hacks installers? Well heres the answer to that , its NOT his fault if he did. Theres NO rule saying he cant. Mabye tamarians hack got removed and mabye he KNEW that rule. But the maker of this arcade didnt. That makes this a curropt poll. From what im reading i also know th admins of this site are stubborn fools , that cant bring them self to either apoligize for their mistakes of not posting the rules, and further more they just dont want to feel they did something wrong. Seriously if you dont want to cancel this hotm, remove the OTHER arcade. That way the other two guys left cna have a fair vote. And then have the two arcades for the next one. That way itl be fair for all of these guys. Thats all i would like to say

No hard feeling


Sorry for the spelling errors im in a hurry.
Old 12-23-2005, 08:13 PM
nitro nitro is offline
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Originally Posted by Brad
This would not be fair to the author of v3arcade.

I need to also point out that my use of the phrase "Unwritten rule" was not correct. The rule does exist and has been viewable by the public for a long time now:


The actions that would be taken (removal from the HOTM poll) was not something the public was aware of. As I've said before we will make sure everyone is aware of that next month.

Yes other hack authors have been removed from the poll (some before it was even posted) due to the same thing. Again we don't pick on certain people while letting others slide for the same thing.
So when a hack developer has 2 or more beta testers where the hack is currently in a private beta stage the main coder has to write a completely seperate message to all testers and make damn sure its worded differently else the hack itself is not valid.

Really in four years or more of HotM and there is not a HotM rules page or sticky post, even though similar problems or other problems has arisen in the past. Seems to me you should think about coding the HotM properly as its likely to be quicker done.

ie. Top 3 install count for month is the contenders
Months installs multiplied by average rating == winner, 2nd place and final runner up.

The end, no rules required, no poll required, no way to break rules of the HotM feature itself. No arguments nothing.

A competition with no set rules or guidelines is to be frank ridiculous. I would suggest something like the above if thats the case.
Old 12-23-2005, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Jenta
There's a setting in your admincp under usergroups to set a maximum number of recipients you know. Why even have that rule?
That just affects a single send, you can repeat send a PM to different people as many times as you want.

Originally Posted by pspcrazy
Look brad, seriously . This hotm is corrupted. If my hack was in here i personally wouldnt want to win. ......<snip> ...... Seriously if you dont want to cancel this hotm, remove the OTHER arcade. That way the other two guys left cna have a fair vote. .
Why should they remove the other arcade, they did nothing wrong. As for not wanting to win - I think you may view it differently if your hack was in this months vote. If mine was in i'd be more than happy to win. In a few months no one will care how how you won, you will be in the HOTM list and that's all people will see.
Old 12-23-2005, 09:37 PM
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1.3 No "Spamming": Please do not double post or cross-post the same message in multiple forums. You will not mass-PM or mass-email multiple members of this site the same message. You will not post for the sake of increasing your post count or hack count.
So Does This Also Mean That Coders are Not Allowed To Pm or Email Members
Who Have Installed There Hacks That There As been An Update......

Good For The Goose Comes To Mind
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