This new hack gives you the function of grouping all your attachments in one single list, divided into pages and with the option of viewing files by category, eg Video Clips, Archives and Excecutables etc.
All installation instructions are provided in the install file, and modification details are in the php file included in the zip. All images used for some files are also attached.
Any problems, queries or errors, please report here or PM me so I can sort them out as soon as possible, to ensure this hack is to your standards.
Current key functions:
Lists all attachments and spans over pages. You can specifiy the amount of attachments per page.
Specify usergroups who you do not wish to view the attachments.
Set out the same as attachments in posts, with icon, size and views.
Categories, so you can quickly view one type of file.
Display username.
Sort by username or filename.
If enabled, images category shows thumbnails.
Table row colours altered to make it easier to read username.
I'll bear it in mind for the next version, it should be easy to do (within reason) but if not, maybe somebody else can help you on that one. For the permission side of things, i'm not too familiar with at the moment.
You know, Dan, all you ever would have had to do was ask. I have helped you with straightening out the queries along the way and you never once gave even a simple thank you. I have no problem with lending a hand if you need it, you just need to ask and maybe even appreciate it once in a while. We could make this one hell of a hack.
You know, Dan, all you ever would have had to do was ask. I have helped you with straightening out the queries along the way and you never once gave even a simple thank you. I have no problem with lending a hand if you need it, you just need to ask and maybe even appreciate it once in a while. We could make this one hell of a hack.
Yer well cheers for the previous help, I'm just a bit taken with my other hack as well now, so its getting a bit difficult at the moment, what with coursework and everything.
OK, my thanks to all of you who worked on this! Especially Scrub, who actually came up with this hack in the beginning. (Oh and not to forget, I was the one who actually asked for this hack )
Boofo, I got your PM, looking fwd to your help with my issue.
Not sure if it's because I'm not logged in (do you have a test user I can log in as?), but I get errors when I try to sort by user.
I noticed that earlier today:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM attachment AS attachment
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = attachment.userid)
INNER JOIN post AS post ON (attachment.postid = post.postid)
INNER JOIN thread AS thread ON (post.threadid = thread.threadid)
INNER JOIN forum AS forum ON (thread.forumid = forum.forumid) WHERE filename LIKE '%.gif' OR filename LIKE '%.jpg' OR filename LIKE '%.jpe' OR filename LIKE '%.jpeg' OR filename LIKE '%.bmp' OR filename LIKE '%.png' OR filename LIKE '%.psd'
ORDER BY username ASC
LIMIT 0, 400
mysql error: Column: 'username' in order clause is ambiguous
mysql error number: 1052
Date: Monday 24th of May 2004 08:38:49 AM
Username: Marc
Hopefully one day I will be good enough to create a hack from scratch, but I hope you will all agree I have developed the script of Scrubs very well?
I'm happy with myself so far, considering I have only had vBulletin for about 3 months.
Just remember, Dan, some of the best hacks ever released were done by more than one person. A little help once in a while doesn't hurt or take anything away from anyone. Sometimes others can spot the little things we miss. God knows I've missed my share of the little things and make more than my share of mistakes where soemone has helped me out. More often than not.
any luck with file permissions? I would like non-registered users to see the page but not be able to download the attachments. There should be a way to fix this. This will only help promote sites that deal with files and non-registered users can see what they will expect from the site before signing up!