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Yet Another Awards System
Version: 3.8.4, by Xanlamin Xanlamin is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2015 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.8.4 Rating:
Released: 11-13-2008 Last Update: 01-15-2010 Installs: 822
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

vBulletin 4 version can be found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...highlight=YAAS

This is a Medals/Awards system. Admin/Mods can give members awards, and award icons will be displayed in member's profile, posts, as well as in a award list.

In AdminCP
- Can Create/Edit/Delete/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description)
- Can Create/Edit/Delete awards in ACP (with Award Name, Description, Icon URL, Image URL)
- Can Move one (or all) award(s) from one category to another
- Can set some awards un-classified (not displayed for public)
+ Issue awards to members, based on username or userid, with Issue Reason
+ Recommend awards for members based on username, with Recommend Reason
+ Remove awards from members
+ Issue Point Values to awards (Recommended that you are running mySQL 5.0 or higher, will not work correctly with lower versions of mySQL)
+ Award automation

In ModCP
+ Issue awards to members, based on username or userid, with Issue Reason
+ Remove awards from members

Front page
- Display awards list in with: Award Name, Description, Icon, Image, and Members who get each award.
- Display awards showcase in profile within a TAB, with Award information, Issue time and reason
- Display award icons in postbit or under sig.



* Fixed - Issuing Awards to users with ' in usernames.
* Fixed - "Award System Settings" SettingGroup name.
* Fixed - Phrases for Award Request/Recommendation Settings.
* Fixed - All templates should be properly cached.
* Fixed - Inactive awards no longer display in postbit.

* Improved - Version Information in AdminCP.
* Improved - Award Name is added to Post/PM Title Recommendations/Requests.
* Improved - Postbit Display Location descriptions.
* Improved - Cleaner awards layout display.
* Improved - Award Submissions Post/PM layout.

3.8.3 Patch 1:

* Fixed - SQL Group By Syntax when Points are enabled

Time: about 5 minutes
Installer is included (1 product XML)

Upload files and import xml.

When upgrading: re-upload ALL files and re-import XML

This MOD is 100% Supported.

Authors of YaAS 3.8:

Current Release: v3.8.4 Newest Release

Download Now

File Type: zip YaAS-3.8.4.zip (477.6 KB, 3588 views)


File Type: jpg YaAS-AdminCP-Award_System_Settings.jpg (146.7 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg YaAS-AdminCP-Award_Manager.jpg (92.3 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg YaAS-Forum-Post_Display.jpg (89.1 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg YaAS-Forum-Profile_Display.jpg (105.6 KB, 0 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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Erica1977, Panzer Max, Razta, xorex

Old 04-19-2009, 09:52 AM
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Works just fine.
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Old 04-20-2009, 04:32 PM
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I've installed this and just love it, but I am having some problems which I'm sure is probably because I'm such a newbie at all of this. I would appreciate any basic (very basic) help anyone could give me.

1. I don't understand how my members can request an award, either for themselves or others. I've searched everywhere on my board and cannot find a a link or button or anything that would give them this ability. From what I've seen, the only way they can even know it exits is if they happen to see an award given to someone else in their postbit. But even if they do, there's still no way for them to request one for themselves or anyone else.

I have made a forum for Award requests and put the forum ID into the awards system settings; so there is a forum available, but how do the members post to it? (It's in the admin section of my board so only the staff can see it just as the forums for post reports and infractions are.

2. Perhaps I misunderstood, but isn't there supposed to be another page or module that you can add to your home page that shows all the members that have awards or something like that? That's what I thought this meant:

Front page
- Display awards list in with: Award Name, Description, Icon, Image, and Members who get each award.
Originally Posted by JohnChapman View Post
I was actually searching for a way to allow forum members to nominate other users and saw your post; have you figured out a way to do that?
This is what I'd like to know as well!

Originally Posted by Biker_GA View Post
Yeah.. I tell my users to just include the link to the post in their nomination. LOL

It would be great if this could be modified to include that option as part of the nomination process. Adding the link to the drop down in postbit is easy. However, my expertise in figuring out how to have it snag the URL is pretty, ummmm, low? **chuckle**
I know I must be missing something because I don't understand what link you mean that they should include in their nomination, nor do I understand how a member can nominate themselves or someone else....

If someone could tell me where in the world to find this "link", I too would like to add it to the drop down menu...but first I need to know where the link is or is supposed to be to start with lol

Please, could someone help me? Remember, I'm VERY new at this and need really basic one step at a time directions lol
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Old 04-20-2009, 05:19 PM
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Cindy - I'll see if I can help.

1) If I'm understanding correctly, you made a new forum for the awards requests, and you have the permissions set so that it is for your admin team. I believe that any posts that go in there from people requesting awards will be moderated - meaning that they will need to be approved (by a moderator of that form, or a SuperAdmin) before they are visible to other admin members.

2) Go to www.YourSite.com/awards.php (change the YourSite.com to your web site)

That page should let you view who has received an award, and (if enabled) it should have a "Request" link for each award.
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Old 04-20-2009, 05:58 PM
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Yes and no, none of my regular members can see into that forum, only the staff can. The posts therefore don't need to be moderated since we're the only ones that can see them.

The point is though that none of my members have a link or button or anything anywhere to click on that would cause a thread to be posted in that awards request forum....

I went to:


like you said though and I'll I get is a 404 error:
Not Found

The requested URL /awards.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Thank you for trying to help though as I had no idea there was supposed to be a page there... If it helps, my home page is:


and the page to my board is here:


Could I have perhaps missed a step in the settings or install?

Edited to add: I found the page! I just had to add forums to the address! Thanks!!!!

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Old 04-20-2009, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Cindyl10 View Post
Yes and no, none of my regular members can see into that forum, only the staff can. The posts therefore don't need to be moderated since we're the only ones that can see them.

The point is though that none of my members have a link or button or anything anywhere to click on that would cause a thread to be posted in that awards request forum....
Glad you found the file! Sorry, I should have checked to see if you had your forums installed in a different place than your normal home page.

As far as the admin forum thing, I'm not sure that you have a choice. From what I've seen with other add-ons, if something forces a post to be made in a forum that they usually wouldn't be able to post in (like this would do), it automatically is put in "moderated" status. If that's okay with you, then I don't think you need to set anything else up, but you (or a moderator of that forum) would need to check and approve those posts/threads. If you find that annoying, you could more or make that "requesting" forum under a section that your members usually have permission to post in.

Do you know where to go to add in that Awards link, so your members can use it?
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:46 PM
Biker_GA Biker_GA is offline
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What you do is add a link to your postbit or postbit legacy pull down menu. Add a link that points to the awards.php file.

If you're using it as a "Post of the Month" nomination, your users will have to include the URL of the post they're attempting to nominate.

Here's the code I use:

<!-----Post of the Month----->
                 <tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="awards.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[award]</phrase></a></td></tr>
<!-----End Post of the Month----->
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Old 04-21-2009, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Elenna View Post
Glad you found the file! Sorry, I should have checked to see if you had your forums installed in a different place than your normal home page.

As far as the admin forum thing, I'm not sure that you have a choice. From what I've seen with other add-ons, if something forces a post to be made in a forum that they usually wouldn't be able to post in (like this would do), it automatically is put in "moderated" status. If that's okay with you, then I don't think you need to set anything else up, but you (or a moderator of that forum) would need to check and approve those posts/threads. If you find that annoying, you could more or make that "requesting" forum under a section that your members usually have permission to post in.

Do you know where to go to add in that Awards link, so your members can use it?
Thanks Elenna! No, I don't know where to go to add it, I'm very new at this and just feeling my way around basically, usually scared to death I'm going to break something lol Could you explain where I need to go to do this? I really appreciate your help!

Originally Posted by Biker_GA View Post
What you do is add a link to your postbit or postbit legacy pull down menu. Add a link that points to the awards.php file.

If you're using it as a "Post of the Month" nomination, your users will have to include the URL of the post they're attempting to nominate.

Here's the code I use:

<!-----Post of the Month----->
                 <tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="awards.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[award]</phrase></a></td></tr>
<!-----End Post of the Month----->
I don't have a post of the month, at least not yet, but have several different general awards. I would like to find a way for a member to click on a link to request an award for someone that would show me which of that members posts they were referring to, if you know what I mean. Probably very similar to your post of the month award. So could I still use that code only changing the words to say "request award" or something like that? thank you for your help!
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Old 04-21-2009, 01:09 PM
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When you create the phrase, you can name it anything you want. The code I provided above just pulls the text from the phrase for the link.

Unfortunately, you'll have to provide instructions to your users to include the URL of the post they wish to nominate on your site. Other than that, including the link in the postbit works very well.
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Old 04-21-2009, 02:38 PM
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oh ok, so if I use that code you gave me, just changing it to say something like "Request Award" then when people click on that persons username on one of their posts, it will generate a new thread requestiing an award for that person? And the person posting it can simply include the url to the post they think should get the award?

I'm sorry for repeating things like this, but I need to make sure I really do understand what you're saying. I've learned the hard way that often what I think someone is saying isn't the case at all lol

Also, could you please tell me how/where I go to insert that code you gave me? Again I apologize for needing so much direction here... I really do appreciate your help!
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Old 04-21-2009, 03:13 PM
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In your postbit or postbit_legacy template find:

<if condition="$show['search']">
		<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=finduser&amp;u=$post[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$post[username]">$vbphrase[find_more_posts_by_x]</phrase></a></td></tr>
After that insert:

<!-----Post of the Month----->
                 <tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="awards.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[award]</phrase></a></td></tr>
<!-----End Post of the Month----->
In Phrase Manager, create a new phrase called award. Associate the plugin with the award and insert the text you wish to appear when the phrase is called (such as "Request Award").

That's all there is to it. Just make sure your users know to insert the URL of the post they want to reference when submitting the award request.
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