Version 3.0 was created for both vb3.6 and vb3.7. I will no longer give support in this thread for this hack. Please click 'install' in the vb3.7 section for notifications about updates.
i found this one bug by accident, but if i log in as a user and then delete them from the admin cp, if i go back to the forum without logging out everything is backwards (right to left reading) and lots of things don't show up. no big deal but just thought id post it. not sure if this was mentioned earlier, if so sorry, i just read the last few pages.
i found this one bug by accident, but if i log in as a user and then delete them from the admin cp, if i go back to the forum without logging out everything is backwards (right to left reading) and lots of things don't show up. no big deal but just thought id post it. not sure if this was mentioned earlier, if so sorry, i just read the last few pages.
Hello Abe1,
i've got a question to your great mod.
Well, I want to use this hack for support issues like 'i cant change my signature" or "there is no link, really". I thought it would be great if I or a other admin could see what the user see.
So I made some changes in the php-code (i hope it's okay?) to allow the user group "admins" to use the mod.
Now I've got a question. In Germany their are so many laws... their forbid a lot of things like to dirsturb the privacy of other poeple.. When i want to use the Hack as a support-feature i need something like agreement with the user that allows a admin to use the mod.
So my idea was to change the link in the memberinfo and in the ACP user profile to "Get Authorization".. When the admin uses this link the user will get a question at the top of the forum where he allows the admin to use the hack. After the user give his agreement in the ACP the link will change from "Get Authorization" to "log in as user".. maybe their could else be a little info at the ACP start-page.
I know their are a few changes needed to realize it, but would it be possible to realize it with your hack?
Hello Abe1,
i've got a question to your great mod.
Well, I want to use this hack for support issues like 'i cant change my signature" or "there is no link, really". I thought it would be great if I or a other admin could see what the user see.
So I made some changes in the php-code (i hope it's okay?) to allow the user group "admins" to use the mod.
Now I've got a question. In Germany their are so many laws... their forbid a lot of things like to dirsturb the privacy of other poeple.. When i want to use the Hack as a support-feature i need something like agreement with the user that allows a admin to use the mod.
So my idea was to change the link in the memberinfo and in the ACP user profile to "Get Authorization".. When the admin uses this link the user will get a question at the top of the forum where he allows the admin to use the hack. After the user give his agreement in the ACP the link will change from "Get Authorization" to "log in as user".. maybe their could else be a little info at the ACP start-page.
I know their are a few changes needed to realize it, but would it be possible to realize it with your hack?