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vBi-Gallery for vB 3.6.X Details »»
vBi-Gallery for vB 3.6.X
Version: 1.30, by Harald_T Harald_T is offline
Developer Last Online: Jan 2012 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Forum Display Enhancements - Version: 3.6.2 Rating:
Released: 10-07-2006 Last Update: Never Installs: 200
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Code Changes  
No support by the author.

This is the 3.6.X-Version of my vBi-Gallery for vBulletin.

It's an update to this hack:


This gallery-system integrates completly into vB, because it's a modification of the forum itself and uses the attachment-system of vb.

Therefore, it's neccessary to be sure, that the attachment-system is working and it's possible to create thumbs. Otherwise, the gallery won't work.

Btw, I want to thank all the people here, which are using this gallery.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-06-2006, 06:54 PM
Harald_T Harald_T is offline
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Try this one:

In the template "gallery_threadbit" find:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['field5'] != 'Ja'">
<if condition="$rows">
<if condition="$rows == 1">
<td class="alt1" width="25%" align="center" valign="middle">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"  bgcolor="#000000">
and replace 25% with 100%.

Otherwise, the size depends on the amount of text, that is written.
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Old 11-07-2006, 02:51 AM
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VBUsers VBUsers is offline
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Originally Posted by Harald_T
Try this one:

In the template "gallery_threadbit" find:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['field5'] != 'Ja'">
<if condition="$rows">
<if condition="$rows == 1">
<td class="alt1" width="25%" align="center" valign="middle">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"  bgcolor="#000000">
and replace 25% with 100%.

Otherwise, the size depends on the amount of text, that is written.
that didnt do anything. and i type alot of text and it just creates a new line.

also in the navbar when i click on the gallery link nothing shows up. why is that?
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Old 11-07-2006, 09:13 AM
DrewM DrewM is offline
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Originally Posted by AR Forums
that didnt do anything. and i type alot of text and it just creates a new line.

also in the navbar when i click on the gallery link nothing shows up. why is that?
the gallery catagoreys do not work
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Old 11-07-2006, 06:59 PM
Axl-Rose Axl-Rose is offline
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somebody can help me please? i've followed the instructions exactly but if i click on the gallery link this error comes up:
################################################## ## || || # vBulletin 3.6.2 || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # || || # Copyright ?2000-2006 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. || || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # || || # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # || || # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # || || ################################################## ################## || \*================================================ ======================*/ // ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ########################### error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); // #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS ####################### define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'forumdisplay'); // ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ###################### // get special phrase groups $phrasegroups = array('forumdisplay', 'inlinemod'); // get special data templates from the datastore $specialtemplates = array( 'iconcache', 'mailqueue' ); // pre-cache templates used by all actions $globaltemplates = array(); // pre-cache templates used by specific actions $actiontemplates = array( 'none' => array( 'FORUMDISPLAY', 'threadbit', 'threadbit_deleted', 'threadbit_announcement', 'forumhome_lastpostby', 'forumhome_forumbit_level1_post', 'forumhome_forumbit_level2_post', 'forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost', 'forumhome_forumbit_level2_nopost', 'forumhome_subforumbit_nopost', 'forumhome_subforumseparator_nopost', 'forumdisplay_loggedinuser', 'forumhome_moderator', 'forumdisplay_moderator', 'forumdisplay_sortarrow', 'forumhome_subforumbit_post', 'forumhome_subforumseparator_post', 'forumhome_markread_script', 'forumrules', 'threadadmin_imod_menu_thread', ) ); // ####################### PRE-BACK-END ACTIONS ########################## function exec_postvar_call_back() { global $vbulletin; $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array( 'forumid' => TYPE_STR, )); // jump from forumjump switch ($vbulletin->GPC['forumid']) { case 'search': $goto = 'search'; break; case 'pm': $goto = 'private'; break; case 'wol': $goto = 'online'; break; case 'cp': $goto = 'usercp'; break; case 'subs': $goto = 'subscription'; break; case 'home': case '-1': $goto = $vbulletin->options['forumhome']; break; } // intval() forumid since having text in it is not expected anywhere else and it can't be "cleaned" a second time $vbulletin->GPC['forumid'] = intval($vbulletin->GPC['forumid']); if ($goto != '') { if (!empty($vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_js'])) { exec_header_redirect("$goto.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_js']); } else { exec_header_redirect("$goto.php"); } } // end forumjump redirects } // ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################ require_once('./global.php'); require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_forumlist.php'); require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_bigthree.php'); require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_forumdisplay.php'); // ################################################## ##################### // ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################ // ################################################## ##################### ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_start')) ? eval($hook) : false; // ############################### start mark forums read ############################### if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'markread') { require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php'); $mark_read_result = mark_forums_read($foruminfo['forumid']); $vbulletin->url = $mark_read_result['url']; eval(print_standard_redirect($mark_read_result['phrase'])); } // Don't allow access to anything below if an invalid $forumid was specified if (!$foruminfo['forumid']) { eval(standard_error(fetch_error('invalidid', $vbphrase['forum'], $vbulletin->options['contactuslink']))); } // ############################### start enter password ############################### if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'doenterpwd') { $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array( 'newforumpwd' => TYPE_STR, 'url' => TYPE_STR, 'postvars' => TYPE_STR, )); if ($foruminfo['password'] == $vbulletin->GPC['newforumpwd']) { // set a temp cookie for guests if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { set_bbarray_cookie('forumpwd', $foruminfo['forumid'], md5($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->GPC['newforumpwd'])); } else { set_bbarray_cookie('forumpwd', $foruminfo['forumid'], md5($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->GPC['newforumpwd']), 1); } if ($vbulletin->GPC['url'] == $vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php') { $vbulletin->GPC['url'] = 'forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f=$foruminfo[forumid]"; } else if ($vbulletin->GPC['url'] != '' AND $vbulletin->GPC['url'] != 'forumdisplay.php') { $vbulletin->GPC['url'] = str_replace('"', '', $vbulletin->GPC['url']); } else { $vbulletin->GPC['url'] = 'forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f=$foruminfo[forumid]"; } // Allow POST based redirection... if ($vbulletin->GPC['postvars'] != '') { $temp = unserialize($vbulletin->GPC['postvars']); if ($temp['do'] != 'doenterpwd') { // ...but prevent an infinite loop require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php'); $vbulletin->GPC['postvars'] = construct_hidden_var_fields($vbulletin->GPC['postvars']); } else { $vbulletin->GPC['postvars'] = ''; } } // workaround IIS cookie+location header bug $forceredirect = (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS') !== false); eval(print_standard_redirect('forumpasswordcorrect ', true, $forceredirect)); } else { require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php'); $vbulletin->GPC['url'] = str_replace('&', '&', $vbulletin->GPC['url']); $postvars = construct_post_vars_html(); eval(standard_error(fetch_error('forumpasswordinco rrect', $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionhash'], htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['url']), $foruminfo['forumid'], $postvars, $stylevar['cellpadding'], $stylevar['cellspacing'] ))); } } // ###### END SPECIAL PATHS // These $_REQUEST values will get used in the sort template so they are assigned to normal variables $perpage = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'perpage', TYPE_UINT); $pagenumber = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'pagenumber', TYPE_UINT); $daysprune = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'daysprune', TYPE_INT); $sortfield = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'sortfield', TYPE_STR); // get permission to view forum $_permsgetter_ = 'forumdisplay'; $forumperms = fetch_permissions($foruminfo['forumid']); if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) { print_no_permission(); } // disable thread preview if we can't view threads if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads'])) { $vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] = 0; } // check if there is a forum password and if so, ensure the user has it set verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password']); $show['newthreadlink'] = iif(!$show['search_engine'] AND $foruminfo['allowposting'], true, false); $show['threadicons'] = iif ($foruminfo['allowicons'], true, false); $show['threadratings'] = iif ($foruminfo['allowratings'], true, false); // get vbulletin->iforumcache - for use by makeforumjump and forums list // fetch the forum even if they are invisible since its needed // for the title but we'll unset that further down cache_ordered_forums(1, 1); if (!$daysprune) { if ($vbulletin->userinfo['daysprune']) { $daysprune = $vbulletin->userinfo['daysprune']; } else { $daysprune = iif($foruminfo['daysprune'], $foruminfo['daysprune'], 30); } } // ### GET FORUMS, PERMISSIONS, MODERATOR iCACHES ######################## cache_moderators(); // draw nav bar $navbits = array(); $parentlist = array_reverse(explode(',', substr($foruminfo['parentlist'], 0, -3))); foreach ($parentlist AS $forumID) { $forumTitle = $vbulletin->forumcache["$forumID"]['title']; $navbits['forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f=$forumID"] = $forumTitle; } // pop the last element off the end of the $nav array so that we can show it without a link array_pop($navbits); $navbits[''] = $foruminfo['title']; $navbits = construct_navbits($navbits); eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";'); $moderatorslist = ''; $listexploded = explode(',', $foruminfo['parentlist']); $showmods = array(); $show['moderators'] = false; $totalmods = 0; foreach ($listexploded AS $parentforumid) { if (!$imodcache["$parentforumid"] OR $parentforumid == -1) { continue; } foreach ($imodcache["$parentforumid"] AS $moderator) { if ($showmods["$moderator[userid]"] === true) { continue; } ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_moderator' )) ? eval($hook) : false; $showmods["$moderator[userid]"] = true; if ($moderatorslist == '') { $show['moderators'] = true; eval('$moderatorslist = "' . fetch_template('forumdisplay_moderator') . '";'); } else { eval('$moderatorslist .= ", ' . fetch_template('forumdisplay_moderator') . '";'); } $totalmods++; } } // ### BUILD FORUMS LIST ################################################# // get an array of child forum ids for this forum $foruminfo['childlist'] = explode(',', $foruminfo['childlist']); $comma = ''; // define max depth for forums display based on $vbulletin->options[forumhomedepth] define('MAXFORUMDEPTH', $vbulletin->options['forumdisplaydepth']); if (($vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 1 OR $vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 2 OR ($vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] > 2 AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])) AND !$show['search_engine']) { $datecut = TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options['cookietimeout']; $forumusers = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT user.username, (user.options & " . $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions['invisible'] . ") AS invisible, user.usergroupid, session.userid, session.inforum, session.lastactivity, IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session AS session LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = session.userid) WHERE session.lastactivity > $datecut ORDER BY" . iif($vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 1 OR $vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 3, " username ASC,") . " lastactivity DESC "); $numberregistered = 0; $numberguest = 0; $doneuser = array(); if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { // fakes the user being in this forum $loggedin = array( 'userid' => $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], 'username' => $vbulletin->userinfo['username'], 'invisible' => $vbulletin->userinfo['invisible'], 'invisiblemark' => $vbulletin->userinfo['invisiblemark'], 'inforum' => $foruminfo['forumid'], 'lastactivity' => TIMENOW, 'musername' => $vbulletin->userinfo['musername'], ); $numberregistered = 1; fetch_online_status($loggedin); ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_loggedinus er')) ? eval($hook) : false; eval('$activeusers = "' . fetch_template('forumdisplay_loggedinuser') . '";'); $doneuser["{$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']}"] = 1; $comma = ', '; } $inforum = array(); // this require the query to have lastactivity ordered by DESC so that the latest location will be the first encountered. while ($loggedin = $db->fetch_array($forumusers)) { if (empty($doneuser["$loggedin[userid]"])) { if (in_array($loggedin['inforum'], $foruminfo['childlist']) AND $loggedin['inforum'] != -1) { if (!$loggedin['userid']) { // this is a guest $numberguest++; $inforum["$loggedin[inforum]"]++; } else { $numberregistered++; $inforum["$loggedin[inforum]"]++; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_loggedinus er')) ? eval($hook) : false; if (fetch_online_status($loggedin)) { fetch_musername($loggedin); eval('$activeusers .= "' . $comma . fetch_template('forumdisplay_loggedinuser') . '";'); $comma = ', '; } } } if ($loggedin['userid']) { $doneuser["$loggedin[userid]"] = 1; } } } if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { $numberguest = ($numberguest == 0) ? 1 : $numberguest; } $totalonline = $numberregistered + $numberguest; unset($joingroupid, $key, $datecut , $comma, $invisibleuser, $userinfo, $userid, $loggedin, $index, $value, $forumusers, $parentarray ); $show['activeusers'] = true; } else { $show['activeusers'] = false; } // ################################################## ########################### // get read status for this forum and children $unreadchildforums = 0; foreach ($foruminfo['childlist'] AS $val) { if ($val == -1 OR $val == $foruminfo['forumid']) { continue; } if ($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { $lastread_child = max($vbulletin->forumcache["$val"]['forumread'], TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400)); } else { $lastread_child = max(intval(fetch_bbarray_cookie('forum_view', $val)), $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']); } if ($vbulletin->forumcache["$val"]['lastpost'] >= $lastread_child) { $unreadchildforums = 1; break; } } $forumbits = construct_forum_bit($foruminfo['forumid']); // admin tools $show['adminoptions'] = can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid']); $show['post_new_announcement'] = can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'], 'canannounce'); $show['addmoderator'] = ($permissions['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel']); $curforumid = $foruminfo['forumid']; construct_forum_jump(); ///////////////////////////////// if ($foruminfo['cancontainthreads']) { ///////////////////////////////// if ($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { $foruminfo['forumread'] = $vbulletin->forumcache["$foruminfo[forumid]"]['forumread']; $lastread = max($foruminfo['forumread'], TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400)); } else { $bbforumview = intval(fetch_bbarray_cookie('forum_view', $foruminfo['forumid'])); $lastread = max($bbforumview, $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']); } // Inline Moderation $show['movethread'] = (can_moderate($forumid, 'canmanagethreads')) ? true : false; $show['deletethread'] = (can_moderate($forumid, 'candeleteposts') OR can_moderate($forumid, 'canremoveposts')) ? true : false; $show['approvethread'] = (can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts')) ? true : false; $show['openthread'] = (can_moderate($forumid, 'canopenclose')) ? true : false; $show['inlinemod'] = ($show['movethread'] OR $show['deletethread'] OR $show['approvethread'] OR $show['openthread']) ? true : false; $url = $show['inlinemod'] ? SCRIPTPATH : ''; // fetch popup menu if ($show['popups'] AND $show['inlinemod']) { eval('$threadadmin_imod_menu_thread = "' . fetch_template('threadadmin_imod_menu_thread') . '";'); } else { $threadadmin_imod_thread_menu = ''; } // get announcements $announcebits = ''; if ($show['threadicons'] AND $show['inlinemod']) { $announcecolspan = 6; } else if (!$show['threadicons'] AND !$show['inlinemod']) { $announcecolspan = 4; } else { $announcecolspan = 5; } $mindate = TIMENOW - 2592000; // 30 days $announcements = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT announcement.announcementid, startdate, title, announcement.views, user.username, user.userid, user.usertitle, user.customtitle, user.usergroupid, IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid " . (($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? ", NOT ISNULL(announcementread.announcementid) AS readannounce" : "") . " FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcement AS announcement " . (($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcementread AS announcementread ON (announcementread.announcementid = announcement.announcementid AND announcementread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")" : "") . " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = announcement.userid) WHERE startdate <= " . TIMENOW . " AND enddate >= " . TIMENOW . " AND " . fetch_forum_clause_sql($foruminfo['forumid'], 'forumid') . " ORDER BY startdate DESC, announcement.announcementid DESC " . iif($vbulletin->options['oneannounce'], "LIMIT 1")); while ($announcement = $db->fetch_array($announcements)) { fetch_musername($announcement); $announcement['postdate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $announcement['startdate']); if ($announcement['readannounce'] OR $announcement['startdate'] <= $mindate) { $announcement['statusicon'] = 'old'; } else { $announcement['statusicon'] = 'new'; } $announcement['views'] = vb_number_format($announcement['views']); $announcementidlink = iif(!$vbulletin->options['oneannounce'] , "&a=$announcement[announcementid]"); ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_announceme nt')) ? eval($hook) : false; eval('$announcebits .= "' . fetch_template('threadbit_announcement') . '";'); } // display threads if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers'])) { $limitothers = "AND postuserid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " <> 0"; } else { $limitothers = ''; } if (can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'])) { $redirectjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "threadredirect AS threadredirect ON(thread.open = 10 AND thread.threadid = threadredirect.threadid)"; } else { $redirectjoin = ''; } // filter out deletion notices if can't be seen if ($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canseedelnotice'] OR can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'])) { $canseedelnotice = true; $deljoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid AND deletionlog.type = 'thread')"; } else { $canseedelnotice = false; $deljoin = ''; } // remove threads from users on the global ignore list if user is not a moderator if ($Coventry = fetch_coventry('string') AND !can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'])) { $globalignore = "AND postuserid NOT IN ($Coventry) "; } else { $globalignore = ''; } // look at thread limiting options $stickyids = ''; $stickycount = 0; if ($daysprune != -1) { if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND in_coventry($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], true)) { $tachyjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tachythreadpost AS tachythreadpost ON " . "(tachythreadpost.threadid = thread.threadid AND tachythreadpost.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")"; $datecut = " AND (thread.lastpost >= " . (TIMENOW - ($daysprune * 86400)) . " OR tachythreadpost.lastpost >= " . (TIMENOW - ($daysprune * 86400)) . ")"; } else { $datecut = "AND lastpost >= " . (TIMENOW - ($daysprune * 86400)); $tachyjoin = ""; } $show['noposts'] = false; } else { $tachyjoin = ""; $datecut = ""; $show['noposts'] = true; } // complete form fields on page $daysprunesel = iif($daysprune == -1, 'all', $daysprune); $daysprunesel = array($daysprunesel => 'selected="selected"'); $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array( 'sortorder' => TYPE_NOHTML, )); // default sorting methods if (empty($sortfield)) { $sortfield = $foruminfo['defaultsortfield']; } if (empty($vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'])) { $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] = $foruminfo['defaultsortorder']; } // look at sorting options: if ($vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] != 'asc') { $sqlsortorder = 'DESC'; $order = array('desc' => 'selected="selected"'); $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] = 'desc'; } else { $sqlsortorder = ''; $order = array('asc' => 'selected="selected"'); } switch ($sortfield) { case 'title': $sqlsortfield = 'thread.title'; break; case 'lastpost': $sqlsortfield = 'lastpost'; break; case 'replycount': case 'views': case 'postusername': $sqlsortfield = $sortfield; break; case 'voteavg': if ($foruminfo['allowratings']) { $sqlsortfield = 'voteavg'; break; } case 'dateline': $sqlsortfield = 'thread.dateline'; break; // else, use last post default: $handled = false; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_sort')) ? eval($hook) : false; if (!$handled) { $sqlsortfield = 'lastpost'; $sortfield = 'lastpost'; } } $sort = array($sortfield => 'selected="selected"'); if (!can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts')) { if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canseedelnotice'])) { $visiblethreads = " AND visible = 1 "; } else { $visiblethreads = " AND visible IN (1,2)"; } } else { $visiblethreads = " AND visible IN (0,1,2)"; } $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = ''; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_query_thre adscount')) ? eval($hook) : false; # Include visible IN (0,1,2) in order to hit upon the 4 column index $threadscount = $db->query_first_slave(" SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads, SUM(IF(thread.lastpost >= $lastread AND open <> 10, 1, 0)) AS newthread $hook_query_fields FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread $tachyjoin $hook_query_joins WHERE forumid = $foruminfo[forumid] AND sticky = 0 $visiblethreads $globalignore $limitothers $datecut $hook_query_where "); $totalthreads = $threadscount['threads']; $newthreads = $threadscount['newthread']; // set defaults sanitize_pageresults($totalthreads, $pagenumber, $perpage, 200, $vbulletin->options['maxthreads']); // get number of sticky threads for the first page // on the first page there will be the sticky threads PLUS the $perpage other normal threads // not quite a bug, but a deliberate feature! if ($pagenumber == 1 OR $vbulletin->options['showstickies']) { $stickies = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT thread.threadid, lastpost, open FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread WHERE forumid = $foruminfo[forumid] AND sticky = 1 $visiblethreads $limitothers $globalignore "); while ($thissticky = $db->fetch_array($stickies)) { $stickycount++; if ($thissticky['lastpost'] >= $lastread AND $thissticky['open'] <> 10) { $newthreads++; } $stickyids .= ",$thissticky[threadid]"; } $db->free_result($stickies); unset($thissticky, $stickies); } $limitlower = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage; $limitupper = ($pagenumber) * $perpage; if ($limitupper > $totalthreads) { $limitupper = $totalthreads; if ($limitlower > $totalthreads) { $limitlower = ($totalthreads - $perpage) - 1; } } if ($limitlower < 0) { $limitlower = 0; } if ($foruminfo['allowratings']) { $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] = intval($vbulletin->options['showvotes']); $votequery = " IF(votenum >= " . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . ", votenum, 0) AS votenum, IF(votenum >= " . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . " AND votenum > 0, votetotal / votenum, 0) AS voteavg, "; } else { $votequery = ''; } if ($vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] > 0) { $previewfield = "post.pagetext AS preview,"; $previewjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)"; } else { $previewfield = ''; $previewjoin = ''; } if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND in_coventry($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], true)) { $lastpost_info1 = ",IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastpost, tachythreadpost.lastpost) AS lastpost"; $lastpost_info2 = "IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastpost, tachythreadpost.lastpost) AS lastpost, " . "IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastposter, tachythreadpost.lastposter) AS lastposter, " . "IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastpostid, tachythreadpost.lastpostid) AS lastpostid"; $tachyjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tachythreadpost AS tachythreadpost ON " . "(tachythreadpost.threadid = thread.threadid AND tachythreadpost.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ')'; } else { $lastpost_info1 = ""; $lastpost_info2 = "thread.lastpost, thread.lastposter, thread.lastpostid"; $tachyjoin = ""; } $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = ''; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_query_thre adid')) ? eval($hook) : false; $getthreadids = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT " . iif($sortfield == 'voteavg', $votequery) . " thread.threadid $lastpost_info1 $hook_query_fields FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread $tachyjoin $hook_query_joins WHERE forumid = $foruminfo[forumid] AND sticky = 0 $visiblethreads $globalignore $limitothers $datecut $hook_query_where ORDER BY sticky DESC, $sqlsortfield $sqlsortorder LIMIT $limitlower, $perpage "); $ids = ''; while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($getthreadids)) { $ids .= ',' . $thread['threadid']; } $ids .= $stickyids; $db->free_result($getthreadids); unset ($thread, $getthreadids); $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = ''; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_query')) ? eval($hook) : false; $threads = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT $votequery $previewfield thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.forumid, pollid, open, replycount, postusername, postuserid, thread.iconid AS threadiconid, $lastpost_info2, thread.dateline, IF(views<=replycount, replycount+1, views) AS views, notes, thread.visible, sticky, votetotal, thread.attach, hiddencount, deletedcount " . (($vbulletin->options['threadsubscribed'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? ", NOT ISNULL(subscribethread.subscribethreadid) AS issubscribed" : "") . " " . ($deljoin ? ", deletionlog.userid AS del_userid, deletionlog.username AS del_username, deletionlog.reason AS del_reason" : "") . " " . (($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? ", threadread.readtime AS threadread" : "") . " " . ($redirectjoin ? ", threadredirect.expires" : "") . " $hook_query_fields FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread $deljoin " . (($vbulletin->options['threadsubscribed'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread AS subscribethread ON(subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid AND subscribethread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND canview = 1)" : "") . " " . (($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "threadread AS threadread ON (threadread.threadid = thread.threadid AND threadread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")" : "") . " $previewjoin $tachyjoin $redirectjoin $hook_query_joins WHERE thread.threadid IN (0$ids) $hook_query_where ORDER BY sticky DESC, $sqlsortfield $sqlsortorder "); unset($limitothers, $delthreadlimit, $deljoin, $datecut, $votequery, $sqlsortfield, $sqlsortorder, $threadids); // Get Dot Threads $dotthreads = fetch_dot_threads_array($ids); if ($vbulletin->options['showdots'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { $show['dotthreads'] = true; } else { $show['dotthreads'] = false; } unset($ids); // prepare sort things for column header row: $sorturl = 'forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f=$forumid&daysprune=$daysprune"; $oppositesort = iif($vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] == 'asc', 'desc', 'asc'); if ($totalthreads > 0 OR $stickyids) { if ($totalthreads > 0) { $limitlower++; } // check to see if there are any threads to display. If there are, do so, otherwise, show message if ($vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] > 0) { // Get Buddy List $buddy = array(); if (trim($vbulletin->userinfo['buddylist'])) { $buddylist = preg_split('/( )+/', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['buddylist']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($buddylist AS $buddyuserid) { $buddy["$buddyuserid"] = 1; } } DEVDEBUG('buddies: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($buddy))); // Get Ignore Users $ignore = array(); if (trim($vbulletin->userinfo['ignorelist'])) { $ignorelist = preg_split('/( )+/', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['ignorelist']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($ignorelist AS $ignoreuserid) { if (!$buddy["$ignoreuserid"]) { $ignore["$ignoreuserid"] = 1; } } } DEVDEBUG('ignored users: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($ignore))); } $show['threads'] = true; $threadbits = ''; $threadbits_sticky = ''; $counter = 0; $toread = 0; while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($threads)) { // AND $counter++ < $perpage) // build thread data $thread = process_thread_array($thread, $lastread, $foruminfo['allowicons']); $realthreadid = $thread['realthreadid']; if ($thread['sticky']) { $threadbit =& $threadbits_sticky; } else { $threadbit =& $threadbits; } ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('threadbit_display')) ? eval($hook) : false; // Soft Deleted Thread if ($thread['visible'] == 2) { $thread['deletedcount']++; $show['threadtitle'] = (can_moderate($forumid) OR ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] != 0 AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == $thread['postuserid'])) ? true : false; $show['deletereason'] = (!empty($thread['del_reason'])) ? true : false; $show['viewthread'] = (can_moderate($forumid)) ? true : false; $show['managethread'] = (can_moderate($forumid, 'candeleteposts') OR can_moderate($forumid, 'canremoveposts')) ? true : false; $show['moderated'] = ($thread['hiddencount'] > 0 AND can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts')) ? true : false; $show['deletedthread'] = $canseedelnotice; eval('$threadbit .= "' . fetch_template('threadbit_deleted') . '";'); } else { if (!$thread['visible']) { $thread['hiddencount']++; } $show['moderated'] = ($thread['hiddencount'] > 0 AND can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts')) ? true : false; $show['deletedthread'] = ($thread['deletedcount'] > 0 AND $canseedelnotice) ? true : false; //############################Gallery-Modification########################### if ($gallery == true) { eval('$threadbit .= "' . fetch_template('gallery_threadbit') . '";'); } else { eval('$threadbit .= "' . fetch_template('threadbit') . '";'); } //############################End Gallery-Modification######################## } } $db->free_result($threads); unset($thread, $counter); $pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $totalthreads, 'forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f=$forumid", "" . (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['perpage']) ? "&pp=$perpage" : "") . (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['sortfield']) ? "&sort=$sortfield" : "") . (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['sortorder']) ? "&order=" . $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] : "") . (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['daysprune']) ? "&daysprune=$daysprune" : "") ); eval('$sortarrow[' . $sortfield . '] = "' . fetch_template('forumdisplay_sortarrow') . '";'); } unset($threads, $dotthreads); // get colspan for bottom bar $foruminfo['bottomcolspan'] = 6; if ($foruminfo['allowicons']) { $foruminfo['bottomcolspan']++; } if ($foruminfo['allowratings']) { $foruminfo['bottomcolspan']++; } $show['threadslist'] = true; ///////////////////////////////// } // end forum can contain threads else { $show['threadslist'] = false; } ///////////////////////////////// if ($newthreads < 1 AND $unreadchildforums < 1) { mark_forum_read($foruminfo, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], TIMENOW); } eval('$forumhome_markread_script = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_markread_script') . '";'); construct_forum_rules($foruminfo, $forumperms); $show['forumsearch'] = iif (!$show['search_engine'] AND $forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['cansearch'] AND $vbulletin->options['enablesearches'], true, false); $show['forumslist'] = iif ($forumshown, true, false); $show['stickies'] = iif ($threadbits_sticky != '', true, false); ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('forumdisplay_complete') ) ? eval($hook) : false; eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('FORUMDISPLAY') . '");'); /*================================================= =====================*\ || ################################################## ################## || # Downloaded: 10.00, Wed Oct 4th 2006 || # CVS: $RCSfile: forumdisplay.php,v $ - $Revision: 1.320 $ || ################################################## ################## \*================================================ ======================*/ ?>
installed vb: 3.6.2
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Old 11-07-2006, 08:46 PM
FARMER FARMER is offline
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i can not view the image in thumbnail

please help me!!!
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Old 11-07-2006, 09:32 PM
hgb hgb is offline
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Originally Posted by FMCS
After the mod was installed we noticed that the forum became horribly slow so I changed the 'gallery_images_forumhome' bit to the following:

PHP Code:
// #################### Latest Gallery-Additions #######################
// fetch the permissions for each forum
// global $vbulletin;

if (isset($forumid) == false)

$gal_num_rows $vbulletin->options['gal_num_rows'];

if (

// fetch latest pics
$thumbs $db->query_read("SELECT gallery, threadid, firstpostid, "TABLE_PREFIX "thread.title, attachmentid, "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment.dateline FROM "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment, "TABLE_PREFIX "thread, "TABLE_PREFIX "forum
WHERE gallery='1' AND "
TABLE_PREFIX "thread.forumid="TABLE_PREFIX "forum.forumid AND "TABLE_PREFIX "thread.firstpostid = "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment.postid AND "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment.dateline < " TIME() ."
.TABLE_PREFIX ."thread.threadid
TABLE_PREFIX "attachment.attachmentid DESC LIMIT $gal_num_rows");

while (
$gallery $db->fetch_array($thumbs))
'$latestgallery .= "' fetch_template('gallery_latestpictures') . '";');

// #################### Random Gallery-Additions #######################
// fetch random pics

if ($vbulletin->options['show_random']==1)
$random_thumbs $db->query_read("SELECT gallery, threadid, firstpostid, "TABLE_PREFIX "thread.title, attachmentid, "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment.dateline FROM "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment, "TABLE_PREFIX "thread, "TABLE_PREFIX "forum
WHERE gallery='1'AND "
TABLE_PREFIX "thread.featured!='1' AND  "TABLE_PREFIX "thread.forumid="TABLE_PREFIX "forum.forumid AND "TABLE_PREFIX "thread.firstpostid = "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment.postid AND "TABLE_PREFIX "attachment.dateline < " TIME() ." ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $gal_num_rows");

while (
$rand_gallery $db->fetch_array($random_thumbs))
'$random_gallery .= "' fetch_template('gallery_randompictures') . '";');

the added bits are 'if (isset($forumid) == false)' so the thumbs aren't attempted to load on other pages than forumhome. (got a big speed-increase on the forums after doing this)

also added 'if ($vbulletin->options['show_random']==1)' and 'if ($vbulletin->options['show_latest']==1)' bits to get rid of redundant sqlqueries.

Hope this is of any use to people
been searching for a couple day and have no idea where this... littl help pointing me there please
this is not a template so kinda lost :cross-eyed:

the gallery is up and runs fine but slows down my site as well and would like to fix this...

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Old 11-08-2006, 07:31 AM
Harald_T Harald_T is offline
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@Axl-Rose: This seems to be an php/apache-problem and shouldn't be a problem of the hack.

@Farmer: Please check, if your vb creates thumbnails for attachments. And be sure, that you didn't used linked pictures.
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Old 11-08-2006, 10:57 AM
ahmed-samara ahmed-samara is offline
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owa >>>> thanks ....................
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Old 11-11-2006, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Harald_T
Thanks. You're right, i forgot to add the options for random and latest thumbs. And thanks for the hint regarding the forumid.
No problems

Originally Posted by hgb
been searching for a couple day and have no idea where this... littl help pointing me there please

this is not a template so kinda lost :cross-eyed:

the gallery is up and runs fine but slows down my site as well and would like to fix this...

I guess I was a bit vague on the location in the original post but here goes:
Open "Plugins & Products" in the left navigation in admincp
Then go to "Plugin manager" and you should find the template there.

The title is "gallery_images_forumhome" and the hook is "global_start", hope that you find your way
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Old 11-11-2006, 07:59 PM
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Thanks for the great plugin.

I am having a problem others have had, but it's not been addressed.

The image is missing above this sentence:
"Click on the picture, to show it in original-size"

Anything I can do to fix this?

EDIT: Just discovered it only happens to small images, any way around this?
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