Well, here's just a list of new features and such for the new version:
1) In the table of the messages in the received list and the sent list, to have a column with a checkbox next to each message title. You can check the boxes next to the titles you want to delete, and then click on a button which says "delete all checked titles". This way, if you'd like to delete several messages, you don't have to access each message at a time.
2) Add "My Private Messaging" to the $forumjump scrolldown list (I guess this could be added somehow simple, no?)
Not yet, but it sounds simple (I'm just trying to avoid making changes to vB's standard files.
3) the lightbulb icon! - have a lightbulb icon next to the privae messages line on the forumhome, whereby if you have new messages it will be lit up, and if you don't have new messages it won't be (just like you have an indicator for the forums)
4) "last message by" - have on the forumhome and indicator of the last message date and who sent it, just like in the forums.
Been done!
Plus on each BB message that a person writes there should be an icon to 'Send Private Message', if there isn't such thing already.
Yep, been done too!
This might seem a little hard, but would it be possible for the user to create subfolders, like "Old PM's", or something like that? Someplace to put the PM's once they have been read, but so that they are not in the "Inbox".
A little hard, but ... Done too!
some kind of indicator to note whethere a message has been replied to or not
Done too!
I wonder if you are able to put "quotas" on accounts. IE limit to 20 messages or something??
I haven't tested it, but Done! (Admins/Mods exempt too) (Even sends email if full)
1) Forward. "Forward this message to..."
2) a "read next" "read previous" links on the messages, like in the threads.
3) An arrow next to the "last message from..." which takes you directly to that last message.
Not yet, but I think that's simple too...
how about the option to dispatch an email to the user when a new private message is awaiting them
Not yet
Also, it would be great if there was a facility for admins only (i.e. me) to send a private message to *every* registered user.
Not quite yet...
an option to stop specific users from using the facility if they abused it, but seperate from their posting rights section
Would it be possible to place check boxes next to the list of "sent" messages, so instead of deleting them one at a time you could check as many messages as you want and delete them all at once.
See above (aka Done!)
Receipt Notification (notify sender that recepient read message)
Don't really know if this is possible without adding another field...
Make a folder with an R or such so that we know we responded to a specific message
Done! (I just need a folder that has an R)
If there are no messages in your folder it says "Last message from" and then nothing, have this say 'nobody' or such. Should only do this if I have never received a message (see below)
If I delete all of my messages it should remember who my last message was from and reflect that in the "Last Message from"
I don't want to add another field to the user table
Oh yeah would it be possible to get some sort of stat function in the CP that would say
25 IM's sent today, 350 total ever sent.
Not done yet...
One thing that I think would really be cool is a feature that would offer a java pop up if they wanted like ICQ
Does the PM hack currently check against baneip / banemail if enablebanning is switched on via the Control Panel?
One other thing. I think you should make it to where the member can turn this option off. I know you have control as an admin to turn it off or on to the whole board but a lot our members don't like the private messging and don't want anyone sending them anything. This should also remove the icon that you put in the forumdisplay pages too so that they can't send a private message from there either.
You know looking at what you have done already it would nice if you put all the member selection in an options section. That way on one page you could set up your folders, set up your ban list, enable or disable private messaging, etc.
Does the PM hack currently check against baneip / banemail if enablebanning is switched on via the Control Panel?
Done! (That was the simplest fix ever)
Originally posted by Parker Clack Ed:
One other thing. I think you should make it to where the member can turn this option off. I know you have control as an admin to turn it off or on to the whole board but a lot our members don't like the private messging and don't want anyone sending them anything. This should also remove the icon that you put in the forumdisplay pages too so that they can't send a private message from there either.