Version: , by Kayn
Developer Last Online: Dec 2010
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 07-02-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 59
No support by the author.
UPDATED! Woohoo!
I just fixed/added stuff from version 1.0!
Download the new version 1.5 if you have the old 1.0 - lots of better features.
From the readme.txt:
This script isn't really a hack, just an external script that pulls information out of the VBulletin Database for news
or whatever reason you see fit. It's easy to install and configure, and has tons of the same features that many other
news scripts have, except you don't have to modify any Vbulletin source code (which I'm never comfortable doing
for some reason, but that's just me .
I had a really rough time finding a good, EASY news script that did what this does. I searched and found some, but
it really came down to easy installation. I didn't want to modify MySql tables or mess with the advanced Vbulletin
source (well, to me anyway). So I wrote this script. Yer.
This script was intended for VBulletin 2.0 only (I don't know if it will work with previous releases) and PHP4.
After you install, if at all possible, I would appreciate some credit to my script. A link to
on your page before or after your news would be great. Let me know when you have it installed too - I love
seeing my stuff working on other websites!
Originally posted by Harry Anyone knows what to change, that not the complete Article, but after 100 or 200 letters it ends with a "...more..." linked to the complete article???
vB's screwing up the code, so I'll attached the instructions as a .txt file...
here is a MINI im talkin lil modification i did to the headlines.php to make it display a selected number of headlines instead of showing the same amout as the news.
in pluhheadlines.php find:
PHP Code:
// create sql statement
$sql = "SELECT threadid, title, forumid, replycount, postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline, iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid = \"$newsforums\" ORDER BY threadid DESC LIMIT $newsitems";
replace that with
PHP Code:
//headline count
$headlines = "5";
// create sql statement
$sql = "SELECT threadid, title, forumid, replycount, postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline, iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid = \"$newsforums\" ORDER BY threadid DESC LIMIT $headlines";
and just put how many headlines you want to display in the $headlines variable . Enjoy.
Warning: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in
path\to\global.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined variable: QUERY_STRING in path\to\global.php on line 47
Warning: Undefined index: HTTP_POST_VARS in
path\to\global.php on line 64
Warning: Undefined index: action in
path\to\global.php on line 64
Warning: Undefined index: action in
path\to\global.php on line 67
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at path\to\global.php:39) in path\to\functions.php on line 1457
Today's News
However at the very bottom its posting my news.. is there somthin I missed? hehe
Im getting that assortment of errors when I am logged in? I already have the cookie thing set. Also do I put those require commands on the index of the site itself where the news is included?