Version: 1.00, by NTLDR (Coder)
Developer Last Online: Oct 2004
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 01-02-2004
Last Update: 03-29-2004
Installs: 801
No support by the author.
[high]vBindex v3.0.0 RC5[/high]
I happy to announce the fith release of vBindex for vBulletin 3 here at and also the first Offical vB3 Hack here . This is the 9th release of vBindex for vB3 and there are few known problems currently. This release works with vB 3.0.0 Gamma, vB 3.0.0 RC1, vB 3.0.0 RC2, vB 3.0.0 RC3, vB 3.0.0 RC4 and vB 3.0.0.
The following are the features that are presently avalible in vBindex, those marked [high]*NEW*[/high] have been updated since vBindex 2.1 and those marked [high]*NEW*[/high] have been updated since Pre-RC2 was released and those marked [high]*NEW*[/high] have been added since RC2 and those marked [high]*NEW*[/high] have been added since RC3.
News (taken from a specified news forum), with vBcode, Smilies and optional news posters avatar;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Improved avatar system for news posts;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Option to have sticky threads in the news forum sticky on vBindex;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Option to limit the number of characters in news posts;
Side Blocks:
Easy Administration:
[high]*NEW*[/high] All side blocks can be moved from within the ACP, no template edits needed!;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Custom blocks, add unlimited custom side blocks and control them all from the ACP;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Support for right, left and dual side blocks;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Each side block can be expanded/contracted just like the forums, QRB, post rules etc on the forum;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Dynamic side blocks via a special PHP Include type system (vbindex_customblock_php);
Latest Threads:
[high]*NEW*[/high] More functional and faster new threads and posts;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Link to first unread post if the user has not read the thread yet;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Ability to have the latest threads under the news with more details;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Online user list, with buddies and invisible users marked:
[high]*NEW*[/high] Option to show users online in the past 24 hours;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Online users block can be switched off;
Integrated Welcome Panel:
[high]*NEW*[/high] Option for detault avatar in the Welcome Box for members without an avatar and Guests;
Fully integrated Shoutbox:
[high]*NEW*[/high] Scrolling shoutbox option;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Allow users to delete own shouts if option is turned on;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Select which usergroups can delete any users shouts;
[high]*NEW*[/high] View all shouts, a full page shoutbox built it;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Option to show disabled postshout area to unregistred users;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Order shouts in either direction;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Limit the length of shouts;
Poll, with the option to select a random poll from a given set of forums;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Calendar:
[high]*NEW*[/high] Links to events;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Option to show weekends and dynmically adjust the side bars to the correct size;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Todays birthdays;
Templates & Phrases:
[high]*NEW*[/high] Fully phrased, both the vBindex Options and the front end are 100% phrased;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Use date/time option (Today/Yesterday and Detailed) specified in vB Options;
Only 5 queries with everything switched off, and still only 13 with all options turned on, thats 5 queries less than our nearest competitor!
[high]*NEW*[/high] Improved install, easy onscreen instructions that even new hackers should be able to follow and have vBindex working quicky;
[high]*NEW*[/high] Compatible with vBwar for vB3 when its released.
[high]*NEW*[/high] Admin Help system, gives help with all the vBindex options in the ACP.
[high]*NEW*[/high] Uninstall/Re-Install System.
See the README_1ST.htm file included in the zip for more detailed install instructions and details of where to upload the files. Then point your browser to
Changes Since vBindex 3.0.0 RC4
vBindex 3.0.0 RC4 was released about a week ago, RC5 has just a few changes and is expected to be the last release before vBindex 3.0.0. Changes include fixing of an XHTML issue in the custom block templates; admin help system added; ability to restrict the length of shouts.
Support will be given here in this thread ONLY. [high]Support *WILL NOT* be given via PM/Email/IM.[/high]
vBindex is Copyright MMII - MMIV Winter Systems, you may not distribute in part or whole any portion of the source code (apart from in this thread) or any file included in the zip (Unless you are posting a language translation of vbindex_phrases.xml in this thread). Portions Copyright MM - MMIV Jelsoft Enterprises Limited. Both the Jelsoft vBulletin and the Winter Systems vBindex Copyright notice in the footer must stay in place for any page powered by vBindex.
Why is my site like this? when my forums look fine, all i did was update from vb RC4 to 3.0.1 and vbinex to the latest one
I'm sorry but I don't have the time to even think of reading through 88 maybe you can direct me to a specific post which may answer my question. I've already read the last three pages.
I'm sorry but I don't have the time to even think of reading through 88 maybe you can direct me to a specific post which may answer my question. I've already read the last three pages.
I updated and I have no problems, but I do see a problem in the Latest Centered Block. All of the showthread.php links say showthread.core. Here is a link, can anyone help me fix.
nice hack, i install it again (previously used once and switch to vbadvanced), this time round, its easier to install then last versions.
However i notice something it wrong... I already saved the option :
Under News
Show Subscribed Icon
(Show the subscribed icon if a user has subscribed to the thread. This can have an effect on performance.) - Unchecked
Though I unchecked the above options seems like it wasn't updated and the subscription icons still appears.
Though I unchecked the above options seems like it wasn't updated and the subscription icons still appears.
It should save correctly unless your settings are corupt somehow, you can run:
[sql]UPDATE datastore SET data = '' WHERE title='vbindex_setting'[/sql]
This WILL DELETE YOUR vBINDEX SETTINGS and you'll be able to reconfigure them again.
Anyway i also manage to integrate my Photopost featured photos into vbindex.
Someone posted some for of PhotoPost block at Core Forums, but as I don't have photopost I can't provide any code to do this.
I also make some amendments to the copyright notice (current one too lengthy), can NTLDR advise if its ok?
Provided it says 'vBindex Copyright ? MMII - MMIV Winter Systems.' the other text other than the Jelsoft copyright (if you don't have a branding free licence) can be removed.
Also i notice the total number of posts and threads(under welcome template) are not working too.
If you mean the number of new posts/threads then make sure that Enable New Posts is checked in the options.
I updated and I have no problems, but I do see a problem in the Latest Centered Block. All of the showthread.php links say showthread.core. Here is a link, can anyone help me fix.
Use the template search and replace function to search for .core and replace with .php (there should be two instances of it, one in vbindex_centerthreadbit and one in calendar_smallmonth_day).
It should save correctly unless your settings are corupt somehow, you can run:
[sql]UPDATE datastore SET data = '' WHERE title='vbindex_setting'[/sql]
This WILL DELETE YOUR vBINDEX SETTINGS and you'll be able to reconfigure them again.
Ok i will try that
Originally Posted by NTLDR
Someone posted some for of PhotoPost block at Core Forums, but as I don't have photopost I can't provide any code to do this.
You do not need the whole photopost script right? If so i can just send you the file for the integration and the database structure for reference (provided i dun run into copyright issues...)
Originally Posted by NTLDR
Provided it says 'vBindex Copyright ? MMII - MMIV Winter Systems.' the other text other than the Jelsoft copyright (if you don't have a branding free licence) can be removed.