MAria good mod.
i just upgraded to vb4 and yours is the first mod i installed.
i have a question, your instructions do not tell us how to send the newsletter?
i have configured as instructed, but now i need to send a letter to my members telling them we are back open.
second thing is, i have currently 845 users. my hosting servers allow me to only send 500 mails per hour. how can i manage that?
it was built using the 1st release ... i just made another test now with vbeditor and sent email to myself.. will let u know if it comes thru correctly
edit: ... okay works now .. the coding is showing up properly ...
only problem now is the To Unsubscribe from this Mailing, Click Here ... there is no link to click.
Heyyyy !!! Think a bit deeper (I'm kidding). It's a test email. I removed the link from there, because if you clicked it by mistake (to test it), you'll be removed from the list
MAria good mod.
i just upgraded to vb4 and yours is the first mod i installed.
i have a question, your instructions do not tell us how to send the newsletter?
i have configured as instructed, but now i need to send a letter to my members telling them we are back open.
Send email works with the help of a cron job. If you left datetime unchanged, then the emails will be send in the next cron run (default: every 30 min). If you want to send them right now, you must run the crom microNEWSLETTER manually.
Originally Posted by Nadeemjp
second thing is, i have currently 845 users. my hosting servers allow me to only send 500 mails per hour. how can i manage that?
looking forward to hearing from you
Sorry, this feature is supporting only in the PRO version, among many others additional features.
alright maria, i will buy the pro version from you.
rather i would wanna have a look at other of your modifications PRO.
by the way, how can i configure my site so that if someone types they are directed to CMS home?
alright maria, i will buy the pro version from you.
rather i would wanna have a look at other of your modifications PRO.
by the way, how can i configure my site so that if someone types they are directed to CMS home?
Do you mean vB's CMS? This is automatic. But if you've vB's installation in a subdirectory (eg forums), then you must edit your site's index.php to contain only:
Do you mean email addresses, or email messages? Most probably email addresses. Currently not, but in an upgrade I'll add a feature to allow multiple insertions (but not importing).
ah thank you so much maria, i have been driven crazy for this problem.
my all vb files are in public_html/forums so i write the word "forums" minus the quotes in place of myforumdirectory?
ah thank you so much maria, i have been driven crazy for this problem.
my all vb files are in public_html/forums so i write the word "forums" minus the quotes in place of myforumdirectory?
You're write:
but better download the attached file and upload it to your ROOT directory.
Do you mean email addresses, or email messages? Most probably email addresses. Currently not, but in an upgrade I'll add a feature to allow multiple insertions (but not importing).
Thanks! I have a few thousand I'd love to add but looks like I'll need to do it one by one. Here's another feature request, making it possible to export/import through the same mod. Would be nice to have a file of all the emails as backup.