Version: , by mister
Developer Last Online: May 2015
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 06-24-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 72
No support by the author.
my first hack, enjoy...
Today's Events on Main Forum Page Hack Version: 4
Lists today's events on the main page, under the Online Users & Birthdays (both public, and private events).
*Version 2 adds the ability to list either bulleted or linear
*Version 3 uses the users timezone adjusted date, rather than the servers date
*Version 4 fixes a type-o on line 47ish, and adds one bit of instruction if using the bulleted list, rather than linear
Files to Add: todaysevents.php Files to Edit: index.php Templates to Edit: forumhome_loggedinusers Templates to Add: calendar_privateevent_linear, calendar_publicevent_linear Demo:
upgrade from version 2:
0) backup necessary files
1) upload new todaysevents.php
2) done
upgrade from version 2:
0) backup necessary files
1) upload new todaysevents.php
2) done
upgrade from version 1:
0) backup necessary files
1) upload new todaysevents.php
2) add 2 templates
(NOTE: there is an important space after the comma at the end, and an extra space in {calpubliccolor } and {calprivatecolor })
5) edit todaysevents.php to either show bulleted or linear events (comment or uncomment the corresponding eval statement, and the line near the end doing the substr)
6) All done.
one person downloaded version 4, i didnt test my change, and forgot to comment out a line.
line 10 needs comments for that one person who downloaded the bad version 4
I still havent figured out how to incorporate birthdays into upcoming events. Even though they show up on the calendar, they are not stored in the same place as calendar events.
The rest of it works fine though.
Here are a couple of screenshots and instructions for my modified version of the hack:
This is what happen when there are no upcoming events:
This is what happens when there are, notice that I can only show todays birthdays and it is separate from the events. I want to combine them:
I don't want to post instructions until I have finished this hack. I am still planning on incorporating Birthdays into the upcoming events and putting two options in the user control panel: One to select yes/no whether to display upcoming events at all, another to select how far into the future they want events displayed (1week, 2 weeks, 1 month). Once I have those things finished I will post instructions..
I am looking for Today's event & Upcoming Events online, so if you don't figure out the incorporating birthday thing, please post the upcoming event hack .
The only thing keeping this from happening is that a SQL UNION query needs to be created to combine the Events from the Calendar with the Birthdays from the User Profiles. I have tried this but I keep running into a syntax issue that keeps it from working. I have not found anyone who will help.
I'd love to install this hack but ... maybe I'm blind but I can't figure out where to get [todaysevents.php] from this thread. It doesn't appear to be linked in first post ... do I have to create a new file myself?