Version: 1.00, by GenSec
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Version: 3.0.3
Released: 11-07-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 83
No support by the author.
As I was asked about this one
These hack adds new look to your arcade main page.
Files to edit: 1
Templates to edit: 2
Very easy to install... Just 2"
Find in arcade.php
// Gets all of the games
while ($game = $DB_site->fetch_array($result_allgames)) {
$gamename = $game['shortname'];
if ($gamecache["$game[shortname]"]) {
$game = $gamecache["$game[shortname]"];
} else {
// the game has never had a score recorded
// $extra is used as a conditional for the arcade_main_games_bit template
$extra = 1;
if (strlen($game['username'])>12) {
$game['username'] = "<font size=1>".$game['username']."</font>";
if (($game['gamesettings'] & 1)&&($g >= $startingfrom && $g<$upperlimit)) {
eval('$gamebits .= "' . fetch_template('arcade_main_games_bit') . '";');
if ($game['gamesettings'] & 1) {
and replace with
// Gets all of the games
$gamebits .="<tr>";
while ($game = $DB_site->fetch_array($result_allgames)) {
$gamename = $game['shortname'];
if ($gamecache["$game[shortname]"]) {
$game = $gamecache["$game[shortname]"];
} else {
// the game has never had a score recorded
// $extra is used as a conditional for the arcade_main_games_bit template
$extra = 1;
if (($game['gamesettings'] & 1)&&($g >= $startingfrom && $g < $upperlimit)) {
if(!(($g+1)%4)) $nextrow="</tr><tr>";
else $nextrow="";
eval('$gamebits .= "' . fetch_template('arcade_main_games_bit') . '";');
if ($game['gamesettings'] & 1) {
$gamebits .="</tr>";
Change your "arcade_main_games_bit" template to the attached.
And edit "arcade_main" template around $gamebits
to change every newrest colspan="4" to your number of columns
Can someone please assist me with altering my Game Table? I do not know where to do this. I uploaded game_size.php to admincp but when I run it I receive a database error. I suspect it is because I did not alter the Game Table.
Currently no sizes show up. Looks like:
Play: [ Kb]
Can someone please assist me with altering my Game Table? I do not know where to do this. I uploaded game_size.php to admincp but when I run it I receive a database error. I suspect it is because I did not alter the Game Table.
Currently no sizes show up. Looks like:
Play: [ Kb]
Can anybody upgrade this wonderful hack for vb3.5?