Version: 1.00, by g-force2k2
Developer Last Online: May 2008
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 01-11-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 79
No support by the author.
Alright I decided to port this hack over from vb2 since it was one of my favorite hacks, but this time I did a bit more tweaking to improve its preformance and accuracy. Hack comes with auto-installer / un-installer / uses bitwise permissions / fully vbphrased.
What does this hack do?
In the user profile it displays the forum that that user is most active in, the number of posts they have made and the percentage of total posts.
It does require one extra query in the member.php when viewing profiles
Also uses bitwise permissions to check to see if users have access to that forum, which I used a cache for to prevent this hack from using two queries as it did in the past.
What to do?
Queries to run: 2
File Modifications: 2
Template Modifications: 1
Just simply upload the install_ufactive.php to the admincp directory and run the installer for the rest of the steps and information.
Comments, suggestions, etc. are always welcomed. Enjoy my 3rd vb3 hack as I've had just as much fun making it, and trying to make my hacks the best possiblem, from feature wise to performance.
See attachments for screenshots below, first one shows a user that doesn't have the right permissions to view the user's most active forum so it takes from the next most active forum, but the second screenshot shows with regular permissions as the user has permission to the forum.
Please respect my work and I would appreciate if you clicked install.
Note all upgrades are included in the new install_ufactive.php only needed if you installed before February 5th 2004 else the auto-installer has been updated.
You can view the attachment [ HERE ] and the post information [ HERE ].
It is advised that you updated changes if you use the Firebird Browser or if you use TABLE_PREFIX on your forum. I will update the install file to include these changes shortly. Big thumbs up to Natch and buro9 for helping me sort out the issues
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I got just about every error everyone here has described, but after i sat down and analyzed the code i found a few errors which i corrected.
The problem seems to be that deleted posts have not been substracted - just deleted threads!
Try this on for size, it works fine on my board
PHP Code:
$show[useractiveness] = 0 ;
if ($userinfo[posts]) {
$forumids = implode("', '", get_noaccess_forumids());
$tfarray = $DB_site->query_first(
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS aposts," . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum.title AS aftitle, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread.forumid AS aforumid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post.threadid = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread.threadid
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum.forumid = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread.forumid
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS delpost ON(delpost.primaryid = post.postid AND delpost.type = 'post')
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS delthread ON(delthread.primaryid = thread.threadid AND delthread.type = 'thread')
WHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum.forumid NOT IN ( '$forumids' )
AND " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread.visible=1
AND delpost.primaryid IS NULL
AND delthread.primaryid IS NULL
AND " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post.userid = $userinfo[userid] GROUP BY " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum.forumid ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1");
$_activeposts = $tfarray['aposts'];
$_activeurl = "<a href=\"forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=".$tfarray['aforumid']."\">".$tfarray['aftitle']."</a>";
$_activeperc = round(((implode('',explode('.',$_activeposts)) / implode('',explode('.',$userinfo['posts'])) ) * 100), 2)."%" ;
$show[useractiveness] = 1 ;
Also, for those of you who experience that the hack installs but only show a blank box in the memberinfo: Go to the admincp and edit (and save) the phrase you created on install. That should fix the problem.