About this hack:
This hack allows you to set a thread as 'must read' by your members. Right now, if you make a post and want all your members to read it, you have no way of enforcing it. This hack will give an error message similar to the one you get when you need to change you password, saying that the admins want you to read a certain thread before they continue using the forum.
Once a user reads a thread, they wont be bugged to read it again.
You can set all usergroups or just certain onces that must read a thread.
You can set to site wide or just some forums.
Option to Force Guests
This hack added one query to every page on your forum a member goes to.
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 0
Files to upload: 2 (1 via ACP, 2 via FTP)
Time to install: 1 minute
Version 2.0 (03/05/08):
First Release of this Hack for vb3.7
MAJOR update. Hack totally re-writen. You must uninstall old version before upgrading.
Fixed just about all bugs. (like if you delete a thread...)
No more template edit. Everything done in ACP.
Permissions for by who ever has ACP access with threads and posts
Force Guests to read a thread now.
Works for BOTH vb3.6 AND vb3.7
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. I read ALL posts.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
i installed it it works great. I decided to delete the message before all the users viewed it. now they come to the screen "the administrators want you to view a thread before you continue to browse the forum. you can view the thread here". they click it and nothing happens and they cant proceed. i then disable the plugin, when they click the link then they get "no thread specified, please notify the administrator". then they can proceed to the forums. once i reenable the plugin though they get sent back to "the administrators want you to view a threadbefore you continue to browse the forum. you can view the thread here". can i just uninstall and then try again?
i installed it it works great. I decided to delete the message before all the users viewed it. now they come to the screen "the administrators want you to view a thread before you continue to browse the forum. you can view the thread here". they click it and nothing happens and they cant proceed. i then disable the plugin, when they click the link then they get "no thread specified, please notify the administrator". then they can proceed to the forums. once i reenable the plugin though they get sent back to "the administrators want you to view a threadbefore you continue to browse the forum. you can view the thread here". can i just uninstall and then try again?
That is one way, or you can go into phpmyadmin and remove the row in force_read_thread table.
hmmm - for anyone interested - I made a little Attention Please graphic to use on the "error message" phrase and in the thread that you have the required read in... It's especially nice if you use the bbcode colors red and darkred
My phrase:
Again - Thanx for the modification
Nominated for HOTM
where do you place this code and what if anything do i have to remove?