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vbMp3 & XEON vbMp3 Player
Version: 1.0.2, by syrus.xl syrus.xl is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2016 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Mini Mods - Version: 3.6.7 Rating:
Released: 09-03-2006 Last Update: 10-06-2006 Installs: 163
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vbMp3 Player + XEON vbMp3 Player
See second Message for CMPS Block version for vbMp3 Player. XEON vBa CMPS install instructions are in the XEON package.


vbMp3 Player designed by Syrus XL
IMPORTANT: No longer supported on here - if you require advice or support then this is only available from www.digitalport.co.uk

Requirements: Any vBulletin forum (requires no database to function)

XEON Update:
The Xeon vBmp3 player will be released soon to full vBulletin integration, this means you will able to add tracks to the 5 playlists from the AdminCP, all urls,track titles and playlists are stored in the database.

If you would like to support my work with this modification please contact me via PM regarding donations, and I will add you to the supporters list. You will receive advanced notice of future beta releases, and also permission to beta test them.

Support: Only given to members that have clicked 'Installed'.

[high]The 'mighty' XEON vbMp3 player now available for download.[/high] Note: XEON is a beta release, replacing the 'Black Gloss' version. There are a few bugs with playlist switching, these will be 'fixed' in an update, hopefully within the next few days. This is a high-quality designed mp3 player and has many new features that the iPod 'lookalike' lacks. If you have the space, I would recommend you update to the Xeon version. The vBa CMPS XEON version is also demonstrated at this address, [high]Click HERE for Xeon vbMp3 Demo[/high], this demo is using the full vBulletin integrated beta version all populated from the vb database.

XML Editing:
To change track data, edit the XML files with Notepad or Wordpad, and enter your own urls and tracks.

XEON Facts & Features:
  • 50 mp3 playlist bug fixed, can now hold upto 100 tracks(debugging test environment).
  • Multiple Playlist Switching(*see important note below).
  • Volume control.
  • Panorama (Balance).
  • Visual Effects.
  • Multiple function display.
  • Blue Neon 'Media' effect buttons.
  • Larger font display (as requested).
  • Player coding updated for future vBulletin integration.
  • XEON uses approximately 100 movie clips.
  • Protect from Import implemented, to prevent copyright.
  • XEON comes with 5 populated example playlists.
  • XEON is fully compatible to the forthcoming Pro vbMp3 Player.
XEON To do List:
  • Incorporate 'float' coding, enabling the player to 'float' within the main vBulletin forum or vBa CMPS.
  • Add 'float' close button to XEON flash player.
  • Add Alpha background to flash player (for 'float' to work correctly)
Note: These changes will only affect the XEON mp3 player, it will still remain compatible with the Pro version vBulletin integration.

*XEON Known issues:
1. A bug on XEON means I had to currently release it only in a beta stage. The issue relates to playlist switching, this has been currently set to only 5 playlists, the bug relates to when you click to load a new playlist, you may recieve no autostart upon new playlist load. This 'issue' I am working on, and hopefully have an updated version with unlimited playlists, by deleting the 5-button bank and replacing it with forward and back buttons to skip through playlists. Please note you may experience strange behaviour if you only populate a XML playlist with less than 5 tracks.
2. A sizing problem in the vBa CMPS block requires reversed dimensions.
3. Problem with populating any playlist with over 100 tracks, will cause the player to go into an infinite loop, and become unstable. [high]This was not caught during the 1,000 'dummy' track environment test.[/high]

XEON Fixed Issues:
An issue with the popup window displaying the height and width the wrong size is now fixed.

XEON vbMp3 Player Installation:
The Xeon uses very similar installation code to the vbMp3 Player, full instructions are included in the XEON download package. This player has been tested with the forthcoming vBulletin full integration Pro Mp3 player, soon to be released. For Pro Player details see towards the end of this post.

XEON vbMp3 Player in CMPS:
This is now been added to the XEON package. Full instructions on how to change the background color to match your style is also documented.

vbMp3 Player
This mp3 player is designed as a popup for your members to listen to, while browsing your website. The actual flash mp3 player is designed to read data from mp3 ID tags, or you can enter the artist and tracks manually using the XML file included. The flash player is designed not to auto-start, so you may scroll through all available tracks. All buttons function and you can also select tracks by using the scroll controls and double-clicking a track.

2 sample tracks are already included the playlist XML file {Note: The urls in the example tracks are void, you must replace these urls with your own}.

This modification should function on any vBulletin board from version 3.0 upwards, since only a small piece of javascript is used to create the popup mp3 player window, from the navbar. However, the CMPS block version has only beem tested on vBulletin 3.6 and vBadvanced CMPS 2.2. The planned major addon version will be developed for vBulletin 3.6.1 and higher, since it will require changes to database.

Configuring of tracks is all done in the XML file, do not rename this file because the flash file will fail. Mp3?s can be uploaded to the same server as your site or an external site (just change the complete URL in the XML file). So to add tracks all you need to do is edit the plylist.xml file, and enter the urls and track data (if needed).

NOTE: Using external servers may cause the player to run slower, this can be changed by altering the soundbuffer value of the song/track, in the XML file, which will override the value in the flash file.

Streaming & Sound Buffer parameters in the XML file
There are 2 parameters they may confuse some people so heres an explanation on how they work.
Both can be set in the XML file and set per mp3 track.

If set to 'False' will cause the player to download an entire mp3 before playing.
If set to 'True' will play the mp3 track as soon as the 'soundbuffer' value is reached.

Sound Buffer:
This parameter controls the number of seconds before the mp3 will start to play, obviously it will only work if 'streaming' is set to 'True'.

Using other mp3 Players:

The coding used on this modification can be used with many other free or commercial based mp3 players around the internet, with slight alterations. Please note that the other full integrated version will only work with the players we release, due to the call routines used within the player.

[high]06/10/06:[/high] + XEON vbMp3 Player released This is a high-quality design, all graphics are vectors, and created in Flash 8.0, all embedding code has been updated for this player. The package contains various versions of the player, and 5 example populated playlists.
[high]01/10/06:[/high] + vbPlayer 1.01 added: Player with AutoStart and Shuffle(randomize tracks) disabled. Some minimal code optimized. Requires either the vbMp3 player download or CMPS vbMp3 Player for additional files to function.
Pop up code updated to show link only to registered members.
+ Alternative vbPlayer added: (autoStart Enabled) requires main download to function. If updating from previous version, you may need to clear your browser cache, before the new version will show. Same vbMp3 player just autoStart enabled.

Click INSTALL to receive notifications of updates of this modification.

vbMp3 Player Installation:
Requires uploading of 3 files and 1 template edit.

Upload the following files to your forum ?ROOT?


Template Edit:
AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates -> navbar

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>

After add:
<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<if condition="$show['member']">
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,height=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">vbPlayer</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

End of template edits.

How to Enable all visitors to see vbMp3 Player
To Enable all visitors to see this link, remove the following code from the above code:
<if condition="$show['member']">
and this

Known Issues:
Always have more than one track in the playlist available or the flash file will fail (excludes the new Xeon player).
Place no more than 50 tracks in playlist (excludes the new Xeon player).

Future planned release details
Change name of mp3 player to vBmp3 Pro Player.

  • Use of AdminCP to populate flash player via using the vBulletin product plugin system.
  • Playlist urls and track details stored in database as opposed to the current XML file.
  • Allow playlist to show thumbnails of tracks being played, if available.
  • Create multiple playlists to populate flash player.
  • Playlist will include stream variable and buffer enable/disable per track.
  • Usergroup permissions for use. Good for lowering bandwidth consumption if hosting your own mp3's.
  • Allow admin to set if player should popup or use Flash 'float' in page (requires flash button on player).
  • Allow admin to set autoStart variable (effectively lowering bandwidth upon false page loads).
  • Allow admin to set default variables.
  • Allow admin to enable/disable tracks without deleting.
  • Possibility to allow users to add tracks to a favorite list.
  • Ability to color match the player to the webmasters style.
  • Admin can set color 'tint' of player via RGB or hex values, default will be silver.
  • Color 'tint' of buttons.

Enhanced Flash Player
  • Fix player to use more than 50 tracks per playlist.
  • Pre-loader for slower connections.
  • Controls for volume, pan(balance), etc.
  • Control to enable/disable 'shuffle' of tracks.
  • Use buttons to view available playlists.
  • Use image slide to view images of tracks if available.
  • Incorporate equalizer.
  • New player to be created wider to fit CMPS when used in center block.
  • Old players will be backward compatible.

Please note the demonstration for this modification is no longer available.

In Development:
2 new skinned players - Both of which are shown below. Both players will have more features than the present skin, and other updated files. Your input is always appreciated, to further enhance this modification.

Screenshots below show both the popup and CMPS block versions (see post below for CMPS version).
The other screenshots are players in development (not yet available), enhanced to use the center column of the CMPS.

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 09-07-2006, 11:25 PM
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Originally Posted by thedvs
questio: people will eventually try browsing to the xml file and find all your mp3 urls, so is there a way to stop that?
Good question... I could add a variable, which could be changed by the user dynamically, so the XML file name wouldn't be the same on every site. Obviously, this would need to be set in the AdminCP, and perhaps with a few other options as well, namely number of playlists, etc which I will bring out in the next version.

This was just going to be a small modification, but the attention it has attracted and members input may well place this into a much larger modification than I first anticipated. Nevertheless, I do appreciate the input which will give me the inclination to improve this modification to a better version.
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Old 09-07-2006, 11:44 PM
Draygonia Draygonia is offline
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How would I be able to edit the XML so that I can have my own server host the files? I have Macromedia Dreamweaver and that supports the use of XML files, but I have no clue whatsoever how to use that.

Can you please tell us how we may configure this? BTW, this is AWESOME! Thank you for this mod!
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Old 09-07-2006, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Draygonia
How would I be able to edit the XML so that I can have my own server host the files? I have Macromedia Dreamweaver and that supports the use of XML files, but I have no clue whatsoever how to use that.

Can you please tell us how we may configure this? BTW, this is AWESOME! Thank you for this mod!
With Dreamweaver installed all you need to do is Right-Click on the plylist.xml file and select Edit with Dreamweaver. It should now open in Dreameaver, in the Code view - If not, click the Code button.

In order for the Flash file to process the data correctly I would suggest you enter the full addresses of the mp3's (In Dreamweaver this will show up in green text) - e.g. www.yourdomain.com/mp3/mysong.mp3 then enter the title and track (the black text).

It also supports messages - by this I mean if you wish to have a scrolling message between certain tracks, then you can just enter the text where the url would go... if the flash file detects no extension e.g. .mp3 then it will display the text as a message.

Hope that explains everything!
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Old 09-08-2006, 12:27 AM
Hicksatpd Hicksatpd is offline
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No matter what I do to the playlist xml, the order of the mp3s is always random on the popup. What can I do to fix that?
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Old 09-08-2006, 12:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Hicksatpd
No matter what I do to the playlist xml, the order of the mp3s is always random on the popup. What can I do to fix that?
The first main vbMp3 Player package has the non-autoStart version of the vbPlayer.swf - this version has a 'shuffle' in it. However, the second zip contains the autoStart vbPlayer.swf with no 'shuffle'. If you download the second player, and overwrite the previous version, it will correct this.

It's the 'shuffle' feature that would be causing that issue. Sorry I should have pointed that out in the documentation for the first player.
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Old 09-08-2006, 10:55 AM
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Hello, the 50 songs limit is not fixed yet i assume? Hope it does:P

Also, can in the new version, support different playlists? I mean build playlists as an admin with songs in it, and then the user decides which one will play


Mods, this is going to be a major addition :P
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Old 09-08-2006, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by lanc3lot
Hello, the 50 songs limit is not fixed yet i assume? Hope it does:P

Also, can in the new version, support different playlists? I mean build playlists as an admin with songs in it, and then the user decides which one will play


Mods, this is going to be a major addition :P
That 50 track glitch I should have fixed, in the new version.

There will be playlist selection buttons added, to change playlists from the player, combined with many new functions, including Shuffle, Volume, Pan(Balance), etc.

I'm hoping to have an Admincp panel so new features can be used, namely the following:

AdminCP Settings:
  • Playlist - Setup of all urls and track details.
  • Playlist - Allowing an admin to setup the playlist name and store all tracks in the database as opposed to the XML.
  • Sound Buffer and Streaming - All set by Admicp.
  • Multiple playlist enabled.
  • Usergroup permission settings.

Possible future additions:
  • Thumbnail image uploading of album covers, viewable in the player (can be closed if not required).
  • Hide track information.
  • Equalizer (on player - maybe on next player release).

Obviously, all this will take time since it does involve a lot more coding and flash actionscripting. I will release it has a major addon, since it will also have other addons for the vbAdvanced CMPS portal.

Any other players I make in the meanwhile, will just use XML to populate the flash file.

I have seen many flash players, many have nice skins but then let down by functional controls.:surprised: Personally, if you are going to make a nice looking GUI, then all controls should function.

Oh well, I'll stop babbling and get this CMPS version finsihed and packed!
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Old 09-08-2006, 12:12 PM
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As i said before, this is a major addition, i wanted to suggest you the Album Cover (and maybe more than one per file if it can be done) per file and equalizer, but you already thought it, so i am just amased
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Old 09-08-2006, 12:29 PM
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Well, I may as well turn this modification into a full major addon since many members have shown alot of interest. I didn't intend for this to be so popular, should have released back in March when I originally designed it. But I just never got around to it... lol
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Old 09-08-2006, 05:55 PM
wizardan wizardan is offline
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Originally Posted by syrus.xl

There will be playlist selection buttons added, to change playlists from the player, combined with many new functions, including Shuffle, Volume, Pan(Balance), etc.

I'm hoping to have an Admincp panel so new features can be used, namely the following:

AdminCP Settings:
  • Playlist - Setup of all urls and track details.
  • Playlist - Allowing an admin to setup the playlist name and store all tracks in the database as opposed to the XML.
  • Sound Buffer and Streaming - All set by Admicp.
  • Multiple playlist enabled.
  • Usergroup permission settings.
Prayers answered.
May the coding be smooth work, and the wind always at your back, syrus
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