Version: 1.0.5, by sezmar
Developer Last Online: Sep 2016
Version: 3.5.3
Released: 01-21-2006
Last Update: 01-24-2006
Installs: 216
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
Not Your Normal Marquee System
This is a very cool Marquee System non like you have or will ever see on the net. It has so many features your eyes will pop out of its socket and even more to come. Only 1 template to edit and its all in the installer xml file. All you need to do is locate the HEADER template and add:
to it any were you want the maquee to show.
It is one of the easyest hacks you will ever install and it takes less then 1 minute to do.
Marquee .: on and off :.
TEMPORARY REMOVEDshowgroups .: set what groups you want to view the marquee :. Marquee Behavior .: allows you to set the marquee to either scroll slide or alternate :. Marquee Direction .: Set the direction of the marquee exp. up down left right :. Message Height .: This is to adjust the height of the message if you are going to use up or down :. Marquee Speed .: Set the over-all speed of the message :. Marquee Speed Mouse On .: Speed of mouse hoover :. Marquee Speed Mouse Off .: Speed of mouse no hoover :. Welcome Message .: on and off (exp. Hello username) :. Change the Hello .: allows you to change the Hello to Hi Welcome or any Language :. Marquee Title .: on and off :. Message Title .: Change the Title name :. Title Font .: Change font of title :. Title Size .: Change the Title text size :. Title Color .: Change the title text color :. Title Width .: Change the % of the marquee Title you want the title to take up :. Message .: Change your marquee message :. Message Font .: Change the Message text Font :. Message Size .: Change the Message Size :. Message Color .: Change the message color :. Message Width .: Change the Width of the marquee the Text will take up :.
More options to come on the next update
I want to give special thanks to GillyBabe & Spiffware as Developer and tester he was the one to find most of the bugs so that you guys don't have to deal with them.
Import through Products, then put "$marquee" any where you want the Marquee System to show.
FYI: Running V3.6.8. NYNMS installed clean and functionality is solid.
To empower the user, try this:
Create a Marquee On or Off option in the UserCP. Then wrap $marquee in an if tag that checks this setting.
1) Add UserCP Marquee On/Off button:
ACP / User Profile Fields / Add New User Profile Field
Marquee (pick one you like)
Turn the marquee On or Off.
wheel down to Display Page,
choose "Options: Other" (puts button in Misc Options)
In User Profile Field Manager, note under Name the field number, e.g., field9.
2) Then in the Header template wrap $marguee with an if tag based off the user's preference:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['field9'] <> 'Off'">
Change this example's field9 with your button's field number.
I did " install product and add $marque in header"
This is what i goton the site:
Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: marquee in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 4007
Do I need to make a new template , the one mentioned in the posts called marque?
I created template name marquee , then enabled the plugin, I got again error message!