Version: 4.3.0, by bananalive
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 01-27-2010
Last Update: 10-04-2011
Installs: 1410
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Easily create forms with no HTML or PHP knowledge. Questions can be made compulsory and are checked before the form is submitted. Forms can be previewed. (You can create multiple forms)
There are two posts full of screenshots of this modification
Upload the contents of upload folder to forum root (Allow Overwrite "YES" for overwrite) clientscript\easyforms.css -> \clientscript\
clientscript\easyforms.js -> \clientscript\
Thank you SOO much for porting this, I was dreading having to port my forms over manually As soon as I am able to get my PayPal account set (economy has definitely hurt the funds I do get from my forum), donation heading your way!
You should seriously consider adding a lot more features to assist programming the forms for people with less php/mySQL knowledge and make it a commercial mod, it definitely has the potential. I have used this mod for all sorts of functional code for my site and it has really became a major part of the backbone to my site's system. Thanks again! Installing and nominating MOTM
Hi BL, and thanks for continuing your work on this mod, it's a great one.
I am wondering if I can have the multi-line box that appears for the user to write in, default to a larger size automatically , please let me know if that is possible. I am figuring I need to click "increase" about three times to get to the size I would want. So I would like it to just default to that for the user.
You can do this now. Just click edit on your Multi-line box. You'll see options to increase the 'Text area rows' and 'Text area columns'.
If I do the question in html, it looks fine on the editform page, but not on the actual form. If I do the question in bbcode, it looks fine on the actual form, but not on the editform page.
Corrected in attached product file. BB Code in the question parses on both pages properly now
I have this installed and an excellent product and exactly what I need, but for the life of me I can't get it to do what I want it to.
I want it so that the form is available to be viewed and completed by members, but those members not having permission to edit, add, update, install .xml etc, like admins can do. I've tried all different settings in options and I either get it that I can see all options as a member or none at all including not being able to see the form.
Can anyone please help if this is possible and if so what is the right settings?