Version 2.00 is a major step up from the older versions.
The main difference in 2.00 is the way it works, before PassiveVideo would make the server do all the work. Now 99% of the work is pushed onto the clients machine.
Another major difference is the amount of control Passive Video gives the Admin and User.
Oh and i almost forgot, the embedding is now done with swfObject 2.0 so now you can globally control settings like wmode and it should work in all browsers now.
Admins can now Enable/Disable videos per forum and per usergroup.
Users can now Enable/Disable video embedding too.
Works With:
vBulletin [3.6.X to 3.7.2]
vBlog [1.0.0 to 1.0.3]
vbAdvanced [3.0 RC2]
Passive Video Lite Supported Video Sites:
YouTube v2.00
Google Video v2.00
Yahoo Video v2.00
Passive Video Full Supports Many More Video Sites. Installation Instructions:
Upload the upload/ directory
Install Product XML
Rebuild Forum Info (AdminCp -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Forum Information)
Enjoy the modification
Upgrade Instructions:
Uninstall the previous version
Delete the files you uploaded
Upload the upload/ directory
Install the new Product XML
Rebuild Forum Info (AdminCp -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Forum Information)
Enjoy the modification
Screen Shots: note: these are of Passive Video 2.0 not Passive Video Lite 2.00, so some features may be lacking in the lite version.
There is an issue with this mod and vBSEO (Lite & Pro). Reported fix for 2.0.1 on 8.24ish which is aorund the last time I have seen Chad post. Anyone know him and can contact him?
Until the author resurfaces I sould suggest reading both the threads here and at his site to determine if any of the known bugs might effect you.
Does this modification works as is? Yes
Are there some issues? Yes
Does the Pro version work? Yes
Are there some issues? Yes
Would never have purchased the pro version knowing the author was MIA and resolutions to the issues were in limbo. Hopefuly he will come back in force and will get back on track with this great mod.
There have been many posts with issues with Chad's software. Unfortunatly though his site shows he has recently logged in he has not replied to any public posts for a long time. Like you I made the purchase and quickly found there were some issues. Started reading throuhg posts and found it was not just me. Unfortunatly also found out support was non-existant as of late. Too bad as I ran his mods in the past and have worked exceptionaly well and wanted to support his efforts.
Hopefully Chad will resurface and be able to fix the few issues. Until then I have unistalled and went with "the other" solution on vborg.